Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 843: A vigorous revolution

Big Big Big Wolf: "We...I just want to ask, if the world is destroyed, will something happen to my wife?"

Tony has no money: "Cross-border Talisman...Except for members of the exchange group, other people seem to be unable to use it."

Big Big Big Wolf: "That is to say, my wife can't use the cross-boundary talisman?"

Tony has no money: "Yes, if your wife does not leave the world of Qingqing Prairie, then once the world is destroyed, all the creatures of the world of Qingqing Prairie will die."

Tony has no money: "Wolf, if you love your wife deeply, then from this moment on, you will have no retreat."

The little cute little cute appeared again: "Well, don't go chatting. If you want to participate in this mission, get ready to go!"

Large world loopholes?

Although she has no interest in other worlds, it is ugly, even if the world of Qingqing Prairie is destroyed, what is it to her?

After all, for her, a single thought can destroy many worlds like the green grassland.

After all, it’s not a big deal, is it?

But she thinks Su Chen will also participate in this group mission, right?

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she also wanted to take a good look at Su Chen.

What is the relationship between Xiaodao and Su Chen?

Last time, she actually wanted to take a closer look, but her deity could not stay in that world for too long.

What's more, the trail is not without enemies, those enemies are real enemies of life and death!

If you let those people know about the trail, things will definitely happen.

Therefore, she also condenses a clone, which can be regarded as a tool for the exchange group to participate in group tasks.

"Administrator: Little cutie is here again."

"Strength rank: rank eight."

How can you say that your own strength can't be lower than another administrator, right?

Even if there is a relationship between the administrator and the trail, what about it?

Xiaodao, what exactly do you... want to do?

Hidden from everyone, is it because you want to make a big game of chess?

But where did you put the wedge of the chess game?

Is it that, the administrator?

Chef Xiaofugui: "Can I participate in this group mission?"

Little cutie is coming again: "Of course."

Tony doesn't have any money: "Xiaofugui, how are you doing? After joining the exchange group, have your ambitions changed?"

The chef Xiaofugui: "Indeed, it has changed. I don't want to be an imperial cook in the palace anymore. Being an imperial cook is both useless and frustrated."

Tony has no money: "So, you rebel!"

Limlu Tempest: "Yes, you have joined the exchange group. As a member of my exchange group, you can do whatever you want, and we will be your support."

The ideal is the emperor of the dynasty: "@神厨小福贵, really, Xiaofugui, or you will rebel too! Let's see who is faster, how about it? (I want to try

The chef Xiaofugui: "Rebellion..."

After joining this magical exchange group, his worldview has suffered countless impacts.

Although he is not very active in the group, he must read the chat records in the group.

In the casual conversation among the group of friends, he also probably knew the fate of his own dynasty, and immediately, a tragic process would erupt!

Dynasty Building is already decayed.

Coupled with the invasion of external forces, it will inevitably collapse instantly!

Sun Mengyao: "At that time, Xiao Fugui, who was the emperor?"

Sun Mengyao: "It's unnecessary, and it's a waste of time. Let me say, before all tragedies have happened, you directly set off the decadent dynasty, as a national pioneer, and triggered a vigorous revolution!"

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