Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 851: Devour Legion

"Okay, I have nothing more to ask."

Su Chen's mouth twitched slightly, then said helplessly.

"Really nothing to ask?"

Nangong Ruohan said with a smile.

For some reason, looking at Nangong Ruohan's smile, Su Chen always felt that she had said that on purpose.

The purpose is to see this expression of myself.

Since the big guy wants to see it, let the big guy see it!

It's nothing to put on a speechless expression anyway.

"Really, no more."

"Okay! Since you don't want to ask, then forget it."


Su Chen touched his eyebrows, and looked at this unadjusted power in front of him. He had a toothache.

Let yourself ask questions, and don't answer yourself if you ask.

But I can't say that people play with themselves, after all, they have said it, depending on the situation to answer.

Then I don't ask myself, when I know it, I should know it.

And what this big boss said just now, the so-called omniscience and omnipotence.

Not surprisingly, the powerhouses with the three question marks multiples of them are these omniscient and almighty ones.

Hmm... The boss of Nangong still remembers the past in front of him. Is this the second time?

Recalling the past in front of yourself for no reason?

It seems that he has a great relationship with the Taoist Lord.

Dao master split soul reincarnation?

Or, is he a back-hand behind the fall of Dao Master?

For a moment, Su Chen's mind had many kinds of thoughts, all kinds of **** thoughts.

Because he knows very well that reality is often more **** than he guessed.

But after thinking about it for a while, he didn't think about it anymore.

The most important thing for him now is to work hard to improve his combat effectiveness and cultivation.

Of course, in the same realm, try to improve their own combat power.

Although he didn't think that Dao Master's level of power would harm him, after all, the gap between the two sides was too big, and there was no need.

But what if?

In the event of an accident at the end, then I must be more capable the stronger I am!

As for the question of strengthening exercises with points?

All of this is not something I can deal with at present.

Looking at the current trend, the Taoist wants to cultivate himself. Since he wants to cultivate, then he will improve himself.

Will that level of power use tricks like seizing homes?

Too bad, no good!

"I just reminded them not to let the enemy feel the abnormalities in this world."

Nangong Ruohan turned his gaze, looked into the air, and said, "This world is too weak, so only weak predators came."

"Once the predators report the situation here, there will be stronger predators."

"Wave after wave, the current strength of our exchange group cannot last a few waves."

"By the way, the force behind the predators is the Devouring Legion. The Legion Commander and the two Deputy Legion Commanders are Tier 9 powerhouses. The entire Legion is a force that plunders everywhere and reaps the will of the world."

Su Chen said solemnly after hearing the words: "In other words, as long as the first wave of predators is not solved perfectly, then there will be a steady stream of predators coming and become stronger and stronger?"

"Is such that."

"That's simply... great."

Nangong Ruohan listened to Su Chen's words, but shook his head with a smile, and did not continue.

She said everything that should be said.

She also thought about her own position. Since she became the administrator of the exchange group, she would briefly talk about general information in the group tasks she participated in.

Anyway, this information is just a matter of thought to her.

"I hope the predators will bring a lot of points! In this case, here is a perfect point for points.

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