Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 856: Everything is fine

"Lao Yang, what's the matter with you?"

Big Big Wolf controlled the steel suit and came directly in front of Slow Sheep.

"Now it really is."

Slow Sheep opened the surrounding green grass and said coldly: "The world is about to be destroyed, and the predators are unstoppable!"

At this time, the eyes of Slow Goat and Goat had turned into white, ruthless and indifferent and full of reason.

"You are the real will of the world, right?"

Big Big Wolf froze for a moment. The Slow Sheep just now and the Slow Sheep are two completely different sheep.

The current slow sheep is cold and merciless, just like...a robot.

"The predator reaps the will of the world. This matter has been recorded in the world record."

"It's just, why are you stopping? The predators come here to harvest the world will that has been cultivated for many years, and replace it with a new world will. Don't everything in this world continue to develop as usual?"

"The evolution and development of life, the change and transfer of species, the rising and falling of the moon, everything is so regulated and beautiful."

"But if a predator died in this world, then this world will definitely be destroyed."

Slow Yangyang stared at Big Big Wolf and said coldly.

Grey Wolf frowned upon hearing this, and said, "You are the will of the world. If the will of the world is harvested, doesn't it mean you are finished?"

What is the will of this world?

They came to protect, is this to blame them?

Although protecting the green grasslands is a group task, there are a lot of reward points.

But this reward didn't make Qingqing Prairie World's will, right?

So the protection of the group of friends is equivalent to unconditional rescue support, and the result has attracted complaints?

A complaint with no emotion, only reason and calm world will?

If you let Tony Lim reveal that they heard it, it would be a headache.

"As long as the world can evolve, everything will be fine."

The mechanical response of the will of the Qingqing Prairie world, for the will of the world, they have no emotions and emotions, and everything comes from its own rules and order.

The development of the world is most important.

If the world is in crisis and they need to give up something, the will of the world will give up without hesitation.

Even if it is the self itself.

As long as the world is immortal after self-annihilation, then the will of the world will not hesitate.

Because as long as the world is there, then they are there!

Therefore, the predators reap the will of the world in an orderly manner, and the will of the world will even cooperate.

Rebel, the world will be destroyed.

If you don't resist, this world will still survive.

Then why is it necessary to resist?


Big Gray Wolf understood the words of the will of Qingqing Prairie World, and fell directly into silence.

Because he didn't know what to say, and there was nothing to say.

For the world as a whole, perhaps the will of the world is right. Dedicating themselves, the predators will leave the world after harvesting the will of the world. The world will continue to develop steadily without any disturbance.

But for the creatures living in this world, what is this?

Are they being raised up?

Moreover, it is still the kind that cannot be resisted!

The world doesn't resist, how can they resist?

Especially Gray Wolf, he also knew the result of the failed counterattack, the world collapsed, and Red Wolf died.

But he believes more in the power of the two administrators. With two administrators, this war will never be lost!


Suddenly, an explosion resounded through the clouds.

And this explosion is also a signal for the start of this war!

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