Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 983: Already doing delivery

"The abyss, finally came out."

Limru took a sip of coffee, and the next moment, the figure had disappeared.

When he appeared in the center of New York City, he found a huge illusory gate standing in the air in front of him, deep and weird, and when he looked closely, he seemed to hear the devil whispering inside.

"The breath coming out of the inside is all above the third level."

A black shadow flashed, and the Marquis of Vauban appeared next to Limrou and spoke.

"After the battle, don't know how much New York is left?"

Tony said in a deep voice after walking out of the space crack.

This prosperous city in the past will probably be turned into ruins in a moment.

After all, it is a medium-sized world mission, which is considered a crisis mission for the entire world. Not to mention a city, this free country under your feet may be in danger of destruction.

"Old Marquis, can you see the inside directly?"

Limlu turned his eyes slightly, suspiciously.

His perception was unable to pass through the demon gate and was cut off by a peculiar power.

But he was not surprised that the old marquis could see through.

Although both belong to the seventh-tier powerhouse, the two have different cultivation systems.

The old marquis held a variety of divine powers, and possessed a divine power similar to that of the devil, without being shielded by the power of the devil's gate.

Of course, perhaps the old Marquis is different from his survey method, so he is not shielded by the demon gate.

In any case, the old Marquis can see the scene inside the Demon Gate, which is a good thing for their mission.

"can see."

The Marquis of Vauban nodded slightly and said: "Our mission is to send a demon to invade the abyss. If you break the door of this demon, will the mission be completed?"

Limlu touched her chin when she heard the words, and said, "I don't think it's that simple. Of course, it's not the most important thing."


The Marquis of Vauban jumped his eyelids, and completing the group task was not the most important thing?

Limru, what are you going to do?

"After the devil of the abyss dies, there will be a small bead left behind, so it's the demon inner alchemy!"

Limru looked at the demon gate and said: "These demon inner alchemists can be exchanged for points."

In the next moment, the Marquis of Vauban righteously said: "The old man will stay at the gate of the devil, come out one, and the old man will kill one! I will definitely not let these demons cause trouble!"

Limru: "..."

Tony: "..."


Two streams of light flashed across the horizon, Jingtian Yujian took Fan Xian, and after a few breaths, he came to the three of them.

"This is the goal of our mission?"

Fan Xian looked at the weird and huge demon door in front of him, exuding demonic energy, and swallowed, "The door is so big, the size of the demon that comes out of it will be huge, right?"

"This fight has caused countless casualties!"

Tony glanced at Fan Xian, raised his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'm already doing teleportation work. Give me another half a minute and New York will become an empty city."

Although forcibly interrupting people's lives, it will have a great impact.

Especially in a prosperous economic center city like New York, turning such a city into an empty city will surely bring a lot of economic losses.

But in this case, Tony can't manage that much.

Life-saving is the first!

Life is gone, what's the use of making money?

Isn't life still precious to money?

As for the houses in New York?

Maybe when these New Yorkers come back, the whole New York has been turned into ashes!

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