Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 989: If you want to do it, then do it

Bo Feng Shuimen: "Okay, I will go now!"

Tu Shan carried the handle: "Me too, I'll be there in a while."

Limulu Tempest: "@心慶意乱圣 Monk, monk, won't you come?"

Limlu Tempest: "Also, why haven't you seen you speak in the group recently? Are you in trouble?"

Distraught holy monk: "You go! I won't go now, sorry. (Slimes sighs face

What did he say during this time?

Let's double the sky!

On the one hand, Master was pleased with the diligence of his own strength, and even his own progress shocked the elders.

Many Taishang elders left the customs, pointed themselves, and wanted to improve their strength quickly.

The elders and masters all said that they are the hope of the entire Holy Land, and only to take over the Puchen Holy Land a hundred years later, they will surely lead the Holy Land to become the strongest!

A new master is rising!

But the bad side is that the matter was discovered by the Supreme Elders.

Tangled ah......

Limulu Tempest: "What happened to you?"

Tony has no money: "If there is something that cannot be solved, and it is something that cannot be solved in a short time, then come here first!"

Tony has no money: "Dharma should strengthen the BUFF damage to the devil. Come here, brush yourself up, and raise your strength to the eighth level. The problem that bothers you now may no longer be a problem."

The upset monk: "No, this matter is not a question of strength, but... it concerns my Dao Xin."

Limulu Tempest: "???"

Daoxin, are you connected with such a tall thing?


Are there any problems in this world that cannot be solved by strength?

Anyway, so far, he has not met.

What problem cannot be solved by strength?

Tu Shan carried the handle: "Monk, if it really concerns your Dao Xin, I still suggest you come here to collect points and improve your own strength."

Tu Shan carried the handle: "The change of Dao Xin is uncertain. Maybe you think this way now, but after a while, you won't think that way."

Tu Shan carried the handle: "The seventh-tier you, this is the idea, maybe the eighth-tier you, the powerful you, the concept in your heart may change, and you will not be so persistent."

Eastern Leader: "Yes, when you encounter something that shakes your heart, it still shows that your will is not strong enough."

Eastern Leader: "If one's own will is indestructible, and I think it is correct, then it is correct. How can the Dao Xin be affected by external influences?"

Eastern Leader: "The will of the strong, my way, must be the right way! Even if thousands of people block it, I think I am right!"

Sun Mengyao: "Yes, if the majority is on your side, the minority obeys the majority; the minority is on your side, or even no one is on your side, then the truth is in the hands of the few! Move, follow your own changes. Since you are hesitating about something, it means you want to do it."

Sun Mengyao: "Since you want to do it, then do it! What about the blocking of one world? As long as you think you are right, the entire exchange group is the shield behind you!"

The problem that shakes Dao's heart, that must be a big problem!

At the very least, for monks, that is a big problem!

To use the principles of Buddhist children, that is a catastrophe that monks should have.

If you use some rough words, it's all about looking for trouble. Seeing that you are too idle, find something for yourself!

If you want to do it, do it!

Hesitate, why?

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