Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 995: Xiaoyu playground

"No, you ended the war, which is a good thing."

Tony shook his head and said, "It's just that we are all thinking about how the exchange group will judge the contribution ratio this time."

"after all......"

He didn't say the rest, but everyone understood.

The previous group tasks were all group members participating in the group task in that world, so you can safely allocate the contribution ratio after completion.

But this time is different. Big Gray Wolf came to the end with this shot!

If the contribution ratio of the exchange group is based on the number of demons they kill, in addition to the total amount of demons that die in their hands, the contribution ratio is calculated, which means that after the newcomer comes in, the big guys in the group can bring the brush. Tasks to earn points quickly.

Of course, this is when the boss is idle.

If the boss has something to do, then he must be busy with his own business first.

Speaking of it, it’s not feasible for the boss to take Mengxin to do tasks. If you really want to cultivate Mengxin, you can lend him a point first!

Hmm... Counting that, this is not a bug.

"Communication group, what is that?"

Standing by the demon gate, the superheroes who heard what Tony said were dumbfounded.

In this situation, anyone with a normal mind can see Tony's power.

It turned out that Tony secretly met so many strong people?

And... it turns out that the world they know is just a small fragment of this vast world.

However, Master Gu Yi blinked and muttered to himself: "This is...why did you come to me to learn spells?"


Exchange group.

"The demon legion is destroyed, the mission is complete."

"Reward points for this mission: two million."

"According to the task completion ratio, begin to allocate task points."

"Group members: thick-skinned illegitimate children, task contribution 51%, points: 1.02 million."

"Group member: Limru Tempest, contributes 19% to the task, and scores 380,000 points..."

"Group members: Marquis Vauban, 15% of the mission contribution, 300,000 points."

"Group members: Tony has no money, he contributes 8% to the task and earns 160,000 points."

"Group members: The ideal is the emperor of the dynasty, the task contribution is 6%, and the points are 120,000."

"Group member: Xiaoyu who is quiet and obedient, contributes 1% to the task and earns 20,000 points."

Tu Shan carried the handle: "???"

Tu Shan carried the handle: "Has the task been completed?"

Bofeng Water Gate: "I just arrived at the door, can you complete the task there?"

Limlu Tempest: "You're here at the Watergate? Then, come in quickly while the demon gate is not closed yet."

Bofeng Water Gate: "OK!"

The quiet and obedient Xiaoyu: "Isn't it? This time the mission is completed so fast? You are finished before I appear?"

After coming here, she went to experience the playground Mr. Stark built for her.

Xiaoyu playground!

How could she not be interested in the playground named after her?

She knew the appearance of the Demon Gate.

But at that time she was in San Francisco, California, a city basically the same as her living environment. There was a large entertainment facility called Xiaoyu Playground. How could she not come to experience it?

It was Mr. Stark who was wealthy and built several Xiaoyu playgrounds of different styles.

But she really didn't expect that the group mission would be over before she arrived.

Hmm... She got a consolation prize this time.

Didn't participate in anything, a one percent reward, isn't it just a consolation prize?

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