Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 15 Chapter 15

All the people who were transferred to the special training site from the outer base to the inner base gathered here. Wen Zheng and his team were brought to the center of the team by the instructor.

After everyone arrived, the instructor first praised everyone's performance the day before, and then began to talk about the notice issued by the superiors.

From then on, they were under the management of the base, and their main task was to fight the death worms, and they were managed by their instructors.

They had no doubts about this, and the instructors smoothly issued the latest tasks.

After a day and a night, the battles and casualties in various parts of their city had been uniformly reported to the base.

Among them, the base will send troops to remote villages, and these troops will be stationed there to protect the safety of the people.

And Wen Zheng and his people will be assigned to different areas of the city. Those areas are all injured and fled by the worms, and they may attack again at any time, but the police and patrol teams in the area have suffered heavy casualties and are in urgent need of support.

"This mission will take quite a while. You will need to stay there until the worms in that area are cleared, or the base sends someone to take over. So before you leave, tell your family."

As they were talking, each team received their mission location. Wen Zheng saw that the place he was going to was not far from his neighborhood.

"If there is no problem, take all the equipment. We have prepared transportation for you outside. Hurry up and set off."


With the current road conditions, the only vehicles that can pass are two-wheeled ones. Bicycles are too slow. It is probably an electric bike or a motorcycle.


When they walked out of the door and saw a military green motorcycle outside, they exclaimed from the bottom of their hearts. Some of them ran to the side excitedly and touched it excitedly.

Made by the military, it looks different.

"One for every two people." The instructor stood at the door and gave them a few seconds of excitement before slowly adding, "The mission is the mission. The rider must have a driver's license. Those without a license can only ride an electric bike."

"Ah?" There was a sudden wailing.

"What? The social order is still there. It's OK in special circumstances. You still have to abide by laws and regulations at other times. Besides, the road conditions are so bad now. I really don't dare to let you go on the road if you haven't ridden before.

In addition, the base will conduct a temporary driver's license test in a while. If you don't know how to ride, find a chance to learn quickly. Then you can pass the test and come back."

Even if you want to kill bugs, of course you will choose a motorcycle that looks cooler and has higher performance.

However, there are many young people learning to drive now. Basically, they have passed the car driver's license test, and very few have motorcycle driver's licenses.

The original body didn't take the test, so Wen Zheng could only see Guan Luping in the team smug in front of him.

It can be said that there is one thing that is better than the captain.

In the end, between the back seat of the motorcycle and the electric car, Wen Zheng chose to be the man on the back seat of the motorcycle.

The motorcycle set off first. The road outside the base was cleared by someone, and the ride was very smooth, but going forward, it would be a special test of reaction ability and riding skills.

"It doesn't matter what kind of bike you ride on this road, you still have to slow down." Guan Luping once again fell on his bicycle.

However, when he arrived at the inhabited area, he felt so heavy that he couldn't complain anymore.

The ground was full of various things, including corpses that had not been cleaned up. There were also corpses in the river by the roadside, and more were animal corpses, which might affect the water source.

The modern city that was still prosperous and tidy just a few days ago now seemed to have experienced a war. It was indeed a war, but it was between humans and giant worms.

Most of the high-rise buildings still maintained their intact form, but many low-rise buildings became ruins, and the land looked like it was dug by an excavator.

Occasionally, you can see a few people who didn't go to the base, with more or less injuries on their bodies, and there was no happiness on their faces.

There were police cars on the roadside playing exciting words, and the police went door to door to check the situation and organized ordinary residents to clean up the surroundings spontaneously.

There was no mood to say anything on the road ahead. They arrived at their mission location, where someone was waiting. As soon as they saw Wen Zheng, they came to greet them.

"We can feel relieved when you come. Our area includes three communities. At that time, two adult worms and six newly hatched ones broke out. Now there are still four worms alive, and many residents stayed here. I'll leave it to you in the future."

After talking to the person in charge for a few words, Wen Zheng told the other party that there were still people behind, so he took Guan Luping to familiarize himself with the environment first.

Wen Zheng and his friends finally lived between the three communities. After getting familiar with the environment, they helped the residents clean up the surroundings. If they failed to clean up, they were afraid that bacteria would breed and cause infectious diseases.

Anyone who felt a little uncomfortable had to go to the hospital for a check-up before they could feel at ease.

In this situation, facing worms is bad enough, but don't encounter other problems.

While busy, Wen Zheng would contact his parents every night to confirm that they were all fine before he could feel at ease.

While cleaning the area, Wen Zheng and his team taught the residents how to deal with the bugs. There was a live demonstration, which was clearer than the videos on the Internet.

There were worms that attacked during the process. Injured worms tend to come out more frequently to prey, so Wen Zheng and his team killed them in time.

Several residents of the community also contributed their efforts. When the worms were finally successfully killed, the residents were all very excited. They were no longer so afraid and became more serious about learning.

The time was about to enter winter. After Wen Zheng and the others arrived, they killed the two worms that popped up first. Then they seemed to know the outcome of their companions. The remaining two worms had changed their territory and never appeared again. Pass.

After a few days of calm, something happened nearby again.

Wen Zheng listened to the siren sounding in the distance and stood by the window to check.

Watching the police car heading towards one of the residential areas, Guan Luping called and asked. It turned out that someone had broken into the house, injured someone and ran away after being discovered.

After the worm attack, some people were injured and went to the hospital for treatment, while others chose to rush to live in military bases. There were many empty rooms in several nearby communities, but there were still many things left in them.

So someone had a wrong idea and heard from Guan Luping that it was a gang that committed the crime. The person who discovered it noticed something was wrong and was about to scream when he stabbed him in the back. He was now sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

About half an hour later, the police car came to the community with its siren blaring, and informed the residents of the incident, asking them to be careful of people who were moving around strangely during this period. If they find special circumstances, they should not take risks and notify the police or inform them first.

"Please worry about this matter." The policeman said to Wen Zheng.

"What we should do is, if the injured person reveals the characteristics of the criminal after he wakes up, remember to notify us in time."

After the burglary and wounding case, the relaxed atmosphere in the community became tense again. Whenever there was any movement, they panicked. Wen Zheng and the others received almost twice as many calls for help as before.

It was no longer easy for strangers to enter the community. They had to be scrutinized by the residents wherever they went. Maybe they were unable to deal with this kind of confrontation. In the following days, no incidents such as theft occurred.

The injured person woke up quickly after treatment, but unfortunately not much useful information was given. The person was wearing a hat, scarf and mask. It was cold now, so it was not strange to dress like this.

There was a figure of this person in the intact camera in the community, but it didn't take long for him to disappear into the damaged area of ​​the camera, and there was no more movement.

That's where the clues end.

There is nothing else you can do except keep this matter in mind, be more vigilant, and replace the camera with a new one as soon as possible.

"Captain Wen!"

This time it was not a phone call, but someone came to the place where Wen Zheng and the others were living, crying and howling. Even though they had encountered many misunderstandings caused by excessive suspicion in the past few days, Wen Zheng and the others still took every request for help to heart. .

Hearing the sound, he immediately went out to receive the young woman who hurried over.

The young woman who ran over had her hair disheveled. When she saw them coming out, her next words were filled with tears: "My son is missing."

"The child is missing? Please tell me specifically when and where he disappeared?" Wen Zheng immediately became serious.

"Just downstairs in Building No. 6, my child's father and I wanted to take the child out for a walk. When we got downstairs, I went upstairs to get something, and this man who killed a thousand cuts lost the child. "

The young woman couldn't help cursing: "My son is only six years old this year. If something happens, I will never end it with him."

"Just now, it shouldn't be far away."

Wen Zheng didn't want to guess the worst, and hoped that the child had gone somewhere to play on his own.

"You go and retrieve the surveillance video of the community." Wen Zheng arranged, "The rest of the people go search around Building 6."

The child's father was still calling the child's name around Building 6, with a face full of anxiety and deep regret, begging Wen Zheng and the others to help find their child.

"We will try our best to search for him." Wen Zheng promised. After that, he answered the call and took the lead in one direction under the expectant eyes of the child's parents.

"The surveillance video has been retrieved. Your child finally went to the southwest and then entered the surveillance blind spot. He has not been found in the rest of the camera range yet. He should still be in that area."

"Doudou, doudou, come out quickly, don't scare mom."

"Don't forget that we are going to buy cakes, Doudou. If we don't come out, the cakes will be robbed by others."

The two men shouted while running towards the southwest corner.


Nothing. There were no children in the surveillance blind area, but the children in the surveillance did not come out of that area. Now the problem was serious.

Is it possible that such a big child can disappear out of thin air?

"Did that gang of thieves do it? It must be them. They ran away like this last time. Captain Wen, please help me get my child back." The young woman collapsed on the ground full of despair.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-08-16 23:50:33~2021-08-18 01:26:17~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: The Dead Man's Silence 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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