Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 24 Chapter 24

When Wen Zheng woke up, he was lying on a bed in the base hospital. His parents were holding his hand and sitting beside the bed. They were surprised to notice that he woke up.

"Xiao Zheng, it's great that you're okay. You should stay in the base and don't go out for adventures." Shi Yi held Wen Zheng and refused to let go. Wen Huahui sat at the end of the bed with his back turned and wiped away his tears silently.

After comforting his parents, Wen Zheng accepted the patients who came to check and got a diagnosis that there was nothing serious.

After the base got the news that he woke up, they also sent people to the ward to express their condolences and asked about the specific situation of his battle with the worms. They left after asking.

Until the figures of the base personnel disappeared, Guan Luping ran in from the door with his teammates and gave Wen Zheng a hug before he stood firm.

"Captain, you scared us to death." Thinking about the scene of Wen Zheng's coma now, he couldn't help being scared.

"The doctor checked it. I'm in good health." Wen Zheng comforted them one by one and asked about the situation of the worms after this evolution.

Guan Luping opened his mouth, but before he could utter the first word, Shi Yi pulled him up from the bedside. Even Wen Huahui, who was usually the most talkative, stood between them with a serious face.

"What happened outside has nothing to do with my son. The most important thing for him now is to recover from his injuries."

No matter how bad the situation outside was, it had nothing to do with his son, who was injured. It was not like no one in the government was going to deal with it. Anyway, don't think about taking advantage of Wen Zheng again.

Facing the parents who were protecting their son, Guan Luping and his friends touched their heads embarrassedly and shut up, only talking about interesting things in the base.

They sat in the ward for a while. After completing the mission and returning, they still needed to continue training, so they could only say goodbye to Wen Zheng and come to accompany him another day.

His parents were worried and accompanied him. Wen Zheng also knew that he had scared them this time, so he stayed in the ward honestly and didn't care about anything.

The doctor came to check every time, and there was no obvious damage to his body, but Wen Zheng's sensitive hearing was still damaged. He could still hear, but it was a little weaker than ordinary people.

There are products that can be used for treatment in the game system, but Wen Zheng didn't use them. It would be too strange if he didn't get hurt after killing an evolved worm by himself.

"Mom, I'm out of the hospital and I won't leave the base. I just want to see what the situation is like outside."

Wen Zheng returned to his home in the base. On the way, he found that there were more people in the base, and it was even a bit chaotic. Many people looked pale, and it felt that the situation outside was not very good.

"Alas, I knew you would worry." Shi Yi sighed, waved his hand and let his son act on his own, and no longer stopped his son.

As a combat member of the base, Wen Zheng could see more news from the Internet.

The situation outside was indeed more dangerous. The worms that evolved again could no longer be dealt with as before. Ordinary weapons could not destroy the hard outer shell at all. People who approached them would only die.

Powerful weapons can be used to bomb from high altitude or distance, but if one attack fails to kill them completely, the worms can hide underground to avoid attacks.

The sonic attacks emitted by worms can still affect people at a distance, and even affect communications, making it much more difficult to eliminate them.

The evolved worms were rampant everywhere, even slaughtering those who had not yet moved to the villages and towns, turning them into a dead village and moving in all directions.

People who were close to the worm movement area fled one after another. They were not at ease even if they ran far away, and all those who were able ran to various bases.

"The situation in our Yong'an City is relatively good. I heard that other cities are more serious." Wen Huahui turned on the TV in the house, and almost all channels were reporting the disaster after evolution.

The news did not cover up anything, at most it was not very detailed, but it gave a general description of the situation in various places and marked the high-risk places in various places.

"It seems that our efforts to remove the eggs were not in vain." Wen Zheng said softly.

The parents of the Wen family looked at each other. Although they were worried about their son and did not want him to fight again, they also knew that the risks their son had encountered these days were meaningful.

Since the New Year, teams have been sent from all over the country to remove underground eggs. Yong'an City has the fastest removal speed, and the areas that have not been cleared in the end are relatively sparsely populated mountain villages and towns.

The casualty figures look miserable, but compared with other cities, Yong'an City has the least casualties.

Wen Zheng looked at the situation in other cities on the Internet. Everyone was in a panic about facing the end of the world, but some people comforted everyone by saying that the situation abroad was even worse.

When their lives were in danger, who would care about more dangerous places, let alone abroad.

After recuperating for half a month, Wen Zheng finally couldn't stay at home anymore. He finally convinced his parents that the base would no longer send people to fight worms in close combat. After all, it was sending people to die, and he didn't know how to do anything else, so he was let out.

When he ran to the usual training ground, his teammates were indeed training and not on a mission. They all happily surrounded him when they saw him.

Wen Zheng was also happy. He started training with his teammates without saying hello. After the battle stopped, he felt that his itchy body was relieved.

"It seems that you have recovered well. Come with me."

The instructor who had been watching for a long time called Wen Zheng into his office, asked Wen Zheng to sit down first, and then cared about Wen Zheng's situation.

"I asked you to observe the worms but you fought with them. You are lucky to have survived with only some sequelae on your ears." The instructor glared at him and said, "Don't be so reckless in the future."

"I didn't even think about it before I went there. I was discovered by the worms and couldn't hide, so I had to find a way to attack them."

"You're lucky. The worms had just evolved at that time, and their newly evolved abilities were not yet perfect. If you encounter the worms now, your gas tank will not be enough."

After the white fog appeared, the worms entered the evolutionary state, but they did not evolve instantly. It takes a while for them to slowly upgrade.

Wen Zheng encountered the early stage of evolution at that time. The worms that are now rampant in various places have evolved, so the instructor sighed like this.

"Gas tanks are not allowed. How about luring the worms to a place where a more serious explosion can occur?"

Spreading out the map of the city in the office, Wen Zheng pointed to a gas station in the area where worms are rampant.

The instructor knocked on the table a few times, and when he saw that there was no one in the room, he revealed to Wen Zheng: "Someone above has proposed this plan, but it has not been finalized for various reasons."

"I know that it's not just me who can think of it, but if these worms are not removed, I'm afraid that the damage caused later will be far more than this."

The instructor shook his head and said nothing more. The decision of the base was not something they could interfere with.

But everyone knew that if the worms were not dealt with, it would cause greater damage. No matter what the opponents thought, the proposal was finally passed.

The personnel in the base became busy again. They needed to set traps for the worms in advance, especially how to prevent the worms from escaping.

The location of the trap is particularly important. Find a suitable location in the predicted direction of the worms, evacuate all nearby people, and then strengthen the ground where the trap is located, and find a way to lure the worms from the ground into the trap.

The team where Wen Zheng is located has the opportunity to participate in the plan because of its rich experience in fighting worms. They don't have to go out on missions, but only make suggestions on the plan.

This level of participation gives them the opportunity to witness the implementation of this plan with their own eyes.

In the center of the screen was a gas station that had been transformed long ago. All qualified viewers waited quietly until several cars rushed in.

Yes, because it is not easy for animals to control the direction of their running, their instinctive reaction is to flee in all directions when they encounter danger. In order to lure the worms to the designated target, the lure chose people.

The people who got off the car were wearing thick protective clothing and got to the window as soon as possible after getting off the car.

The evolved worms, which were more than two meters tall, could use their hard shells to directly knock through the obstacles on the road and rush in without moving from the ground, which increased the possibility of success.

Seeing the worm enter the trap, when it ran into the center of the explosion, the lure personnel who stayed at the window activated the equipment prepared in advance, and the door was instantly transferred outward.

At the same time, the door, the □□ placed in the gas station started, and the worms wanted to escape too late.

The violent rumbling sound spread on the screen along with the flames. After the worms screamed in pain, snowflakes flashed on the screen, the communication was interrupted, and the picture disappeared.

Everyone stayed where they were, not even daring to breathe loudly, just quietly waiting for the communication to light up again, waiting for the result of this battle.

In fact, according to the data collected from the battles these days and the precise calculations of the experts, the power of this explosion was enough to eliminate the worms.

After a short and long time, the screen finally lit up green, and the faces of the contact personnel waiting nearby appeared on the screen. When they saw the smiles on their faces, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

"Success! The instrument did not detect the signal of the worm, and several attractors were safe. We are now preventing the spread of the explosion fire."

The commander-in-chief in charge of this matter immediately issued more detailed command orders based on the specific situation over there.

After the communication ended, cheers rang out from the door of the whole room.

A few hours later, the fire caused by the explosion was extinguished, and several teams of fully armed people entered the gas station that had become a ruin and found the completely dead worm bodies from it.

This was a very good start. After reporting this action, all places started a new plan to fight the worms.

It would rather sacrifice those buildings that can be rebuilt than eliminate the worms to protect the lives of the people.

The worms in Yong'an City were still wandering in the relatively desolate periphery. After the order was issued, several places took action at the same time, and the team where Wen Zheng was located also received the task.

Although Wen's parents were somewhat reluctant, they finally watched their child set off.

From the beginning of summer to the hottest summer, Yong'an City left many traces of explosions, and many places became ruins. In contrast, the worms were completely eliminated.

As the first city in the country to get rid of worms, Yong'an City successfully attracted a lot of attention, and people from other regions came to learn.

But Yong'an City did not relax so much. Who knows whether these worms that had just hatched in the white fog left eggs after two months of time.

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