Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 34 Chapter 34 (1/2)

Wen Zheng stayed in the house where he had dinner that night and slept. Before going to bed, he was holding the crystal core that he had pulled out of the zombie's body.

The zombies were solved by everyone together, and the two old men made the greatest contribution, so the crystal core found from them should be owned by everyone. Wen Zheng was even considering whether to teach the old people how to practice.

Wen Zheng mentioned it to the old people, but the old people didn't even ask how to use the crystal core. Instead, they confirmed whether Wen Zheng could use it. After Wen Zheng nodded, they all agreed to give it to Wen Zheng.

Faced with the kindness of the old people, Wen Zheng secretly confirmed the decision he had made long ago. Not only to protect the old people from surviving the disaster, but also to let them live happily and comfortably.

To achieve such a goal, strength is the most important.

Having made a decision in his heart, Wen Zheng no longer hesitated. He held the zombie crystal core in his hand at any time, absorbing the energy inside at a slow speed, and feeling the heat flow in his body becoming more and more obvious.

Just after absorbing all the crystal cores, Wen Zheng was still thinking about whether to go further away and kill some more zombies to get more crystal cores, when Wang Xiang's shouting reached his ears.

This kind of shrill shouting at night means something is happening. Wen Zheng quickly ran to the utility room, opened the entrance to the bottom, and pressed the device installed not far below the entrance.

This device was figured out by Wen Zheng himself in the past two days. When he pressed it here, the air was squeezed along the leather tube and could be transmitted to the side where the old people were sleeping, making a sound enough to wake them up.

After the reminder, Wen Zheng restored the entrance to its original state and ran over there with a long iron rake in his hand. On the way, he could hear someone in the house shouting that there were zombies. There were zombies in the tightly closed house. Wen Zheng could only guess that someone inside had become a zombie, and the most likely one was the pale girl who didn't eat anything at night.

When he got outside the house, he found that these people blocked the door to prevent the zombies from coming in, but blocked Wen Zheng who came to rescue from the outside. It would take more than a while to knock the door open from the outside.


"Ahhhh, they broke the door."

It was too late. Wen Zheng felt a surge of heat in his heart. He hurried from the door to the bedroom window and saw the men and women hugging each other in the house. His voice was much louder than usual, which could be regarded as a roar: "The zombies haven't come in yet, and you don't know how to find something that can be used as a weapon. If you don't take the initiative to kill the zombies and wait for others to rescue you, the final result is that you will die in the hands of zombies."

After being yelled at by Wen Zheng, the two people in the house changed their faces. They rarely faced zombies during the three days of their escape, and they didn't kill any of the few times they did. Even if he was holding a hiking stick as a weapon, he was trembling when he saw his friend turned into a zombie.

With two loud bangs, the door was completely knocked open. The two zombies crossed the broken door, staggered and pushed open the low bed, walked around the bed and walked towards the two living people in the room.

Seeing that Wen Zheng was blocked outside by the anti-theft window and the zombies were close at hand, the two people in the room shouted and hit the zombies in the chest with their trekking poles.

What's the use of hitting the chest? Wen Zheng held back the emotions that gradually burst out in his heart, took out two fruit knives from his trouser pocket, aimed at the eyes of the two zombies one after another, and threw the two knives along the gap of the anti-theft window.

The two people who were waving their trekking poles at the zombies felt a cool breeze passing through their ears, followed by the zombies letting out a painful howl, and then collapsed to the ground and lost their ability to move.

The first zombie was the same. They all had the same feature, that is, the fruit knife inserted in the left eye.

They stood there in a daze, unable to recover until the old man who had just arrived asked loudly, and then they realized it. The young man standing outside the window used two knives to kill the zombies, and also passed through the window and the two of them, directly hitting the zombies' eyes.

This is too accurate.

"It's completely Xiao Li Feidao!" The boy whispered in admiration, and even didn't care about the unpleasant words Wen Zheng said before.

Wen Zheng took a few deep breaths and shouted to the two people in the room: "Don't stand there now that the zombies have been solved. Open the door from the inside first."

"Okay, I'll open the door right away." The boy nodded hurriedly.

To leave the bedroom, they have to pass by the zombies that their friends have turned into. They were afraid when the zombies could move. Now that the zombies have been solved, the suppressed sadness surged from the bottom of their hearts.

It's not easy to escape here and have a good rest, why did it become like this?

Grandpa Li and Grandpa Liu, who arrived later, followed Wen Zheng into the house. As soon as the door was opened, the bright moonlight in the sky and the flashlights in the hands of several people illuminated the house very clearly.

The sofa with the quilt, the blood and flesh left on the ground near the sofa, the damaged bedroom door, and the tracks and corpses of the two zombies, just looking at these can roughly guess what happened.

The surviving couple sat on the stool next to them with their heads in their arms, and their whispers were full of regret: "Why didn't we notice that Ruoyu was injured by the zombies, and she didn't say it. If we had known earlier... If we had known earlier, at least Wang Xiang could still survive."

Squatting next to the zombie that Chen Ruoyu had turned into, Wen Zheng looked at the body that had become rotten during the mutation process, and couldn't find the injured part at all. Compared with the other zombie whose arm was almost broken because of the flesh bitten off by the zombies, the only thing Wen Zheng could be sure of was that the wound of the girl infected by the zombies should not be big.

"Did you see the process of Wang Xiang turning into a zombie just now? How long did it take from being bitten to attacking you?" Wen Zheng turned his head and asked with a frown.

The two people being questioned immediately recalled seriously, and faced Wen Zheng's serious face, and answered a little stutteringly: "I was too nervous at the time, so I remember it was very fast, at most a few minutes."

"But this girl was fine when she was eating."

At least from the comparison of the two situations, we can get a preliminary conclusion that the speed of mutation into zombies is related to the size of the wounds attacked by zombies. Be careful when you meet people in the future, who knows if you will meet someone who is still in the incubation period of zombie mutation.

After dragging the two zombies outside, the house was full of the smell of zombies, and it was completely uninhabitable. The two people apologized to Grandpa Li with some guilt, and promised to clean up the place after dawn.

"Let's talk about this tomorrow. It's still several hours before dawn. Where are you going to rest next? Go back to the car or find another house for you." Grandpa Li yawned and asked the two people.

The young couple had a good understanding, so they looked at each other, and then looked at Wen Zheng at the same time, their faces full of requests.

"Can we stay in the same room with this young man?"

"The main thing is that the flying knife he just used was really powerful. With him next to us, we won't worry."

Well, it depends on Wen Zheng's intention.

Grandpa Li didn't help to agree. Wen Zheng didn't want to cause any more twists and turns, so he nodded to the two of them and said in a somewhat stiff tone: "Okay, but it's best not to disturb me at night."

Grandpa Liu, who was standing next to Wen Zheng, looked at Wen Zheng with more puzzlement. Wen Zheng was usually a good kid to talk to. Except for the few days when Old Wen passed away, he was always enthusiastic and optimistic. Why did he speak so stiffly today? He sounded a little unhappy.

He was obviously fine when they separated at night. Could it be that he was in a bad mood because he was woken up because of that morning grumpiness?

Thinking about the reason in his heart, Grandpa Liu, who was always observing Wen Zheng, saw Wen Zheng reach out and gently rub his temple. He stopped making random guesses and asked decisively: "Xiao Zheng, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

As soon as he said this, Grandpa Li, who was secretly yawning, woke up immediately, and his sleepiness was immediately thrown out of his head. He was full of anxiety: "Where are you feeling uncomfortable? Go back and rest quickly."

Wen Zheng forced himself to endure the discomfort of his body. The two grandfathers' eyes were full of Wen Zheng. They didn't notice that the two people who were just excited because of Wen Zheng's agreement, after hearing the three words "uncomfortable", did not react with their brains, and their bodies subconsciously took a few steps back in the direction away from Wen Zheng.

It shouldn't be such a coincidence, the boy thought to himself, and asked from a distance: "Do you have a fever?"

Grandpa Liu didn't think much about it, put his hand on Wen Zheng, felt the abnormal heat, and confirmed: "He really has a fever."

At the moment when this sentence came out, the couple, who were almost driven crazy by the continuous events in the past few days, were terrified and screamed sharply: "He is going to become a zombie, kill him quickly, otherwise he will attack us."

"What nonsense are you talking about." Grandpa Li frowned, turned his head and glared at them. He was really angry when he heard such words.

"We are not talking nonsense. Chen Ruoyu is right. She had a fever and fainted before she turned into a zombie. And when the zombies first broke out, we all felt fever and headache. It's exactly the same. It's absolutely right. Fever is a sign of turning into a zombie. He is about to turn into a zombie. We must get rid of him before he mutates."

"Nonsense, it can't be a fever caused by catching a cold. Apart from the fever, Xiao Zheng is not like your friend in any way. That little girl is pale, Xiao Zheng's face is red with fever, that little girl can't eat dinner, Xiao Zheng ate two bowls of rice tonight." Grandpa Li became more and more angry as he spoke.

Just now, Wen Zheng saved them from the zombies, and now he is shouting to kill people.

What is this called? Repaying kindness with enmity!

They shouldn't have received these people. Grandpa Li didn't want to care about them at all. He and Grandpa Liu supported Wen Zheng and walked towards the house.

"You don't want to believe it because you have a good relationship with him. It will be too late for you to regret it after he turns into a zombie." The two stayed where they were, not daring to follow.

"If you are afraid, run away, lest we become zombies and harm you." Grandpa Liu left this sentence unsatisfied without looking back.

Before they helped Wen Zheng back into the house, they heard the sound of a car starting, and the two men drove away directly.

There were a lot of things in my mind that I didn't know how to say, the key now was Wen Zheng, and the two old men accepted the complicated thoughts in their hearts. After entering the house, all the doors and windows were blocked tightly, and then Wen Zheng was helped into the air-raid shelter from the entrance.

In fact, Wen Zheng had long felt that his body was a little uncomfortable and easy to get angry, and he wanted to vent these inexplicable emotions. As time went on, this feeling not only did not disappear, but became more and more serious.

He could hear the quarrels between the two old men and people, but he could not react. The symptoms of physical discomfort became more and more obvious, but it was completely different from the feeling on the day of the zombie outbreak. Wen Zheng was basically sure that he was not going to become a zombie, but that it was a problem caused by absorbing too many crystal cores recently.

If he guessed correctly, his body was probably stimulated by the crystal core to have superpowers.

"Grandpa Li, Grandpa Liu." Wen Zheng was not 100% sure. He needed to make some preparations before he completely lost his self-consciousness. "Tie me up with a rope and give me antipyretics. Stay away from me. Don't get close to me. Wait until I wake up."

"Oh, what kind of depressing words are you talking about?"

"Xiao Zheng, listen to your Grandpa Li, don't listen to the nonsense of those two young people. You won't become a zombie. You are just sick. Just take good care of yourself."

The two frightened elderly people choked up as they spoke. Wen Zheng smiled weakly, held the hands of the two elderly people, and promised them: "I promise that nothing will happen. Maybe when I wake up, I will have special abilities, such as setting fire, spitting water, and becoming invisible. I'm afraid that I will accidentally hurt you."

"Do you think you are Sun Wukong or Calabash Brothers?" The two elderly people were anxious and amused by Wen Zheng, at least they relaxed a little.

When they went down to the air-raid shelter, they pressed the reminder device. In the end, they tied him up with a rope as Wen Zheng said, and then hurriedly found antipyretic medicine to pour into him, and wet a towel with cold water and applied it on his forehead.

Not long after the medicine was fed, Wen Zheng fell into a coma. Grandpa Bai and the two grandmothers who received the signal came over with Yueyue in their arms. As soon as they arrived, they saw Wen Zheng tied up, and they were shocked and immediately questioned the two old men.

The two old men were still angry. Grandpa Li turned around and scolded: "It's all the fault of the outsiders we took in today. Xiao Zheng just had a fever, and they insisted that Xiao Zheng would become a zombie..."

"Xiao Zheng is a good child. He was afraid of hurting us, and he was uncomfortable and told us to tie him up."

The old people were all worried about Wen Zheng. Even Yueyue didn't want to sleep, hoping to wait for Brother Wen Zheng to wake up and not become an ugly zombie like other grandparents in the community.

Wen Zheng was tied up, but the old people didn't leave. They all stayed awake, kept changing the wet towels on their heads, and paid attention to Wen Zheng's physical changes.

One hour, two hours, three hours, Wen Zheng's skin showed no signs of transformation to the appearance of a zombie, which made the old people feel relieved. When they touched Wen Zheng's forehead, they found that the scorching temperature that continued to not fade had finally decreased, and they felt a little relieved.

They didn't believe that Wen Zheng would become a zombie at all. Seeing that Wen Zheng's condition was changing for the better, they directly untied the knotted hemp rope and threw it aside, letting Wen Zheng lie on the quilt on the ground, which was much more comfortable.

Wen Zheng, who fell into a deep sleep, was actually not as painful as the old people worried. The energy absorbed from the crystal core gathered in the body, and finally, under the operation of the cultivation method, these energies tried to settle in Wen Zheng's mind.

When it was in the crystal core, it was the purest energy. After entering Wen Zheng's body, the attributes gradually changed. With a bird of fire attribute as a son, Wen Zheng, who stayed with Tuan Tuan for a long time, was more or less contaminated with a little breath of fire attribute, guiding the energy to change towards the fire system.

At first, Wen Zheng felt that there was a fire in his body, causing his whole body to heat up. Later, the fire moved to his mind. The heat was no longer unbearable. Instead, it felt warm and comfortable, like taking a hot spring bath.

The flame kept beating in his mind, and the energy gathered. The flame became bigger and bigger, and finally was gradually compressed. Finally, under Wen Zheng's control, these fiery red energies were compressed into red crystals similar to zombie crystal cores.

The energy flowed out of the crystal, flowed around the body, and returned to the crystal again, but the discomfort in the body had disappeared.

When Wen Zheng woke up from the coma caused by the evolution of superpowers, he looked up and saw that the old people's eyes were red because they didn't sleep in the middle of the night under the flashlight. And they were always paying attention. The moment Wen Zheng woke up, he immediately stood up from the ground, but because of lack of rest, he was a little shaky.

"Grandpa Li, be careful. Grandpa and grandma and Yueyue, I'm sorry to have worried you. I'm completely fine now, even stronger than before." Wen Zheng stood up reflexively to support the person, and then found that the rope that should have been tied to his body was untied and thrown directly into the corner.

Throwing the rope aside, Wen Zheng comforted the people who cared about him while walking in front of them, gave them a tight hug, picked up Yueyue who was looking at him with a smile, kissed the little girl's face, and asked with a smile: "Yueyue, do you want to see Brother Wen Zheng perform a magic trick for you?"

"Magic?" Yueyue's eyes immediately lit up, but she was silent for two seconds, then raised her head and looked into Wen Zheng's eyes, and a small voice sounded, "Will performing magic make Brother Wen Zheng tired? I don't want to see my brother get sick again."

The childish words contained sincere concern. The old people who had been worried for half the night couldn't help but wipe their eyes, and even Wen Zheng felt a little hot in his eyes.

"Thank you Yueyue for your concern. Brother is well now. He won't be tired from performing magic tricks. So Yueyue, do you want to watch?"

"Yueyue wants to watch."

"Okay, then watch it." Wen Zheng faced the old people, holding Yueyue in his right hand and stretching out his left hand. A flame appeared from Wen Zheng's palm and gradually grew bigger, and finally fixed into a small fireball.

Yueyue's eyes widened, her mouth opened, and she couldn't help but stretch out her little hand to get closer to the direction of the fireball, then took it back and clapped: "It's hot, brother is so awesome!"

The old people don't believe in magic. Wen Zheng just woke up and there was nothing. How did the fireball appear? They rubbed their eyes, closed them and opened them again, but the fireball was still there and did not disappear.

Grandpa Li remembered the words Wen Zheng said before he fell into coma. He closed his long mouth and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "I have really turned into a gourd baby."

"No matter how handsome Xiao Zheng is, how can he be a gourd baby? At least he is Nezha." Grandma Wang Shuying retorted and asked curiously, "Xiao Zheng, how did you get so popular?"

"Brother Wen Zheng is Nezha!" Yueyue clapped her little hands, which were almost red. She tilted her head and made a wish, "Then can Yueyue become Sun Wukong?"

Faced with these questions, Wen Zheng withdrew the flames and led them out of the air-raid shelter first. Bathed in the morning sunshine, Wen Zheng explained the origin of his superpower while making breakfast for his relatives who had been worried about him all night.

The old man and the children both half understood and understood.

Wen Zheng put the boiled eggs and milk in front of them, and brought the heated pancakes made yesterday. He sat in his seat and summed it up in one sentence: "In short, we need to collect the crystal nuclei from the zombies' heads, and then I’ll teach you how to absorb it, and maybe you can all develop special abilities.”

The old people looked at each other. They heard that Wen Zheng was very confident, but they didn't believe that they could do it. However, Yueyue had no doubts at all and wanted to learn from Wen Zheng now.

After a meal, several grandparents thoroughly accepted Wen Zheng's superpowers. After seeing the effects of Wen Zheng's experiment with fire superpowers on them, Grandpa Li thought of the thing that had been weighing on his mind.

"Xiao Zheng, the old guys in the community have turned into zombies. We had no way to deal with them before, so we had to pile them up in one place. I think your flames are quite powerful. Can you cremate them?"

"Brother Li is right. We used to have few people, and we couldn't find a place to bury them with our old arms and legs. We couldn't just let them lie like this. After they were cremated, they were placed in an urn. If their children were born in the future, If we get it back, we can have an explanation.”

The elders all agreed with the proposal raised by Mr. Li, and Wen Zheng certainly would not object.

It’s just that the effect of the flames still needs to be tried.

Walking to the area in the community where the dead zombies were placed, Wen Zheng first moved a zombie to the side. After the old people recognized its identity, he threw the flame in his hand.

The bodies of zombies are more fragile than those of normal people. As Wen Zheng continued to throw himself into the flames, he successfully burned the zombies into ashes, which consumed one-fifth of Wen Zheng's energy.

However, after putting the ashes into a clean jar, they found zombie crystal nuclei in the ashes, which Wen Zheng could use to absorb and replenish energy.

Not every zombie has a crystal core. Wen Zheng had exhausted the energy and had no crystal core to replenish it, so he could only slowly recover the energy. In the end it took three days to process everything.

The zombies in the community were gone and the crystal cores were used up. If Wen Zheng wanted to let the old people activate their powers, he needed enough crystal cores. He began to turn his attention to the zombies outside the community.

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