Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 51 Chapter 51 (1/2)

The furry figure left cruelly, and the humans who stayed there couldn't help but wipe away a bitter tear. What was even more sad was that the rest time was over, and they had to get up and continue working.

"It's right in front." Zhang Yuliang explained the direction.

Everyone packed up their things and got in the car. This time they really drove to the zombie rat's lair, which was a shopping mall not far away. The convoy of the Southwest Base was trapped there at the time, and some of the supplies and members were forced to stay there.

Since the zombie rats have been almost eliminated, at least they have to see if the supplies can be taken away, and there are also companions who died to cover them at the time. If they are lucky enough, they can still find them. Zhang Yuliang and his team hope to cremate them and take them back for burial.

When they drove in that direction, a few animals that had not walked too far became a little anxious and shouted at the vehicle several times. The people in the car thought that these mutant animals still had some conscience and would say goodbye to them, so they waved at these mutant animals through the glass window.

The vehicle stopped when it approached the mall. There were several large military green trucks parked outside the mall, with the mark of the southwest region on them. Zhang Yuliang confirmed that the number was correct, but he did not clean up the things inside himself. He regarded them all as gifts to the Northeast Base to end the help he had saved from the mouth of the zombie rat.

"Brother Yuan was completely unconscious in a nearby location at that time. Let's go and look for him separately." Zhang Yuliang and his partners acted separately. At least they were embarrassed to ask the people from the Northeast Base for help in finding their companions who had turned into zombies.

Wen Zheng led people to open these large military green trucks and carefully check and clean them. There was a lot of dirt left by zombie rats outside, and even the inside of the car was a little dirty. There were also many parts that were damaged. At least the tires needed to be replaced.

It didn't take too many people to clean and repair the vehicles. The rest of them entered the mall to search. Although many things should have been destroyed by zombie rats, such a large mall should still have some useful things if they looked carefully.

At least they came here. How could they not return with a full load after running so far?

"What is this?"

"All personnel, be alert, go and see what's going on." Wen Zheng immediately looked up, the voice came from inside the mall.

"There is a big hole on this floor, big enough for an adult to pass through, it's dark inside and you can't see what's going on below, it doesn't look like a rat would make it." Rats are relatively small, rarely make such a big hole.

The first person to arrive described the situation there, the rest of the people all walked over there with caution, and when they entered, they saw the scene someone just described, there really was a big black hole.

"It might be made by rats, leading to an underground parking lot or warehouse, so you can't see what's inside, why don't you put a fireball in there and try." The boy with red hair said as he condensed a fireball and was eager to try it out at the hole.

Wen Zheng frowned and observed the hole in front of him, it didn't look special, but suddenly, a chill suddenly emerged.

I don't know if it's because this hole is similar to the hole dug by the worms in the last world, causing an illusion, but Wen Zheng always believes in his intuition. It would be better to delay some time, but to stay alert. He stretched out his hand to pull the two people closest to the cave entrance back, and reminded: "Everyone retreat."

Just when everyone's body automatically obeyed the order to retreat, several long strips that were so fast that they could not see clearly what they were came out from the ground and hit the temporary protective earth wall.

After Wen Zheng spoke, Grandpa Li and Grandpa Liu reacted the fastest, and erected the earth wall while retreating. Several bangs sounded almost at the same time, and the two grandfathers felt the huge force coming from the other end of the earth wall they supported.

When everyone retreated to a slightly farther distance, the two grandfathers retracted the earth wall, but the mysterious attacker just now disappeared.

"What was that just now?" The red-haired young man was pulled back suddenly, and almost threw the fireball in his hand into his face.

"Xiao Zheng, let's make the cave entrance bigger?" Grandpa Li asked.

Wen Zheng asked several other earth-type superpowers to come out and first prepare defense in front of everyone, and then let Grandpa Li and Liu take action.

Everyone observed the movement of the cave from the opening. The cave kept expanding, and someone threw something into it, but no sound was heard from below until the black crow flew up from the owner's shoulder and circled above the cave.

"Ah!" The black crow was suddenly startled and flew high, but even at this speed, it still couldn't get rid of the thing sticking out from below. It wasn't until the black crow flew to the ceiling and quickly changed direction that the thing that caught up suddenly hit the ceiling.

Everyone saw part of the attacker's appearance clearly.

This thing was like a slender octopus arm, purple all over but with black leaf-like patterns on it, and there was mucus on it. But Wen Zheng noticed that this thing that looked like a tentacle was not as smooth as an animal's tentacles, but under the mucus was a texture that looked like a plant, so it looked a bit like a plant vine.

After the tentacles and vines that stretched out failed to attack the black crow, they continued to attack in the direction of the black crow's flight as if they had eyes. Jiang Huo, the owner of the black crow, was so anxious that he picked up the gun in his hand and shot at it. The bullet went straight through it, and only some juice flowed out of the wound. The tentacle vines paused for barely a second before going crazy and dancing violently.

Wen Zheng had a worse premonition, and then everyone saw that a dozen tentacles of varying thickness suddenly appeared from the hole, directly crossing the earth wall and attacking their position.

"Damn it, we finally solved the zombie rats and still can't stop. What kind of monster is this?"

Everyone attacked these tentacles and vines, while letting ordinary people quickly retreat outside, and the superpowers stayed behind to cover the rear.

"It is more likely to be some kind of mutant plant." Wen Zheng made a judgment, and saw that the mutant sedge in Grandma Shuying's arms moved quickly outside, and the direction of the thickest vines was the wood superpowers in the team.

"I'll do it." Without waiting for Wen Zheng to make the next command, the red-haired boy wanted to show off in front of Wen Zheng, and directly threw the fireball over. After all, it is a fact that everyone knows that plants are afraid of fire.

However, not every plant is afraid of fire, especially when mutant plants face ordinary fire.

These mutant plant vines directly waved their bodies to throw the fireballs out. The mucus on the vines became a perfect protective layer, and the flames did not cause any damage to the vines at all.

At the same time, after the fireball was knocked out, it directly hit the wall and dissipated, leaving only a black mark on the wall.

Seeing that the attack was unsuccessful, the red-haired man gritted his teeth and directly released several fireballs aimed at the same position, but he didn't know that one after another was knocked out and almost hit the ordinary soldiers retreating out.

"Don't waste your superpowers." Wen Zheng stopped him with a stern face, and the red-haired man who realized the problem stopped angrily.

Wen Zheng took out the handy weapon he found after joining the base. It was a new type of □□, which was easy to carry and powerful.

The flame was directly attached to the arrowhead. After the arrow was shot out, it was fixed on the wall with a vine that was shot. The flame on the arrowhead started to burn directly from the wound, which had a little effect.

Although there are more than a dozen vines, there are more than a dozen superpowers this time. Wen Zheng and several grandparents are all very powerful. After the initial period of confusion, everyone basically mastered the rhythm and suppressed these vines.

The vines were damaged one after another and began to retreat.

After Wen Zheng and his team discovered it, they launched a more fierce attack. Unexpectedly, the black marks on the vines that looked like leaves were really leaves. One by one, they stood up, almost like flying knives, flying over from the vines, hitting the earth walls and metal shields with a bang.

After everyone dealt with this wave of leaf attacks, they saw that the vines that were still connected to the bottom had shrunk back.

This building is almost like a typhoon. It can be said that it is a ruin in the ruins, and it is crumbling.

In addition to those who escaped, there were also several tentacles that were burned into charcoal by flames, directly cut off by metal, and even broken into two by bullets lying on the ground.

"The wood and metal psychics try to reinforce the building, and the rest of the psychics should be alert and pay attention to all the movements under their feet." Wen Zheng commanded.

Several people picked up the vines on the ground, thinking that this mutant plant that had never been seen before might have some research value and could be brought back to the base.

"Here is a box." Someone found a storage box from the shelf in the mall, dragged it out directly, and put the vines in it.

"No need to reinforce, just leave." Wen Zheng squatted and felt the movement on the ground with his hands. When he found that Grandpa Li and Grandpa Liu were frowning, he immediately issued an order.

More than a dozen psychics retreated as ordered. Before they reached the door, they saw cracks on the ground. Before everyone appeared outside the door for a few seconds, they heard a loud bang and the building behind them collapsed directly.

"Oh my god, luckily I got out early, otherwise I would have been buried inside."

"The ground suddenly cracked, it must be the plant below, otherwise it should have started from the wall."

"Captain Wen, what should we do with the plant underground? We can't just let it go, who knows if it will be more difficult to deal with in the future."

"But it's also quite strange, is that plant mutated or turned into a zombie? So many zombie rats live here, and the two sides haven't fought."

The fact that they didn't fight shows that the vine plant doesn't need zombie crystal cores, but it can attack black crows and humans, so is the target of this plant the flesh and blood of humans and mutant animals, or even the energy cores in their heads.

After all, when the vines first launched their attacks, they basically came towards the superpowers, so those ordinary soldiers all went out safely.

The actions of several mutant animals when they came over can explain that they were afraid of this place and reminded the humans who were feeding them not to go over.

Wen Zheng kept speculating in his mind.

Although they had experienced another battle and were almost buried in the ruins, at least everyone was safe and sound. Only a few were slightly injured during the battle, but they were not infected with the zombie virus.

The companions were not in danger of life, which means that their team is strong, and there is no need to be nervous and afraid even if there are opponents.

"Of course we can't just leave like this." Wen Zheng kept his eyes on the ruins and made the next arrangements.

Wen Zheng remembered the location of the cave entrance. The ruins above can be cleaned up by the superpowers, but everyone must be on guard, wearing tight clothes outside, observing the ground, and be ready for possible attacks at any time.

The same creatures seem to be more sensitive to each other, just like the black crow will first discover the mutant animal, and when the vine attacks, the mutant grass will feel it.

As the excavation progressed, Wen Zheng narrowed his eyes and found that the mutant grass became active, which probably means that the vines below ran away after finding that they could not defeat it.

Plants without feet usually cannot move, but the mutated plants have wisdom and can move away from the soil in a short time.

At that time, Wen Zheng was saving people in the research institute, and the mutant grass helped him later.

When the ruins cleared a clearing, they saw that the black hole was blocked by a lot of gravel and soil.

Fighting underground is of no benefit to them. Anyway, it takes a lot of crystal cores for the superpowers to move the ground. They spent some time to expand the hole and reveal the situation underground.

The light of the flashlight shone below, and everyone saw that there was no trace of the vine in this area, but there were still items that could not be distinguished. All of them were covered with mucus from the vine, and they looked dirty and could not be distinguished from their original appearance.

"Let's get these things up." Wen Zheng looked at these things and felt familiar. In the last world, people who were dragged underground by worms only left indigestible items.

This mutant vine feels exactly like a worm.

The underground area is full of sewage pipes, and I don't know how plants can grow. Anyway, after careful exploration, no traces of mutant plants were found, but a lot of items left underground were found.

Yueyue and other water-based superpowers washed all the messes. The things at the bottom and the innermost part are basically garbage, and only the items that may have just fallen down have a rough shape.

Most of them are metal products, including □□, watches, knives, etc., and some clothing fragments that have not completely rotted.

"Brother Xiaozheng, are you going to take all these things back?" Yueyue looked up and asked Wen Zheng.

Wen Zheng looked down and was attracted by a watch inside before he answered. After cleaning, the watch can be seen. It is inlaid with diamonds, which is so dazzling that Wen Zheng quickly remembered where he had seen it.

In the photo that Qu Hu took out.

The people in the photos are former leaders who escaped during the resistance battle.

If they really died here, it would be a great relief to the people.

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