Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 59 Chapter 59 (1/2)

The flashlight flashed a few times at the location of the trapped vehicle, and the trapped people saw their suspected rescue attempt.

The car window opened, and the man in the driving seat first climbed carefully from the car window to the roof, and then helped his wife, daughter and mother in the car to move up.

At the same time, the staff in the hotel had found the safety rope, and tightened all the sheets into ropes, connecting them one by one and gradually increasing.

"The water outside is so strong, it's not safe even if you tie a rope to go out." Someone looked at the rope in his hand and worried, there is a long distance from the hotel to the middle of the road.

"Let me try first."

Wen Zheng checked the strength of the rope and tied two wooden sticks in a cross shape at the end of the rope.

Under everyone's eyes, Wen Zheng swung the rope, aimed at a roadside tree at a suitable distance on the roadside, and threw it hard.

When Wen Zheng threw it out, he took into account the interference of the wind, and there was enough force to let the crossed wooden sticks pass through the branches of the roadside tree. When the force was insufficient to fall, Wen Zheng pulled back, and the crossed sticks happened to be stuck in the middle of the branches.


The onlookers were stunned, and some even used the limited power to shoot videos, and applauded after a few seconds of excitement.

Not only Wen Zheng went out, but also several tall and strong men took the initiative to stand up. Wen Zheng checked to make sure that their lower body was relatively stable, and then took them out of the hotel.

At this time, the accumulated water had already submerged the calves of adult men and reached the knees directly.

In the dim sky, you can still see how turbid the accumulated water is. Many plastic bags, branches and even clothes floated on the water and moved downstream with the water.

Before they set off, because they didn't have long-lasting rain boots, they tied their trouser legs tightly in their shoes. Some of those who wore shorts tied them with sheets provided by the hotel, and then put on waterproof shower curtains outside to try to avoid injuries and infections.

It's not strange to see anything in the accumulated water.

With a safety rope tied around the waist and a bed sheet rope in hand, they went into the water.

When they were in the hotel, they could see that the water flow was fierce. After entering the water, they were hit and some people almost lost their balance.

Wen Zheng held the bed sheet rope in one hand and the clothesline as a crutch in the other hand. He tried the way first and then continued to move forward. He also reminded the people following behind to pay more attention.

"Damn, the water flow is too fierce. The weather forecast didn't even warn about this."

"Don't say it, it's a mouthful of water."

The rain was fierce, so they simply put on raincoats made from shower curtains, but they still had to lower their heads to avoid the raindrops.

"We're here, hold the tree tightly, I'll see which direction to go next."

Wen Zheng shouted, and the people behind him immediately held the tree to fix their position. The last person picked up the flashlight and flashed it to the hotel a few times according to the agreed signal.

After the hotel received it, it immediately released more bed sheet ropes. Wen Zheng held the first section tied with cross sticks and aimed at another big tree.

After fixing it, the personnel moved again.

"Wait a minute, it seems that a dog was rushed over."

Someone shouted behind him, Wen Zheng looked over, took a step to the right, stretched out his hand and hugged the puppy swimming in the water.

The puppy who escaped from the water had not struggled because of the danger, but was pinched by Wen Zheng's neck and placed on the trash can next to it.

There was a small area under his feet, and there was still turbulent water around.

The dog trembled and dared not move at all.

"This... don't you save this dog?"

"Take it with you on the way back, and now he is frightened. If he bites someone, there is no way to get a rabies vaccine."

The few people waiting for rescue on the roof of the car were in a similar situation as the dog. Seeing Wen Zheng and his team risking their lives to come to the front of the car, they were so moved that tears were about to fall.

"Let's go back first. The water is getting deeper and it will be harder to walk."

"Okay, let my mother get off first. Please help me."

The middle-aged man helped his mother to get off the car window slowly. Wen Zheng helped by the side of the car. He found that the old man was a little stiff because of the rain. He untied the safety belt from his waist and tied it to the old man.

"The two people behind will help the old man back first. Just follow the way you came. You still have to try it out when you go."

The next one is the child. He is a teenager but not tall. After getting off, the rain almost reached his thighs. He also needs someone to take him back.

The last one is the couple. They support each other and hold the bed sheet rope and walk in the middle of the team. Wen Zheng was the last one. When he passed the trash can, he held the poor dog in his arms. This time, the dog didn't struggle at all.

There were no big accidents on the way back. There were many people waiting outside the hotel gate. When they saw them coming back, they immediately helped them in.

"Come on, wipe off the water on your body, and drink some hot water and cold medicine."

"Brothers are all great."

"Thank you so much, I will treat you all to a meal after the water recedes this time."

The rescued middle-aged man thanked with his wife and daughter, and the old man had been sent to the staff room to clean up and rest.

The man introduced himself as Zhang Yuanying. Judging from the clothes and car he was wearing, he should be in good condition, and his words and actions were also quite comfortable. At this moment, he was holding his wife and children in his hands, and his eyes would occasionally look in the direction where his mother left.

"I can't just watch you get into trouble, so I'll help if I can." Wen Zheng had a good impression of this family and chatted with Zhang Yuanying for a few more words.

Zhang Yuanying asked his wife and daughter to clean up first, and his daughter Zhang Lele even took away the puppy that Wen Zheng had saved. He didn't change his clothes himself, and just stayed at the door with Wen Zheng.

Most people hid in the shops on the roadside when it started to rain, so there were not many people trapped outside.

"Speaking of which, I was also unlucky. I brought my family here to travel. I was originally planning to find a place to hide when I saw it was raining at home. The tire got stuck on the road. If you hadn't come to save people, this time it would have been a bit dangerous."

As he said that, Zhang Yuanying took out a box of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket and was about to hand it to Wen Zheng, but was rejected by Wen Zheng. He took out one himself, hesitated for a while without lighting it, and then held it in his mouth.

"Brother Wen, you go inside and rest first. We will take turns to guard outside." After a busy rescue, although everyone did not exchange their full names, at least they revealed their surnames, so that they could call each other.

Wen Zheng is two years older than Zhang Yuanying.

When he said this, Wen Zheng's eyes were fixed in one direction. Zhang Yuanying, who was originally planning to take over from Wen Zheng, looked over and rubbed his eyes quickly.

The sky became darker and darker in the continuous heavy rain, but the orange-yellow color was always particularly eye-catching. The firefighters tried to control the speed of the kayak and move along the water flow.

"The rescue team is here!"

The shout was full of hope. The people sitting in the hall heard the sound and jumped up and ran to the door.

Even if they were not in danger for the time being, they were still worried about their families in other places and the situation afterwards. It was not until they saw the rescue team and knew that the government was taking measures that they felt relieved.

There were no trapped people around. After seeing the situation here, the rescue team asked, and there was no situation serious enough to need help for the time being.

"The rain will continue. Don't rest on the ground floor at night. Try to make some arrangements in the hotel. We may send people here to take shelter later." The rescue team explained the situation to the hotel.

This 26-story hotel with many rooms is very suitable for temporary accommodation for trapped people.

The hotel certainly has no objection to this, and the rest of the people will have no opinion.

The rescue team left again, and the hotel sent staff to discuss with the residents in the room. Basically, most rooms can accommodate a few more people.

"The water level is higher than the steps and will soon flood in." The staff who stayed at the door to observe the situation outside brought this not-so-good news.

Needless to say, everyone in the hall could see the accumulated water gradually flooding in from the outside, and at this time, there was a quarrel upstairs.

The hotel staff started knocking on the door from the first floor. Even though the sound insulation in the room was good, standing at the door and arguing with people, and close to the stairs, they were still heard by the people downstairs.

"Why do you want us to give up the room? Didn't I spend money? I paid the money, and the right to use the room is mine. Stop knocking on the door, I want to rest."

"Who is this!" The employees above didn't know what to do, but the people downstairs were a little angry when they heard it.

They just saw Wen Zheng and others risking their lives to save people, and the rescue team was also in action. They were full of excitement and wanted to overcome difficulties with everyone. The words of the man upstairs were like pouring a bucket of cold water on their hot hearts.

However, there are not many people like this. Before the people in the hall continued to be angry, good news came from the front desk intercom that a room had been agreed.

In order to seize the time to let everyone rest well, the employees explained the situation directly every time they knocked on the door.

If you don't want to, leave to avoid quarrels and waste time. If you agree, reply to the front desk and let the manager arrange the staff in the hall.

The elevator could not be used after the power outage. The employees started asking from the bottom floor and had not yet arranged all the people in the hall.

The firefighters came here with a group of trapped people who had just been rescued, a total of more than a dozen people.

The room Wen Zheng ordered was on the 26th floor. It was difficult for most people to climb up there. Since Tuan Tuan was staying in the room, he didn't plan to go up.

The physical enhancer brought him more energy than others. Wen Zheng brought the four people who had gone out with him before, and others stayed downstairs to help.

The rain kept pouring down, and the sky became darker and darker. It was impossible to feel the passage of time. Only the accumulated water was rising.

When the accumulated water in the hall was almost up to the knees, all the people evacuated to the second floor.

The elderly, children, and people with relatively poor physical fitness had been arranged to enter the room. Except for the hotel staff, the people who stayed outside were almost all adult men.

"It's already past twelve o'clock. Why doesn't this damn rain show any signs of decreasing? Don't let it rain again."

The group of people sat on the steps of the walking stairs. The extra bedding in the hotel was also taken out. Now they didn't care whether it was clean or not. They were directly spread on the ground, so that those who couldn't help but sleep could sleep for a while.

It can be said that after tossing and worrying for most of the day, the people who were arranged to enter the room actually fell asleep.

As for those people who didn't intend to let the hotel staff toss them around, staying up all night in the stairwell was nothing. But when they heard the heavy rain outside that didn't stop, they lost all desire to sleep.

Zhang Yuanying's cigarettes were distributed, and several smokers stood by the window, holding cigarettes while watching the water level slowly rise along the wall.

The rain still didn't stop.

It was four o'clock in the morning, when most people should be enjoying the fragrance of water, but the water level reached the height of the second floor without most people noticing.

"The second floor should also be moved up."

The hotel staff who were resting moved all the useful things such as bedding from the storage room on the second floor, along with those brought up from the first floor, to the second floor.

Wen Zheng led people to knock on the doors of each hotel room.

The electronic door locks of Yuehua Hotel have backup batteries, which can still be used even if there is a power outage.

Ringing the doorbell and knocking hard on the door at the same time, almost everyone will not sleep too well after experiencing yesterday's heavy rain.

When they are awakened, as long as there is a little light, or get out of bed, they can feel the dampness of the ground, and hurriedly put on their clothes and open the door.

"The water has already reached the second floor. I'll go in and help you take the quilts and other useful things in the room. We need to move upstairs."

The rooms were knocked and opened one by one. People who woke up from their sleep suddenly received the news. Before they had time to think about the seriousness of the problem, they were taken into the house to pack up.

However, not all rooms were so cooperative.

There were a few rooms whose doors were knocked, but the people inside seemed to be unable to hear them and were unwilling to open them.

These rooms were actually the rooms that people were unwilling to live in before.

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