Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 6 Chapter 6

Humans are really good at adapting. In just one month, they have gotten used to a life of eating, sleeping and killing bugs.

Since the giant worms attacked everywhere and entered the public's field of vision, the country has declared a moment of emergency.

In the first few days, everyone was in a panic. Not to mention going to work or school, they didn't even dare to leave their homes unless necessary.

Staying at home in fear, many people with more ideas have wholeheartedly studied a hundred ways to kill worms.

For modern people who have read all kinds of imaginative apocalyptic articles, it's just giant bugs. At least it's not like zombies that infect a group of people, so it's not the end of the world.

Any idea that seems to make sense will basically be posted on the Internet. Some netizens who have the ability to execute and are unlucky enough to encounter worms have really tried it in reality.

Various pesticides, realgar powder, sulfur powder, salt, alcohol, as well as traps, poisoned food and other methods have been tried one by one, some are useful, some are useless.

But the most effective one is to only injure the dead worms. If it is light, it will make the worms fall into a manic state and attack more strongly. If it is heavy, it will directly find an opportunity to burrow into the soil, and come out after a while, still intact.

So far, the most effective means are still the two methods released by the official, but the requirements for the users are relatively high.

After a month of fighting, many people have gained experience in fighting the enemy, but correspondingly, the worms have become smarter.

Often worms will suddenly appear, and after catching enough food, whether it is human or animal, or after being strongly attacked, they will immediately burrow into the ground.

If you fail to leave it before it leaves, it will completely lose its trace until it appears again.

The worms are in the dark, and people are in the light.

Unfortunately, worms only need to attack to meet their living needs, but people in modern society cannot just stay at home.

Society has not completely collapsed, so it must continue to operate, so as to maintain everyone's normal life.

In a month, the patrol team was formed and had a certain combat effectiveness after training, and the public also learned through the Internet and the government, at least in theory, the experience of fighting the enemy is sufficient.

After fighting with the worms many times, more characteristics of the death worms were summarized.

They have a strong sense of territory, and there are often only one or two giant worms in a certain area.

The worms have weak defense, but strong escape and recovery abilities. However, every time they seriously injure the worms, they will get a period of peace.

So during this period, everyone went out of the house to replenish supplies, while workers still could not escape the fate of going to work.

However, there are still many changes in specific life and before the disaster.

Students stay at home to take online classes. As long as they can work online, they don’t need to go to the company. Anyone who walks outside carries weapons to deal with the attack of insects.

At Wen’s house, Wen Zheng joined the patrol team, and he knew that the disaster was not that simple, so he quit his previous job directly.

As a teacher, Wen Huahui did not have to go to school at the beginning of the school year because of the danger, and only needed to take online classes at home. Shi Yi took a leave before the disaster and still needs to go to work.

"Son, you don't have to pick me up every time. I'm your mother. I'm awesome." Shi Yi raised her lips before leaving the house, trying to push her son into the house.

Wen Zheng used a little trick to get rid of Shi Yi's obstruction and stood outside the door: "Mom, it's not time for me to patrol yet. Anyway, there's nothing to do. I can only feel relieved if I send you there in person."

She had a child late, so she couldn't help but spoil her son a little, but her son didn't grow up crooked and was usually very considerate.

He used to look a little homesick and not very capable of handling things, but when the disaster came, her son grew up quickly.

If she didn't know the previous experiences and the little things at home clearly, and some of the little actions were exactly the same, she wouldn't believe that this was her son.

"Children are still good, much more useful than your father."

Wen Huahui was watching the news, and didn't expect that he would be shot without saying a word. When he heard someone mention him, he raised his head in confusion: "Ah?"

"It's okay, continue watching your news." Shi Yi rolled her eyes, turned around and took her son out.

Wen Zheng's patrol time is from 9 am to 5 pm, 9 am to 5 pm. Although he is not formally organized, he is also a government contract worker.

The risk is high, but the salary is not low.

The morning in early September was still a bit hot. When Wen Zheng walked to the gathering place, several team members were already waiting there. When they saw Wen Zheng, they hurriedly greeted him.

"Captain Wen is here."

With the physical enhancer and the body-building method obtained in the previous disaster world, Wen Zheng's physique can be said to be the best.

The experience of multiple disaster worlds has made him very experienced in combat. Even if he deliberately concealed a little, he also performed well among the people who signed up for the patrol team and finally became the captain of the patrol team.

Their patrol team is mainly responsible for the entire community. They not only need to pay attention to whether the ground is prone to invasion, but also need to resolve disputes in the community.

It is basically another form of police.

"Are all the people here?" At 8:50, Wen Zheng arranged today's tasks after everyone arrived. "Team One will be responsible for monitoring in the morning, Team Two will patrol, and we will exchange in the afternoon."


The worm appeared several times near the community a few days ago. Wen Zheng rushed over with his weapon in hand. His movements were quick and decisive, and every move was enough to drive the worm to death.

Just after that battle, the teammates' level of conviction in Wen Zheng increased rapidly, and the previous dissatisfaction because of Wen Zheng's youth disappeared completely.

Now the captain called him affectionately every day, hoping that Wen Zheng could teach them a few tricks.

Unfortunately, Wen Zheng was delayed for a few seconds because of saving people, and the worms in their community could definitely be solved.

But even if the worms escaped in the end, they were seriously injured and would not come out for a while.

Sure enough, the whole morning was calm. After lunch at noon, Wen Zheng arranged the second team to start patrolling.

The sun was hotter in the afternoon. They still patrolled in the tourist sightseeing car, which could clearly see the situation outside, but the sunshade effect was not so good. Sitting in the car facing the sun, they felt a little dizzy.

"Captain, under the newly modified camera at the west gate of the community, there is a man wearing a black hat sneaking around. He stopped the residents of the community in the corner and said something." The first team responsible for monitoring noticed something unusual and notified immediately.

"Who dares to cause trouble?" Upon hearing that something was going on, the team members who were not very energetic just now instantly became energetic.

The driver moved his arm, the vehicle turned, and drove towards the west door, stopping in a hidden corner covered by trees.

Wen Zheng got out of the car first and sneaked towards the other party's location quietly.

The target of the black hat was obvious, and Wen Zheng locked the target at a glance, but they arrived a little late. The black hat had finished talking to the residents of the community and stuffed a package into the other party's arms.

Making a gesture to his teammates to ask the residents of the community, Wen Zheng quietly walked behind the black hat.

"Who are you?"

Wen Zheng suddenly spoke, scaring the black hat.

The black hat reflexively raised his head and saw the patrol team logo on Wen Zheng's body first. He immediately lowered his head again, his body tensed, and planned to slip away immediately.

Before he ran two steps, Wen Zheng grabbed the collar of the black hat's shirt with one hand, as if he had grabbed the back of fate's neck. His legs wanted to run forward, but the force from his neck did not allow it.

This was not the end. Wen Zheng suddenly let go of the man after grabbing him. Black Hat, who was still struggling to break free, failed to brake.

With a snap, he collapsed to the ground. If he hadn't used both hands to support the ground in time, his nose would have been broken.

"Are you still running?"

Black Hat looked at the several pairs of feet that appeared around him at some point, shook his head with a sad face, and dared not run again.

"Since you're not running anymore..." Wen Zheng bent down and picked up the oil paper bag that fell from the man's arms and weighed it in his palm, "Tell me, what's in it?"

Already surrounded by patrol members, he couldn't run away. Black Hat secretly hated himself for being careless, and answered dejectedly: "It contains hemostatic medicine."

"By hemostatic medicine, do you mean the special hemostatic medicine for insect bites?"

Hearing the word hemostatic medicine, even the patrol members couldn't help but get excited.

During this period, the number of casualties from the death worms continued to increase. Among them, 30% of them died from excessive blood loss due to the wounds that were not fatal after being bitten, but they failed to treat the wounds in time.

Many people complained about the small amount of medicine and the strict procedures that required specific doctors to use it.

Everyone wanted to buy more of this life-saving medicine and carry it with them. They had to prepare several copies at home and at work.

It's a pity that it can't be bought.

The other party looked up with great pride: "Besides this medicine, what other hemostatic medicine would I sell secretly?"

"Those who sell fake medicine will also be sneaky." Someone was dissatisfied and attacked.

The black hat looked up, his face full of dissatisfaction: "You can open it and see for yourself, right?"

Several team members looked at each other and collectively cast their target on Wen Zheng. Wen Zheng directly took action and removed the rope on it.

When he opened it, except for being a little rough, the color and smell were extremely similar to the special hemostatic medicine issued by the government.

Now the question is, is this medicine real? If so, where did it come from?

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-04 23:51:12~2021-08-05 23:37:59~

Thank you to the little angels who irrigated nutrient solution: 5 bottles of the dead silence;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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