Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 71 Chapter 71 (1/2)

The medicinal plants excavated by Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were in complete condition, and the parts with better effects were well protected without any damage.

The plants used as wild vegetables do not need to be handled so carefully, but the ones they picked not only come in many varieties, but also are in a fresh and tender state with good taste, so there is no need for the canteen to sort them.

These plants excavated from the wild can bring them a lot of profits every day. The first time they take the harvest to the collection office, they are remembered by the staff. After several days in a row, they still have the same amazing quality. The Acquisition Office has thoroughly established a good cooperative relationship with them.

The job of being able to eat and drink was enough, and the income was not low, which made the father and son of the Jian family very jealous when they saw it. However, the two of them finally applied for electrician jobs, but in the end they were not replaced.

The weather is getting colder and colder. Both Wen Zheng and Tuantuan hope to change the place where they live before the Chinese New Year, so they work very hard every day. In addition, these things are relatively scarce in the new city, and the price of houses is not so high.

Finally before the Chinese New Year, they went to the housing management office in Xincheng to choose a new room that met the requirements of both father and son.

"The rooms in this community meet your requirements very well. It has two bedrooms and one living room. It is quite spacious for the two of you. It also has a separate bathroom and kitchen. It is also located on the edge of the city, close to the wild and a lot of abandoned land. It’s just a little pricey.”

Houses in the new city cannot be purchased. All houses require monthly rent, but the better the rooms, the more expensive the rent, and there are more other expenses.

If they just want to change to a slightly better room than the one they live in now, they don't need to wait for such a long time. The room change suggestions provided by the staff now can be said to have jumped several levels.

However, the price was still within Wen Zheng's expectation.

"Is there a building with fewer people? It's best to be on the sixth floor."

Wen Zheng saw Tuantuan's excitement and determined that both he and his son were quite satisfied with the room, so he directly made further decisions based on this standard.

There are not many people who can live in these expensive areas now. The staff quickly selects suitable buildings for them. Wen Zheng directly pays the first month's price and pays the staff who are also responsible for decorating the furniture.

"I know these rooms only have basic furniture. We plan to move there in three days. Here is a list of room decorations required. Please calculate the total cost and deposit. I will pay it directly together with the rent later."

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Three days were enough for them to pack up all their things, and on the last day they invited people they knew well here for dinner and a simple farewell.

There are no hotel rooms here. People are invited to eat in the dining hall, but the tables, chairs and benches can be put together. Wen Zheng had already established a good relationship with the canteen staff because of the supply of vegetables. He directly told them about this in advance, and then spent extra money to put on a pretty good banquet.

Alcohol and tobacco are out of the question. Even drunkards and old smokers have to quit smoking and drinking under such circumstances, but a table of good food is enough to satisfy them.

"I know that you two, father and son, will stay here for a short time. Just don't forget about us after you move out. It would be great if there is some way to make money to support us."

"What are you thinking about? Wen Zheng and Xiao Ling go out early and come back late in the rain every day. The life they have now is all thanks to their own efforts. If you want to live a good life, you have to work hard."

Without Wen Zheng saying anything, Jian Huabin helped block the person asking for help. People who have a good relationship with Wen Zheng are actually not bad at heart. It's just that when you see others living a good life, you will inevitably feel a sense of disparity sometimes, but this will not distort your mentality.

Wen Zheng didn't speak much at the table, and he left the same impression on everyone, at least that he was a capable person who was not difficult to get along with. After sending their well-fed friends back to the building where they lived, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan did not go up again, but turned around and left after they all entered.

The things were delivered to the new house in advance. The two walked slowly along the road for a while, then waved for a profitable taxi and entered their new home.

The sudden change from a small room to a large room was quite a surprise. Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were a little excited when they saw the rooms decorated according to their requirements, and compared with the ones they purchased and transformed in the real world. I felt the same way when I stayed in the room.

Not long after the two moved, they ushered in the New Year.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were very satisfied with the new home after living in it for a few days. Unless there were necessary reasons in the future, they had no plans to move away from here.

On the night of New Year's Eve, they officially opened fire directly in this house, using electricity that was supplied throughout the day but was extremely expensive. Some of the ingredients were obtained by themselves or purchased from purchasers. The two of them tossed the whole table and took a break when they were full. They ate until the clock struck twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

Before the New Year, those planting bases solved various problems and successfully brought the food grown there into the harvesting stage. The output was considerable, which directly alleviated the food pressure and brought good news as the New Year approaches.

During the Chinese New Year, everyone can eat normal meals, but soon after the New Year, the planting base solved the planting problems and produced more urgently needed food, and then allocated part of the land to grow vegetables.

Vegetables can be harvested in a short time, and artificially grown vegetables often taste better than those wild vegetables grown naturally. After this news spread, those who made a living by picking in the wild became uneasy. Because it goes without saying that when artificially grown vegetables are harvested, the purchase price of those wild vegetables will definitely be lower.

While these scattered personnel were anxious, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan were not panicking at all. In fact, they planned to change their work content after the beginning of the year.

After the New Year holiday, Wen Zheng went directly to the people of the Trading Bureau to rent all the rooms on their floor. Because they had this plan before, they told the staff in advance that they did not have to choose their building and this floor to live during this period, so they have been vacant until now.

After the other two rooms on this floor were rented, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan arranged the two rooms into a planting and breeding base according to the plan.

There are wild vegetable seeds that are adapted to current life, seeds sold from those successful planting bases, and seeds before the end of the world that have been brought from Quxing Mountain.

The animals they farmed were caught in the mountains and forests. The wild areas in Xincheng where people can move around are not very large, and they are almost all surrounded by barbed wire. Those areas where people cannot move around freely are often only entered by the military, and appropriate hunting is carried out without affecting the new biosphere formed naturally.

However, those barbed wires can prevent large animals, but it does not mean that all animals can be prevented. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan caught rabbits and hedgehogs, and finally got together several pairs. Now they are pregnant, just in time to move from the room where they live to the specially purchased breeding house.

The two bought a room and carried soil upstairs, which inevitably made a lot of noise. At the same time, because of their particularly loud reputation in the work of picking in the wild, many people in the picking industry paid attention to them. Seeing their tossing, they only knew that they were growing vegetables in the house, and almost didn't think much of them.

Many people wanted to see the father and son lose all their money, but before things developed, the sudden huge changes attracted everyone's attention, leaving them no time to take care of the rest of the situation.

From the sudden storm at the end of the summer of the previous year to the spring of the new year, even if no one has calculated seriously, they can vaguely know that almost half a year has passed, and life has been turned upside down.

In the past six months, many people have noticed the pattern of these rainstorms. Almost every month, the last few days tend to slow down the rain, but it has never really stopped.

But in the last few days of this month, the rain was much smaller than in the previous months, until at some point, it stopped completely.

When it just stopped, no one noticed it. After all, the raindrops falling all the time have become their daily life, and the smaller rain these days makes them less sensitive to it.

Or maybe it can be said that they have no hope of listening to the rain.

Before the government officially notified everyone, the first person to discover this was a young child. When he leaned on the window to see if his parents had come back from outside, he found that it was not raining outside.

This young child didn't have such clear memories of the past, but the memories of the past six months were impressive enough to make him think that it was normal for the sky to always rain. So when he found this, he was surprised to share it with his parents who walked downstairs.

"Dad, Mom, it doesn't seem to be raining anymore."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Stay in the room and take care of it. Mom and Dad will be back soon." But the parents didn't take this seriously, just thinking that it was a lie made up by the child when he was bored.

"Really, it really isn't raining. If you don't believe me, go out and see for yourself."

The child felt very aggrieved after being blamed by his parents. He put his hands outside the window and made sure that he didn't feel the raindrops. Then he changed to an affirmative tone and asked his parents to come out from under those rainproof things and feel this changed world for themselves.

The child's solemn promise was exchanged for the parents' doubts. They finally put some of their minds on the possibility that the content of the child's words was true, and then they found that the sounds around them at this moment were a little different from before.

There was no sound of raindrops hitting the rainproof facilities above their heads all the time.

Could it be that the rain is really going to stop?

The parents finally walked outside the rain shelter on the road. They looked up at the dark clouds that still covered the sky. The clouds did not dissipate, but they did not feel any water drops on their faces.

"The rain has really stopped."

When the children and their parents were talking upstairs and downstairs, all the people nearby who heard what they were talking stopped involuntarily.

When the parents stood outside for a long time with their heads raised, they could not help but take a step forward, stood out as well, and looked up at the sky.

This action seemed to be contagious. Groups of people looked up as if it was a ridiculous painting, but everyone's face was full of disbelief and joy, until their necks could no longer bear such a posture, and they returned their heads to a normal posture.

Everyone stopped their work and sat blankly under the sky. Even if it did not rain when night fell, no one dared to be sure that the disaster had stopped.

After the night fell, some people could not bear the fatigue and went back to the room to rest, but more people could not sleep all night, and some even stayed outside all night.

They had the same prayer in their hearts, praying that the fact of stopping the rain would not be so short, praying that they would not be given hope and then despair.

Time still ran in its own way, the sky gradually turned from dark to bright, and a few golden rays of sunlight scattered from the sky to people, waking people up from the open windows.

The scorching sun made the eyes that had not seen each other for a long time experience full stimulation, and the tears that relieved the discomfort of the eyes kept flowing from the corners of the eyes, but all those who felt it would rather endure this discomfort and insist on looking up to the sky.

Even if there were still many dark clouds in the sky, even if the round sun could not be seen clearly, even if only a few rays of sunlight penetrated the thick clouds, they did not want to refuse this long-lost reunion.

"The sun..."

"Did you see it? The rainstorm stopped, the sun came out, and we are basking in the sun."

"Is it finally over? Is this disaster finally going to disappear?"

People all came out of their rooms, enjoying the warm sunshine. The emotions that had been suppressed from last night to now suddenly came out. They were excited, laughing, celebrating, and wanted to vent all the suppressed emotions of the past six months.

For three whole days, Xincheng was in a carnival, and all ordinary people were in a state of excitement several times higher than the New Year. They did not notice that the government remained silent at this time, and had not announced the end of the six-month rainstorm, nor did they encourage everyone to prepare to return to their previous lives.

When everyone vented their emotions in these three days, the government chose to issue a formal notice.

But they would rather not hear it.

According to the news released by the government, after this sudden rainstorm, the world, except for those countries that were directly destroyed in the floods and tsunamis caused by the rainstorm, immediately organized people to conduct research.

According to the content released by the government, Wen Zheng discovered that the planets in this world are different from the real world he came from. Now there are more than a dozen large planets around the planet they are on, maintaining harmony.

Just before the disaster, one of the planets was hit by an asteroid, which triggered a chain of changes. Although this chain of changes did not lead to the destruction of the planet we live on, it caused a huge change in the climate.

Now that the rainstorm has stopped and the sun has appeared, it does not mean that people can return to their previous lives. This planet has not completely adapted to the changes in the universe, and even humans cannot predict what will happen in the future.

This official news released by the government represents authority, and even if you don’t want to believe it, you have to believe it.

People have come out of the state of thinking that they will soon return to their past lives, but it may be because the sunshine that has not been seen for a long time can really drive away the grayness in their hearts, and there are also reasons for consuming a lot of emotions in the previous carnival. The masses did not make too intense a welcome and continued to live according to the trajectory before the rain stopped, but some aspects have quietly changed.

From the rain stopping to the sun appearing, and then to the government issuing an official notice, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan knew that the disaster would not end so easily during the three years of the mission, but they completely referred to the performance of the people around them and blended into the crowd without any flaws.

Even if someone observed them, they could not see any difference between their performance and that of the others.

No matter what abnormal situation they would encounter later, life still had to go on.

Some people found that the sun had been shining on the earth for a week, and even the water level was decreasing at a very slow but real rate. Soon they contracted the land and planted directly, which was much cheaper than the official planting base, and they did not have to worry about the various problems caused by the lack of sunshine and continuous heavy rain.

However, Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan still planted and raised in the room according to the original plan, but now they did not have to worry about the lighting problem. They opened the windows every day and used glass to let the sunlight spread throughout the planting area.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan were not bad in planting and raising, and they also had plug-ins, which were not purchased from the system store, but were obtained in the world of deserted island survival before, and could be used in many worlds.

The two had just tried it in the flooded world here, but it didn't work. Now the effect is still so low that it is almost imperceptible. But a little bit adds up to a lot, and it can always strengthen the physique of the two, and the energy attracted during practice helps the plants and animals grow better.

In this case, through careful care every day, many vegetables can naturally grow smoothly. Besides, their main goal is to raise small animals. Going to the wild to get some medicinal plants whose prices have not dropped much, and bringing back a lot of wild vegetables, or earthworms and other insects, is the feed for these small animals.

Wild rabbits and hedgehogs are not that difficult to raise, and the growth cycle of both is relatively short. After more than two months after the Chinese New Year, the hedgehogs are big enough to be sold, and after the third month, the rabbits are also sent to the purchasing agency.

Wen Zheng and Tuantuan sent male rabbits and male hedgehogs to sell, and they were all raised to be plump, especially the rabbits, which looked like they were all meat, much heavier than those caught in the wild, and tasted better.

These hedgehog meat and rabbit meat sent to the table were not particularly popular, after all, everyone still preferred chicken, duck, pork and fish, but they immediately brought a large amount of income to Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan. At the same time, there were many more pregnant animals in the breeding room, all of which represented income.

It was at this time that everyone gradually discovered that things were not as simple as they expected. Just as the government announced to everyone, the climate really changed completely.

From the day the sun came out, for nearly two or three months now, the sun has been shining on the ground every day, but there has not been a trace of rain during this period, as if all the rain had fallen in the first half of the year.

The soil on the mountain moistened by the heavy rain was slowly dried up over time, and the plants planted outside could not withstand such a long period of light. Not only did they have to find a way to block the hot sunlight, but they also had to find a way to pump water to irrigate the dry land, making those who were eager to contract the land but did not think too much deeply regret it.

A few months ago, who would worry about pumping water to irrigate the land because of drought? It can only be said that the world is really changing too fast.

At the same time, according to the research results released by the government, during the previous six months of heavy rain, glaciers around the world melted due to the changes caused by the planet. According to the measurements during this period, the continuous exposure to sunlight did not lower the water level too much, and the water level could not return to the previous standard.

Time passed quickly as humans adapted to the new life. Many of the facilities that blocked rain were withdrawn. People no longer liked the top of the mountain farthest from the water, but moved to the more shady mountainside.

The strong winds that accompanied the rainstorm made the water surface less dangerous. The water flow has a strong purification ability, and the rain can allow the organisms in the water to grow freely for up to half a year.

Now on the water surface, there are not only those ships that are stable in the storm, but also many small boats gliding and fishing near the new city. Now, except for the children who are too young, almost all of them have mastered good fishing skills.

Also during this period of time, the ships that once brought the survivors to the new city began to go to various places to check the situation according to the requirements of the government. Many places left a few people who wanted to stay in their hometowns and were unwilling to move.

After investigation, we found out that some of the survivors were transported to the places in the new city that were not flooded during the heavy rain by the ship. Although they are now exposed due to the evaporation of water by the sun, there are obvious signs of flooding there, and no one survived.

Only a few high mountains are still alive. They have received the latest news and official research results from the ship. When the ship returned to the new city, some people wanted to visit their hometown and signed up to travel with the ship. In the end, a group of people were selected to leave.

Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan came here for the mission and did not have much feeling for their hometown. So when the father and son of the Jian family came to ask, they did not agree to the request to go back together, but continued to live in the new city.

Still Tuan Tuan's habits, in addition to their daily work, they prefer to play in the mountains and forests. The foot of the mountain still stands in the water. As long as the root system is developed, those plants can still survive even if there is no rain in the sky.

Time passed quickly, and Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan soon came to this world for a year. The rainstorm lasted for half a year, and now it is another half a year of sunny days. Wen Zheng and Tuan Tuan both noticed that the air began to become a little humid.

"Will the climate change once every six months?" Tuan Tuan guessed, but his tone was more certain.

"If nothing unexpected happens, we will not go out in the next few days, and all the rooms need to be reinforced."

Wen Zheng recalled the scene when the first rainstorm came. At that time, they were inland, so the power brought by the strong wind was not great, but according to the information on the Internet, the coastal areas have encountered tsunamis.

Now the mountains are still surrounded by water. Is the environment they are in now considered a coastal area in another situation?

In short, it is better to be prepared.

When the two of them started to get busy, the government departments that were always paying attention to the mitigation of changes also found abnormalities. After reporting and discussion, an emergency warning was issued to all residents of the new city.

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