Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 89 Chapter 89

This time, there was not only one giant ship coming to the Ark base in the previous two years, but three ships came this time. Except for the middle ship, there were faces with similar features to them. There were many in the other two ships who were obviously... Foreign personnel.

Ark Base and Floating City had previously established diplomatic relations similar to usual. However, in addition to the relatively complex composition of the returning personnel from Ark Base, there were also several special personnel in the exchange team.

They are all human and fish-tailed.

Fish tails and bird wings are obviously two different directions of mutation. When seeing the cases of successful mutations among members of the other party, both parties can't help but show curiosity and inquiry.

The arrival of Ark Base personnel made the whole matter more complicated. Wen Zheng also took the opportunity of delivering food every day to use his keen hearing to capture some ordinary content that could be freely talked about in the research institute. From these words Collect and analyze information that may be useful.

Wen Zheng hadn't been so serious in a long time. When he got excited, he even led Tuan Tuan, who was almost bored at home, to get involved in the investigation: "The team I sent out just flew over to report to me. Are you sure?" The personnel at Ark Base had some contact with that old Li."

"I've put the dried meat in the cupboard. I'll leave it to you to treat them well. I'll go out." Wen Zheng closed the notebook in his hand, put on a black coat, and prepared to go to the research institute. .

Brown strips of dried meat were placed on a plate on the window sill. When Wen Zheng walked out of the door of the building, several birds with dried meat in their mouths flew to the branches of nearby trees.

Since the arrival of personnel from the Ark Base, the key projects of the institute have been shifted to the study of mutations in different directions of both parties. Because the scientific researchers at the Ark Base can only stay here for a short time, they all live in the research institute and discuss with the researchers in the Floating City every day.

It is difficult for Wen Zheng to meet the personnel responsible for mutation research, but he can be said to be quite familiar with biological research, especially the bird research laboratory, thanks to Tuan Tuan Tuan.

"Wen Zheng, come here and tell us how the mutation of your little feather is going. When he mutates successfully, he must come over and show us. We are all thinking about it." The professor in charge of the Ornithological Research Laboratory saw Wen Zheng during the break. After that, he called people in.

"Xiao Ling's mutation is going well, but she can't stay at home. Originally, I had an old friend's child who also mutated, and I planned to let the two children stay with each other so they could chat, but the child's arms appeared. "The mutation situation." Wen Zheng said and closed the door of the room.

There were some changes in the expressions of the researchers in the laboratory, and the old professor even asked: "Well, many people with arm mutations are not very willing, and always want to find someone to perform surgery to remove them, but the consequences of this surgery , it is not possible to fully know in a short period of time, these people are too impatient. "

Based on what Wen Zheng said, the other party mistakenly thought that he was here to ask about the surgery quota. The old professor's words persuaded Wen Zheng to give up this idea.

"I have the same idea as you, and I told my old friend the same thing. But my friend asked me something that I didn't understand." Wen Zheng confirmed that there were familiar members in the room, and outside the door No one has begun to tell the whole story clearly.

This matter is not complicated to say, but Wen Zheng guessed that this matter was related to the Ark Base, and the several photos taken by the camera covered by feathers when Tuantuan asked the birds to follow, added to this speculation. Some possibility.

A lot of clues about the complicated reality of the Ark Base's forces can be seen from the three ships that arrived this time. The people who came by boat in the past two years were all compatriots. At that time, the new city did not fully trust them, let alone this mixed team.

"I know about this. The people in the room will stay in the room for the time being. Xiao Li and I will take Wen Zheng to find someone to talk to somewhere else." The old professor arranged this.

Several of the people Wen Zheng was taken to see were leaders who had appeared on the screen in the central square, and were mainly responsible for human mutation. So Wen Zheng said what he just said again in front of them.

Reporting the situation does not mean that Wen Zheng does not have to do anything.

Wen Zheng didn't know what kind of solution the people in the room would discuss, but he was also sent on a mission. After following the old professor out, he showed obvious joy and went to the hospital to inquire with a approval slip in his hand. Details of the surgery to remove the mutation, as well as the possible timetable.

That night, the fat master who was busy in the cafeteria heard from the person who was helping him that Wen Zheng had come to see him. He immediately handed over the work in his hands to the apprentice and went out to ask how Wen Zheng was doing.

People nearby only saw Wen Zheng take out a note and whisper something to the fat master, and then the fat master patted Wen Zheng on the shoulder and laughed happily. After thanking him endlessly, the fat chef directly asked for leave from the canteen and paid for Wen Zheng to go to the private room upstairs to eat and chat. He went home very late with red eyes and a happy face.

The next morning, Fat Master Le Youyoude came to the place he had made an appointment with before. When he saw the other person, he bowed and apologized: "I'm sorry, I asked someone to get a quota for the surgery, so I gave it to you before." It’s an appointment, forget it.”

"What did you say?" The other party looked confident, but when he heard the fat master's words, his expression immediately fell.

The fat master was a little frightened by the other party's reaction, and shrank back twice: "I think the hospital's surgery is more reassuring. It doesn't require wings to mutate from the back, as long as the arm mutation can be removed. As for what I told you before, it can only be cancelled, don't worry, the deposit is for you, I don't want it."

"What do you know? Is this a deposit issue?" The other party gritted his teeth.

"What else is the problem?" The fat master looked puzzled.

The other party looked at the other party, his eyes kept turning, and he didn't know what he was thinking, which made the fat master a little flustered. He wanted to say goodbye, leave here as soon as possible, and then arrange for his daughter to go to the hospital for surgery as soon as possible.

"Wait..." Just after he finished speaking, the other party listened to the movement nearby, and finally waved to let the fat master leave. Before leaving, he whispered, "Although this business was not successful, you know that some things cannot be told to others. Maybe you will need to find me in the future."

The fat master took a bag of rice noodles he had just bought and left the house. Walking two streets ahead, he was the busiest trading market in the floating city. There are many uniformed administrators maintaining order near the trading market. Originally, they only patrolled the trading market. Because of the arrival of the Ark Base, in order to show a better image, the administrators have recently expanded their patrol range.

Wen Zheng is an ordinary person who sells vegetables in public. The only part of this matter that he can participate in is the part about looking for Master Fat. Master Fat didn't know anything about it. After arranging the time for his daughter's surgery, he asked for a few days off from the canteen and was busy every day.

Time passed bit by bit. On the surface, the floating city and the Ark Base were conducting friendly learning exchanges, and the atmosphere was as harmonious as ever.

But in fact, Wen Zheng and Tuantuan learned some information with the help of those birds-because the people of the floating city no longer hurt and capture birds after they mutated, and they were extremely welcome.

The people who lured Master Fat to take his daughter for private surgery, including their bases, have been monitored, as well as the people from the Ark Base who had contact with them.

The entry and exit of the institute has become quite strict. No one distributes the latest production. After entering and exiting, you need to swipe your card to record everyone who enters and leaves the institute and the time they leave. Wen Zheng also found that several blind spots in the research institute were equipped with quite hidden cameras.

People who don't know anything about the situation can live happily every day, but if they know a little bit, they will always be a little worried about this seemingly calm moment, but they don't know when the action will come.

Wen Zheng counted the days left before the three-year survival time, so he didn't get involved in this secret battle. He announced to people he knew that Tuantuan had successfully mutated, but he began to show symptoms of mutation, so he stayed at home to recuperate and get out of the vortex.

The day the incident broke out was the last few days for the fleet sent by the Ark Base to leave.

The staff of the Ark Base also suggested that the floating city could send people to communicate with them and send people back after the next dry season. However, the floating city did not make a clear statement on this matter. It did not agree, but it did not refuse. The meaning it showed was more like some heartbeat.

So, the fleet postponed the original departure date and stayed in the floating city for the last two days again. That was the night when some movement occurred in the floating city.

After continuous research by relevant experts, the floating city's suspension system has been improved a lot, which can be seen from the fact that the floating city descended smoothly and quickly when the dry season came.

This time, the floating city did not remind the people, but directly took off in the middle of the night. Except for those who knew in advance, only those who were very sensitive could feel it.

When the floating city rose to a certain height, the loudspeaker sounded to remind people. At the same time, the army members who had been ambushed around several places began to take action at several target locations.

"Suddenly took off? The rainy season has come early again?"

"Hurry up and pack up all the fragile things in the house, don't accidentally smash them and buy them again."

"Is that group of giant fish coming again?"

"Hasn't that fleet left yet? We took off, did they sail away?"

"You still have time to take care of them, those people are definitely safer than us."

"Wait, are there gunshots outside? Something must have happened. Hurry up and close the doors and windows."

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