Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 93 Chapter 93

After a brief shock, people who saw this scene gathered around in panic and stood by to observe the situation, but because they did not know first aid skills, they did not dare to approach and touch easily.

The diner who fainted took a few steps forward before falling to the ground. The ground was all hard cement, and the sound of his body falling down was not small, making people worry that his head would be hit.

When they saw the blood flowing from under his head, they were even more panicked.

Someone immediately shouted around: "Is there a doctor? Come and help, someone here suddenly fainted!"

Someone picked up the phone to call the police station and the hospital, and the rest of the things they could do was to wait anxiously on the spot.

Fortunately, this place is not far from the police station and the hospital.

Ten minutes later, the police car that rushed over immediately after receiving the alarm call parked outside, and the ambulance from the hospital also came. After the person was lifted into the ambulance and sent to the hospital, the crowd was still frightened and dispersed while discussing the matter.

After all this trouble, Wen Zheng didn't plan to sell breakfast anymore, and packed up to close the shop.

One of the policemen who came over accompanied the diner who fainted to the hospital, and the other two stayed here to inquire about what happened just now.

Wen Zheng, the owner of the breakfast shop, was naturally the focus of the inquiry.

Before he had time to receive the memory, Wen Zheng knew that the identity he used should still be called Wen Zheng, and he was the owner of this breakfast shop, but he didn't know the rest of the situation at all.

"By the way, do you know the person who fainted just now?" The law enforcement recorder on the police's shoulder was aimed at Wen Zheng's face. After asking about what happened, he asked this question casually.

How did he know whether the original body knew the person just now? He couldn't tell the police, let me go back and lie down for a few minutes, wait for me to receive the memory first.

The police probably sent him to the hospital for examination as a mental patient.

Instead of asking him if he knew him, it would be more reliable to check the identity information in the items carried by the diner.

"Don't know?" Without waiting for an answer, the police looked at Wen Zheng, who was thinking.

The police asked casually, but Wen Zheng couldn't answer casually.

According to the tone of the diner talking to Wen Zheng just now, the two should not be familiar with each other. Wen Zheng thought about it and shook his head at the police: "No impression."

The police didn't care about it anymore. He took a few photos of the place where the diner fainted just now, especially the ground with blood flowing.

Then the police drove away in the police car.

As soon as he left, Wen Zheng immediately went into the store to close the door. After checking that the fire and gas were turned off, he went in through the small door inside the store. There was a yard inside.

This is where the original body usually lives.

Find the room that is used as a bedroom. After entering, Wen Zheng simply lay on the bed and accepted the memory of the original body.

The identity used this time is an orphan who was abandoned to an orphanage since childhood. Although there is government funding, he is not born to be good at studying. After graduating from junior high school, he gave up his studies and started working everywhere.

Although the original body was not yet sixteen years old at the time, there was always a way to work if he wanted to, and he changed a lot of jobs one after another.

Later, when the original body was working on the construction, he accidentally fell off the scaffolding and had a steel plate nailed to his bones.

After recuperating for nearly half a year, the original body took the savings of these years and the compensation from the boss, returned to his hometown, bought this house with a yard, and opened a breakfast shop.

The breakfast shop's business was not hot, but the original body was full and the whole family was not hungry. He had no plans to get married and have children for the time being. His life was much happier than before when he was working hard. He closed the shop when he wanted to rest, and he could go on a tour around the area when he had nothing to do.

After accepting the memory, Wen Zheng found something that made him a little concerned.

In the past, after he entered the disaster world, the identity assigned to him by the system was facing a death crisis before he came. This time, the identity he used seemed to be selling breakfast normally.

Did the original body have a sudden, life-threatening disease?

Keeping this question in mind for the time being, Wen Zheng thought about taking the physical enhancer as usual, and then continued to think. Judging from the memory he had accepted so far, the arrival of the disaster had just begun.

It is very likely that the diner who fainted kicked off the disaster.

"Death in sleep, panic, breaking order..." Wen Zheng muttered to himself as he stared at the task introduction on the system page.

Judging from the system's style many times, since it happened in front of Wen Zheng who had just entered this world, the diner's fainting was definitely not simple.

Sure enough, the next day, well-informed local reporters went to the city hospital for an interview, and related news appeared on the Internet that night.

It is not uncommon for people to faint suddenly due to hypoglycemia or disease attacks, but it is particularly strange when they all appear inexplicably as if they are asleep and cannot be awakened no matter what.

The diner who fainted and was sent to the hospital was examined and treated by the doctor. It was determined that the wound on his head was not life-threatening, and no disease was found in his body, but he had been in a deep sleep.

The hospital has now organized an expert group to conduct special research, and ordinary people are all watching the excitement. Many people think that the problem was caused by the fall.

Wen Zheng was pondering the words "breaking order" in the mission description.

When people fall into panic, they can do anything. Wen Zheng checked the whole family, began to quietly store food and appropriately modified the defense measures of the house.

In order not to attract too much attention, the original body happened to drive a tricycle. Wen Zheng bought some necessary supplies under the pretext that the store had no business recently, so he went out to stroll around.

In addition to these tasks, Wen Zheng would collect various news related to deep sleep every day.

That night, he just searched for the news released by the neighboring city. The title content was similar to the symptoms of the diner in Yunting City. Wen Zheng clicked in for a more specific description, but found that the news page could no longer be opened.

Enter the news URL where the local reporter had reported on the diner. As expected by Wen Zheng, the news was also deleted.

For this situation to happen, it seems that the government has taken action. And to be able to alarm the government, it must have discovered the seriousness of the matter, and was worried about causing panic among the people, so it was not announced to the public for the time being.

But paper can't cover fire after all.

Every person who suddenly fell into a deep sleep would be surrounded by many onlookers when being sent to the hospital. The medical staff in the hospital knew about it, the family members of the sleepers knew about it, and even the patients in the hospital might know about it.

Each of them might tell the story.

Just a few days later, the relevant news quickly spread among local residents.

Starting with the diner who fainted in the breakfast shop, this kind of unexplained drowsiness symptom appeared in several cases throughout Yunting City, and it is still increasing.

There were no reports on TV news, but some local communication websites were starting to discuss this matter.

At first, the Internet police would delete the relevant discussions, but the more such things were deleted, the more they would spread.

No matter how much they deleted, they could not stop the masses from discussing in real life. They all doubted whether this symptom was contagious.

If it were not very different from the symptoms of common diseases, or even if they had never seen it before, they would probably guess that it was some new infectious disease.

When everyone talked about this matter, they all sighed that they had never encountered such a strange disease.

There was no official notification, and the hospital was hiding the situation. The public was spreading speculation from various sources, and began to wear protective masks when going out. The business of several nearby restaurants was even colder.

Although I don't understand the reason for the inexplicable drowsiness, I used all the preventive methods I could use, just in case one of them worked.

As a result, the area where people fainted became a place that people would not go to unless necessary. And the people living here became panic.

The strong smell of disinfectant began to spread in the streets, and there was also the sour smell of burning vinegar for disinfection. The two smells mixed together, which was a difficult challenge for the nose.

Wen Zheng stayed at home and wanted to close the doors and windows to block the smell, but his neighbor next door asked him why he didn't disinfect.

"Did you not buy disinfectant? I bought some extra, so I'll lend you a bottle first."

"Thank you."

Unable to refuse the enthusiasm of his neighbors, Wen Zheng took the disinfectant, took out a thick mask, and began to clean up his house.

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