Infinite Disaster Survival

Chapter 97 Chapter 97

The scene outside the window was a little too familiar to Wen Zheng. Just looking at the characters moving stiffly, it was very similar to the scene in the zombie world.

It was another zombie world.

Wen Zheng didn't think about why he stayed here. He was still observing the environment outside the window. There was a sound of collision outside the closed door.

According to the previous method of dealing with zombies, Wen Zheng looked at the room and was about to push the bed in the room to block the door.

As a result, there was a crash.

I don't know if the monster outside the door ate spinach or the material of the door was too rubbish. Before the bed was pushed over, a huge hole was broken in the middle of the wooden door.

Wen Zheng immediately changed to combat mode, but it turned out that it was not a zombie, but a huge tongue attacking Wen Zheng's face from the hole.


The express bent down to avoid it, and the tongue hit the wall behind Wen Zheng directly, making a loud noise, shaking a lot of white ash on the wall to the ground.

"What kind of monster is this?"

It looked like an enlarged version of the tongue of an amphibian.

The tongue sticking out from the outside was covered with extremely disgusting mucus. It looked slender, but every time it contracted, it moved at high speed like a slingshot.

Not only was the force of the attack strong enough to be fatal, but it was also strong enough to flip over the bed in the room.

Wen Zheng needed to concentrate to avoid it, but he still got embarrassed.

The room he was in was too small. There was almost nothing except a bed. There were too few things he could use. Without weapons, Wen Zheng was unwilling to use his skin to contact the mucus that he didn't know whether it was poisonous or not, and he was completely at a disadvantage.

Recalling the scene outside the window he saw before, there was an empty small garden with an iron fence under the window of the room.

Although there were zombies wandering on the road outside, it was not easy for those zombies to cross the protection of the fence and enter the small garden. Besides, Wen Zheng's zombies were also familiar old friends.

After making sure, Wen Zheng dodged and evaded. He grabbed the bed sheet from the bed, slightly tightened it into a rope, and tied it to the bed. He jumped over the tongue and pulled the rope to jump out of the window.

There was a violent friction between his palm and the bed sheet. Wen Zheng used his feet to push against the wall at the moment of falling to slow down his falling speed.

Although he saw that the garden was empty before, when Wen Zheng began to slide down the rope slowly, he had a bad sixth sense and looked down.

Wen Zheng widened his eyes: "When did all these people run here?"

He didn't know when, without his noticing, the fence surrounding the garden fell to the ground, and it was filled with dense zombies, all staring at him with appetite.

These zombies were wearing hospital gowns. In addition to the characteristics of the zombies themselves, there were all kinds of twisted and rotten wounds that were beyond common sense. The scene could be said to be a combination of zombie movies and ghost movies.

If you are a little timid, you might have a heart problem.

Wen Zheng noticed something was wrong, but the scene of zombies in front and monsters behind made him unable to think. He had to ensure his own safety before thinking about other problems.

Looking at the zombies below, and the zombies rushing to the farther place, considering the possibility of infection after being injured by zombies, Wen Zheng thought it would be better to return.

In comparison, the monsters just encountered might be easier to deal with.

As the saying goes, good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone. This kind of horror movie-like scene often does not make the protagonist too easy, and accidents always come one after another.

Just when he paused for a few seconds, the bed sheet rope tied to the window began to shake. It didn't look like the bed sheet rope was broken, but more like the bed tied to the other end of the bed sheet rope was about to crack.

"Could it be that the tongue broke the bed after I ran down? I didn't hear any movement inside."

Wen Zheng was puzzled, and helplessly pulled the bed sheet rope against the wall before free fall, and jumped to the big tree in the garden.

It was even worse to always stay on the tree and hide, so Wen Zheng broke off a branch of suitable thickness. The next second, the branch he was standing on broke, but Wen Zheng had already gotten used to it.

After clearing a space with the branches, Wen Zheng picked up a part of the collapsed iron fence that was suitable for attack, which was more convenient to use, and began to start killing in this building that looked like a hospital.

Even though Wen Zheng did not have superpowers now, his pure fighting ability was still beyond ordinary people.

However, these zombies seemed endless, and there were many corpses piled up under his feet, and his physical strength was gradually exhausted.

Wen Zheng tried his best to control his increasingly heavy breathing, and looked at the increasing number of zombies, and once again tried to find other ways out.

He remembered that there was a small door for staff to enter and exit near the hospital garden.

Because his mind was distracted elsewhere, Wen Zheng began to fight more by relying on his body's instincts, and a claw with huge nails suddenly appeared diagonally.

"Wow!" Wen Zheng dodged narrowly, looking at the zombie's nails that were almost longer than his own fingers. Even in the battle, he couldn't help but say a few words, "Such long nails, I guess it took a lot of effort to keep them before the end of the world. Let me help you cut them today."

Fighting back and forth with the long-nailed zombie several times, he gradually found the pattern of the opponent's attack. Wen Zheng used the tip of the iron fence to fiercely lift up the zombie's long nails.

He actually peeled off a few long nails and dropped them on the ground. The zombie opposite let out a roar. Wen Zheng rolled on the spot and picked up the long nails on the ground with his hands wrapped in torn sheets.

After picking it up, he looked up and saw the small door blocked by the zombies from that angle.

Now there is finally hope that we can get rid of this endless battle.

Continuing to fight the zombies, Wen Zheng finally got rid of the numbing scene and entered the unlocked door.

The moment Wen Zheng came in, he closed the door and locked it from the inside. Facing the dark corridor where he could only see the immediate area but the dark distance, Wen Zheng listened to the banging sound from outside the door and was completely uneasy about the quality of the hospital door.

I started exploring inside, hoping to find a safe room where I could hide and rest for a while.

This seemingly simple wish was difficult to fulfill at this time. After Wen Zheng entered, he tried to look at the doors of several rooms. They were all made of easily damaged wood, so he simply ran deeper.

After entering, you will realize how big this hospital is. Some rooms are locked and difficult to open. Some rooms have a bad feeling even before you try them.

Wen Zheng frowned slightly as he tried to suppress the urge to die that emerged from his heart. The weird feeling lingered in his heart.

What's wrong with those places?

Wen Zheng's footsteps stopped at this moment, and Wen Zheng's thoughts shifted to the guide map next to the stairwell, which showed the different distribution areas of the hospital.

Wen Zheng seemed to have forgotten about the monster with a huge tongue he met upstairs, and ran upstairs without stopping, as if he had completely memorized the map with just one glance, and was not afraid of taking the wrong path even in the dark.

Hearing footsteps in front of the door of a room, Wen Zheng hesitated for two seconds before reaching out and opening the iron door in front of him that was slightly covered with light.

The door opened, and the lights in the room illuminated the area outside the door.

Wen Zheng faced the light, ignoring the faint shadow on his back, and focused all his attention on a hospital bed in the room.

Wen Zheng unconsciously moved forward two steps and entered the house. With a click, the door pushed open by Wen Zheng closed automatically, completely blocking out the darkness, leaving only the light that illuminated every corner of the room.

After closing the distance, Wen Zheng could finally see the face of the person lying on the hospital bed. That face was so familiar to Wen Zheng that he couldn't help but shout out.


The old man on the hospital bed murmured weakly, still muttering Wen Zheng's name: "Xiao Zheng, you came to see me..."

But in those eyes, instead of the warmth and guilt that Wen Zheng had seen, there was greed and covetousness that was well concealed, but Wen Zheng still noticed.

That cold look was like a bucket of ice water pouring down from the beginning. There is nothing more sobering than this.

Facing the old hands stretched out from under the quilt, Wen Zheng not only did not approach, but took two steps back slightly, and his eyes looking at the hospital bed became particularly cold.

After arriving here, Wen Zheng was always forced to take action by the changes here, and his ability to think seemed to have disappeared from his mind from the beginning.

Until this moment.

Grandpa Wen occupies the most important position in Wen Zheng's heart. The image of Grandpa Wen lying on the hospital bed after being diagnosed with cancer has always been hidden deep in Wen Zheng's heart.

This scene was used against him, making Wen Zheng filled with anger, but he had to ask himself to calm down first.

When his thoughts were no longer affected, all kinds of strange things emerged at this moment, connected like beads, and everything became understandable.

From the moment he came to this strange scene, he had already entered a nightmare.

Sometimes people are not aware that they are in a dream while sleeping, let alone have doubts about strange things, and will only react according to the situation in the dream.

Dreams are often the most illogical, and are affected by the dreamer's subconscious, so things appear or disappear inexplicably. Therefore, the layout of the hospital is exactly the same as the hospital where Grandpa Wen stayed when he was suffering from cancer.

But now it was one thing to realize that I was in a dream, and another thing to wake up from this dream.

Wen Zheng put back his messy thoughts, and this time there was a bit of a smile on his face.

Perhaps the core of this nightmare had already appeared before his eyes.

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