[Role initialization, please wait....】


【Real scene loading....】

【Dream scene loading....】

【The phantom system is online....】

【Chat channel is online....】

【You are ready!】

【Infinite Doomsday Game 0.1 (beta) version is officially launched!】

【Number of players in this internal test: 100】

【Congratulations to all the beta testers, you have successfully led the world by a major version!】

【There are 10 minutes left before the internal test officially begins. Please watch or listen carefully to the following daytime intelligence, which will be your chance to survive.....The only hope!】

【Intelligence 1: This is a non-deleted internal test, which requires 7 small versions and takes 7 days. Today is version 0.1, named: Fear Nightmare】

【Intelligence 2: 6am to 6pm is considered daytime, and the rest of the time is considered nighttime】

【Intelligence 3: There will be no monster attacks during the day】

【Intelligence 4: The collection of supplies will be the key to the player's survival】

【Intelligence 5: It looks like it’s going to snow soon】

【Intelligence 6: Daytime is the only time when players can move freely】

【Intelligence 7: You cannot go out to explore during the day.】

【Intelligence 8: Tonight, your greatest reliance is the"magic suit" on your body."!】

【Intelligence 9: One minute before the internal test begins, you will awaken your own"talent""!】

【Intelligence 10: New intelligence will be unlocked tomorrow. 】

The 100 players had different emotions.

In front of them, as the strange voice that sounded like the clown's ghost disappeared, the text on the panel also stopped updating.

Hong Ye stared at the panel in front of him and read it again.

After making sure he remembered everything, he clicked on the panel.‘×’

Although he didn't know what happened and why he was here, he could only stay calm. Extra thoughts would only interfere with his thinking.

Then, he began to observe his surroundings.

He was lying on a wooden bed, covered with a layer of woven hay, and the same hay mat was laid on the bed.

Next to him, from left to right, were an open wardrobe, a wooden table, a kerosene lamp, a door, and a window.

This was a rather simple and narrow wooden hut.

Just when Hong Ye wanted to sit up,

【Leave the wooden bed?】

【Note: After you leave, the accumulated time you have not redeemed will be lost. 】


Hong Ye frowned. What does this mean?

But then he understood.

【Simple wooden bed】

【Grade 1】

【Output: 1 gold/1 hour (7:24)】

【Effect: Lying in bed will continue to slightly recover your physical condition】

【Upper limit: 1/1 person】

【Upgrade requirement: 10 gold coins】

【Introduction: A derivative of dreams, with certain extraordinary abilities and the potential for growth. 】

Looking at the time jumping from 7:24 to 7:25, it jumps once every second, which should be the timing.

Also, a derivative of dreams?

Hong Ye frowned. The society he lived in before was materialistic. This product that obviously did not belong to his era made him a little confused.

【Time remaining until the internal test starts: 1 minute】

【During the awakening period, please keep yourself conscious and avoid fainting.】

【Begin to awaken! 】

As if he had been electrocuted, Hong Ye's body suddenly straightened, his muscles began to spasm, and he began to tremble violently.

At this moment, Hong Ye only felt that someone had peeled him and put him in salt water, then immediately pulled him out, gave him a strong electric shock in the extremely cold blizzard, and injected magma into his internal organs one shot after another. The intense stimulation made him lose the ability to speak.

Even his consciousness was almost blurred.

As time passed second by second.

One minute later

【Awakening Completed】

【Infinite Doomsday Game 0.1 (Beta) Version: Horror Nightmare, Start!】

【Current time: 6:00 AM】

【Player Hongye, your fantasy costume has been issued】

【Silently say the word"panel" to view the panel.]

Consciousness quickly recovered.

Hong Ye lay on the bed, his sweat soaking a large area of hay.

"This feeling....A bit too painful"


【Player: Red Night】

【Illusion Level: 0/10 (Experience: 0/100)】

【Talent: Power (S)】

【Exclusive phantom outfit: Long Night Sword (E), Night Coat (E)】

【Equipment Phantom: None】


【Strength: E】

【Constitution: E+】

【Agility: F+】

【Spirit: D】

【Note: If the player's level is not raised to 1 at the end of the internal test, he will be directly wiped out! 】

A certain feeling has been surging in Hong Ye's chest.

Then, he turned off the panel.

Before he could make any extra movements, a black coat suddenly appeared on his body.

At the same time, a black long sword also appeared in his hand.

In a blink of an eye, the information of the two phantom suits appeared in his eyes.

【Long Night Sword (E)】

【Features: Sharp】

【Night Coat (E)】

【Features: Blending]

No wonder there is so little introduction to the phantom suit. After careful experience, Hong Ye understood it.

His phantom suit will tell him the detailed ability by itself.

Just like waving an arm, humans are born with the ability.

The same is true for the ability of the phantom suit.

Sharpness is easy to understand, but blending is a bit more complicated.

""Adjustment" means that the [Night Coat] can be adjusted to a certain extent according to my physical condition."

In simple terms, if he is very cold, the Night Coat will automatically improve its insulation ability and add a certain heating ability.

If it is very hot, it will dissipate heat and cool down.

And if it is lightning, it will improve the corresponding resistance such as insulation.

In the words of the game, it is like equipment with resistance to all elemental magic.

Not only that

"This feeling is equivalent to my own hands and feet."

Hong Ye could clearly feel the touch of the illusion suit.

But one difference from the human body was that he did not feel the tingling feeling of lying in the hay on the illusion suit.

He stretched out his left hand and looked at the black coat he was wearing.

The coat was not gorgeous, very ordinary, and not bright.

But this coat had a hat.

After putting on the hat, he felt that he was completely isolated from the haystack.

"If you just sleep normally, you should be able to have a good sleep."

The coat fits perfectly, and there is no discomfort.

As for the [Eternal Night Sword], it feels good to hold, and he feels quite comfortable when wielding it.

Hong Ye held it firmly in his hand.

To be honest, in this unfamiliar environment, with a weapon in hand, he does feel much more at ease.

He has not forgotten the first sentence in those intelligence bulletins.

【……Please watch or listen carefully to the following daytime intelligence. This will be your only hope of survival.】

"The only hope of survival."

That is, they are likely to die.


Hong Ye suddenly laughed a few times, and then quietly lay on the wooden bed.

Before coming to the game, he was being tortured.

Skin peeling, nail removal, forced to keep his eyes open for a long time, needles piercing his bones from his fingers, and expensive medical equipment were used to keep him alive.

All this was just to make him hand over the evidence of Xiao Twelve's death, so that everything before would completely become an accident.

Hong Ye's tenacity was beyond their expectations, so their methods were radical again and again.

"But brother, now that I know it was you who did it and made me come here, I will definitely go back. No matter what means I use, I will put your head in front of Xiao Twelve's grave!"


If you have any questions or find any typos or wrong words, you can leave a comment @ the author and he will reply when he sees it.

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