The explosive equivalent of two kilograms of RDX is equivalent to three kilograms of TNT. Google search reading

The energy released by the explosion of one kilogram of TNT is 4,200 kilojoules.

In terms of pure energy calculation, it can move a 100-kilogram object 2 kilometers.

Taiwan Novel Network β†’π–™π–œπ–π–†π–“.π–ˆπ–”π–’

Of course, the energy released when the bomb explodes will not be completely converted into shock waves.

The shock wave energy acting on the female soldier, if simplified, is approximately the area of ​​the female soldier facing the shock wave, divided by the area of ​​the sphere with the radius from the explosion point to the female soldier, multiplied by the total energy of the shock wave.

This calculation does not take into account the loss caused by obstacles during the transmission of the shock wave.

But even so, the impact on the female soldier is probably between one thousandth and a few hundredths of the total energy.

That is, the energy that allows a 100-kilogram object to move 2 meters.

Simply put, the female soldier will still be blown away by the shock wave.

However, in the previous situation, being blown away was not necessarily a bad thing.

In fact, while she threw the two bombs, she had already struggled to pull her body out of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's armored blade.

While pulling out, she also used the healing potion given by Luger to replenish her lost vitality.

When the shock wave came, it just helped her to completely shake herself out of the armored blade.

However, with her weight, she actually only flew two or three meters away.


She almost staggered and fell to the ground, and then she heard Luger's roar in the smoke a hundred meters away.

The radio was disconnected just now. Although she restrained herself from panicking, she was somewhat unsure in her heart.

Now hearing Luger's shout, she finally calmed down, stepped a few steps, finally controlled her body, and ran away.

Luger put down the bomb detonator casually, and put both hands on the equipment in front of him to fiddle with it.

After finding that the radio was interrupted again and the female warrior did not take the new radio in the terminal block, he immediately returned to the cave from the logistics space.

Otherwise, how could the female warrior who did not know the truth shouting "Save your mother" really detonate the bomb.

Although he did not know what means the female warrior would use to deal with the metal Tyrannosaurus, as the real buyer of the bomb, he calculated the difference between the bombs used by the female warrior and the bombs she got.

After all, both times needed to pass through his hands.

He knew that the female warrior still had two bombs in her hand that were not used.

So he had to give up continuing to improve the plan and hurried back to the cave.

Just like that, he came out with one-third of the plan he had prepared, and heard the female warrior shouting a spell.

He had to cooperate.

So there was the current scene.

But blowing up one foot of the metal Tyrannosaurus could not really make it completely lose its mobility.

Indeed, according to human understanding of Tyrannosaurus, these giant creatures with short forelimbs and well-developed hind limbs would not be easy to get up once they fell.

Then the metal Tyrannosaurus, which theoretically refers to the physiological structure of the Tyrannosaurus family, should also have similar shortcomings.

However, the metal Tyrannosaurus, after all, is not a flesh and blood body, and its reaction is much faster.

Just as the female warrior who was blown away by the shock wave finally grasped her balance with Ruger's encouragement and was about to continue running out, the tail of the metal Tyrannosaurus over there had swept over.

"Be careful!"

The echo of the previous "Run" had not disappeared in the cave, and Ruger shouted again.

Fortunately, although the female warrior over there did not see the situation behind her, she still subconsciously used "jump" and jumped directly to the side.

But her speed was fast enough, and the Tyrannosaurus over there was faster.

The metal tail that swept like a giant hammer directly changed from sweeping to swinging, and whipped into the air like a whip.


After a thunderous sonic boom with the sound of metal colliding, the female warrior was accelerated again, falling to the side like a kite with a broken line, and it was obvious that she was exhaling more and taking in less.

Ruger saw it with his eyes and was anxious in his heart, but he could not run over to check.

Because the metal Tyrannosaurus used the inertia of the tail to swing, the whole dragon body spun like a gyroscope and stood up again.

Although one leg was lame, after the engine of its other tracked leg stopped, it still maintained its balance on both sides and stood steadily.

At the same time, the two rapid-fire guns in his hands and the 88 gun on the tail were aimed at Ruger.

"There is only one chance," Ruger thought to himself, and his hands hurriedly adjusted the equipment in front of him.

To be precise, it was the elevation and direction machine on the gun in front of him.

Just as the Tyrannosaurus fired two 37mm shells and was about to send the short 88mm gun's grenade over, Ruger slammed the electric launch button of the gun remote control.


A tungsten alloy core sub-caliber armor-piercing shell made by him was fired from the muzzle of the 75mm caliber Pak42/L70 anti-tank gun.

There was no time left, and he couldn't get a rifled cannon to fire a suitable fin-stabilized armor-piercing projectile, so he had to settle for the next best thing and use a discarding sabot armor-piercing projectile.

The outer side of this type of ammunition is also wrapped in a soft shell. After being fired out of the muzzle, the extremely low-quality shell quickly falls off due to the combined effects of air resistance.

The sub-caliber armor-piercing core inside, with most of the kinetic energy given by the artillery, continues to fly towards the target.

The most powerful gun in Ruger's hands is the Pak42/L70 anti-tank gun.

This is a cannon with rifling in the barrel.

Under the action of rifling, the bullet fired will spin at a very high speed in exchange for stability in flight, thereby improving accuracy.

But it is precisely because the bullet will spin that it is impossible to use the tail-stabilized bullet used by smoothbore guns.

Forcible use will seriously weaken the kinetic energy of the bullet.

Fortunately, sub-caliber armor-piercing bullets are a major stage in the development of armor-piercing bullets.

It is the intermediate state of the front-end solid armor-piercing bullet and the rear-end stabilized discarding sabot bullet.

Although the original sub-caliber armor-piercing bullet was not the discarding sabot type he used, it was not difficult for Ruger, who fully mastered this technical line, to improve it to that level.

This sub-caliber discarding sabot armor-piercing bullet threw away the shell as soon as it left the muzzle, leaving only the hard tungsten alloy core rushing towards the metal Tyrannosaurus at a speed of 1000+ meters per second.


When the short 88mm cannon just fired the grenade, the tungsten alloy core had already rubbed the Tyrannosaurus's tail and pierced its heart.


A dragon-like metal vibration sounded, even drowning out the explosion of the grenade.

Looking at the metal Tyrannosaurus again, there was a hole in its lower abdomen.

However, there was no oil leakage after the metal machinery was punched with a hole, or sparks emitted when the circuit was destroyed.

On the contrary, a green viscous liquid with a strange fluorescent light slowly flowed out there.

That feeling was like blood!

On the other side, the Pak42/L70 anti-tank gun was directly hit by the 88mm grenade, and it was deformed at this time.

In the smoke, it can even be seen that the gun body has been deflected at an angle of at least 30 degrees.

This gun was scrapped just after firing the first shell.

The gun is like this, what about the person who fired it?

"Hey, Luger, how are you?"

The female warrior who was knocked away struggled and shouted.

"It's okay, I won't die!"

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