Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 238 The Great Gun of the Generation, Ka, Ka, Ka...

How bad was this early model of the gun?

It was ridiculed as "the bolt-action rifle with the largest magazine capacity in the world".

What is a bolt-action rifle?

It is an old-fashioned rifle like the Mauser 98 rifle, which relies on directly pulling and pushing the bolt to manually load the ammunition and extract the shell.

Why did a rifle developed in the 1980s and positioned as an assault rifle actually get the name of a bolt-action rifle?

Because it has a high failure rate and always jams. After one round of ammunition is fired, the next round of ammunition cannot be automatically loaded by the bolt, and it must be manually loaded and cleared by pulling the bolt handle.

As a result, an assault rifle looks like a bolt-action rifle.

This gun was originally a bullpup version of the AR-18, but due to a series of reasons, the research and development team could not be fixed and always gave up halfway.

The result is like a premature fetus with poor development, with frequent failures.

By the time it was barely completed and mass production was issued, it was already the first version of the modification.

However, the actual effect on the battlefield was so bad that the soldiers of the country wanted to express their condolences to the mothers of the senior military officials of the country, and the condolences were very pornographic and violent.

Later, because of the bad reputation, even the official allies did not give Dayin any face, and even wanted to remove this gun from the official list, meaning that this gun was not worthy of being our NATO standard weapon. Dayin finally made up his mind to improve it.

So, they handed the improvement work of this gun to HK.

Yes, it is the company that uses the most Ruger light weapons, the mother of the G3 series and HK416 series.

But even for a company as strong as HK in the field of light weapons, they did not have an easy job.

There is no way, the problem of this gun is not one or two, not even three or four...

When they changed them one by one, even HK technicians almost expressed their condolences to Dayin bureaucrats like Dayin soldiers.

HK technicians worked hard and spent at least five years to finally complete the second modification.

The problem was solved, but at this time Dayin cooperated with the "son's father" to heal the wounds of the "911" incident.

In the mountainous areas of Central Asia, this second modification exposed a lot of problems.

However, at this point, all the problems that can be exposed have been exposed. It is only a matter of time to improve them bit by bit.

In general, the original version and the first modification are absolutely useless. The second modification can be used as long as the precautions are taken. The later modification is at the same level as other assault rifles that are more than ten years or even decades earlier.

The official name is "This gun is no longer inferior to anyone and is the pride of Dayin".

Okay, if they say so, then so be it.

Ruger would not even look at this kind of gun, let alone use it.

But things in the world are so wonderful. It seems that every seemingly useless thing can play a huge role as long as it is used in the right place.

This gun is so useless that using it as a gun is simply a joke with the lives of soldiers.

But this gun is so useless that it is perfect to use it to test whether the logistics space has a success rate bonus or something.

Soon, Ruger bought the most classic and representative first modification drawings of this thing from the gun vending machine.

However, he realized at this time that he had no equipment at hand, and the parts had to be made quickly by the ability of the logistics space.

But in this way, if the logistics space really has a bonus on the success rate, if the parts are perfect, the gun assembled with them is unlikely to have problems.

What's the point of testing this?

However, after thinking about it, he felt that he should give Dayin a chance.

Anyway, he bought it, why not try it?

Give Dayin a chance, Dayin might give him a surprise.

With the mentality of "I'm here" and "I've bought it", he began to use telekinesis to control the various equipment in the logistics space to quickly process parts according to the drawings.

Speaking of which, Ruger's telekinesis ability has little opportunity to show on the battlefield, but it has been used more and more frequently in mechanical processing recently.

He can move objects and operate equipment "at will" in the logistics space, and the consumption is almost negligible.

That's fine.

Even in the repair shop, he can use this trick to summon a wrench or something.

It's so useful.


How can he use telekinesis in the car repair shop of the second shelter without magic?

Isn't this the core ability of the Nephalem-Assassin profession? How can it be used without the magic atmosphere?

This is the biggest secret of Luger's telekinesis power.

His ability does not rely on magic, and the energy consumed is his own physical and mental strength.

By the way, Tia can also use this ability in the shelter, but compared with Luger, it is not as refined and still takes the route of strong brick flying.

Luger can suck a wrench into his hand with a wave of his hand.

Tia waved her hand, and the wrench directly crashed through the wall and flew out.

It can only be said that when this ability is on Tia, it is still a serious combat ability.

When it is on Luger, it becomes an auxiliary ability.

He can only comfort himself by saying "Who made his career positioning a mechanic".

But then again, this thing is really useful.

Especially in the logistics space, he felt like the god of the logistics space.

It was not just a matter of words, but everything moved as soon as his mind was focused.

The 150+ parts of the L85 were all made in a short time under the dual effects of his logistics space + telekinesis.

Moreover, there were two sets.

There was no need to wait, he picked out a set and assembled it quickly in the logistics space, and then flew it to the shooting range for testing under remote control.

He emptied a 30-round magazine, and nothing happened.

It was really perfect.

So Ruger took the second batch of parts to the cockpit in batches and assembled them manually bit by bit.

He also installed a 30-round magazine, and prepared to climb out of the cockpit for testing.

However, before he climbed out, he heard a snap, and the magazine loosened and fell by itself...

"Fuck, is this, a possibility?"

Ruger waved his hand, and simply used telekinesis to lift the magazine up and flew outside with him.

He assembled the rifle again, found a place where the wind was strong and the trees were rustling, and fired a shot to try.

He heard a click, it, it, it, it really jammed.

Ruger checked it and found that the magazine had just been dropped, and the spring and the ejector plate in the magazine were misaligned.

This, it seems that the experiment is successful?

No, no, the evidence seems not enough.

Ruger hurriedly took out another L85 made in the logistics space to try it out.

Well, how perfect it is in the space, it is still perfect outside.

He then took the perfect version of the magazine and installed it on the normal version to try.

Well, a few rounds were successfully fired.

But the fourth round was jammed again.

Pull the bolt handle to clear the problem, shoot again, jammed again...

Pull again and shoot again, still jammed.

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