Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 302 Scout Chief Isa reports to you

Those Rogues who were going to go back to the front with Ruger, all had already received new guns.

It was because of their personal experience that those Rogues who were still using old guns chose to stay and work for "Swindler III" without hesitation.

As for Ruger, he had to use all means to keep them, of course, he was still holding back to solve the problem of human guarding for life.

Before leaving, he also asked those lucky ones who succeeded to share their methods, skills and experiences.

Although even if they have tried their best to complete it now, it will take at least fourteen or fifteen years for the next generation to go to the battlefield, but this is a sign and a symbol.

It symbolizes that Ruger's second shelter has the next generation of core guardians.

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After all, it is impossible for him to stay here as a bodyguard for his whole life.

The future of these human guards still depends on themselves.

In short, after a while of commotion, Ruger's convoy was finally formed.

The first car was Ruger and Anya's Leopard 2A4.

After that, there were three small bear assault guns driven by Rogge and sent to the front line to supplement Sarah's armored force.

Of course, after Ruger and Sarah's personal test drive and some modifications, the two vehicles finally returned to their original status and were renamed "Horse Bear" medium tanks.

It can be regarded as borrowing the original nickname of the No. 4 medium tank "Military Horse" and one word each for the small bear assault gun.

If you have to say it is the abbreviation of "Malay Bear", it is not a bad idea.

The smallest bear is in line with the temperament of this tank.

Surrounded by four tanks are the five armored transport vehicles that are used every day.

It is filled with military diesel and various caliber ammunition for tanks.

Just from this daily convoy, we can see how fierce Sarah's recent attack on the Cathedral Monster Lair is.

By the way, the thug Jialiya who was forced to "sell herself to pay back the money" is in the middle of the five vehicles.

She is reluctantly operating an MG3 general-purpose machine gun on a 360-degree rotatable gun mount on the roof.

Behind the five transport vehicles is Tia's Boxer AGM light self-propelled howitzer.

After this gun is laid flat, it can also achieve direct fire with a small amount of medicine bags.

However, due to the initial velocity kinetic energy problem, the anti-armor performance of this direct-fire ammunition is not as good as that of a dedicated anti-tank gun or tank gun.

It is very suitable as an anti-infantry assault gun.

After her, it is the Enok armored patrol car driven by the remaining Rogues.

Due to manpower issues, most of them have only drivers but no gunners.

Their mission is to patrol nearby and guard against emergencies.

Due to magic radiation, communication between convoys cannot be achieved by radio.

But this is not a problem for Ruger.

If the radio cannot be used, then use wired electricity.

So at least there is a wire connected to each other on the roof between the five armored transport vehicles.

Through this set of wires, the five transport vehicles can achieve remote communication.

With them as the main line, when the front vehicle wants to contact the rear, it can connect the telephone line on its own vehicle to communicate.

However, this function is too troublesome and will only be used when necessary.

Under normal circumstances, vehicles only need to rely on flashing lights to communicate with each other.

The flashing of lights can be used in a way similar to Morse code.

Of course, in actual applications, there are only a few commonly used commands.

"Keep going", "slow down", "accelerate", "alert", "stop", etc.

Ruger still has the laser transmitter of the laser earthworm that he got in the Ghost Dungeon.

If there is a special need, it is not impossible for him to directly make laser communication here.

In short, his convoy had more than a dozen chariots, and they were fully equipped with long-range offensive patrol supplies. Not to mention just going to the front line for support, it was more than enough to fight a direct offensive battle.

With such a strong convoy, Ruger naturally thought that there should be no blind guy who would provoke him, right?

As a result, it turned out to be true.

Not to mention the common monsters that almost never stopped along the way, even the ghost hunting team that came out to hunt monsters to add nutrition to the base camp's fungal blanket dared to come to Ruger to test the gun.

The result was naturally a pile of corpses.

I don't know if there are other ghosts who will drag them back to the ghost dungeon.

However, this is not all. When the journey was halfway through, about between the dark forest and the dark wasteland, Rogge in the enok patrol car behind actually used the car wired phone to send a message to Rugge in front, saying that there was important information that needed to be discussed.

He leaned over and saw that it was actually Rogge outside the convoy.

And it was none other than the MP5 girl Isa who had not seen for a long time.

"Isa? Why are you here?" Ruger laughed when he saw her. "Why, were you sent here by Sarah to learn again?"

Isa was considered the most trusted one among Sarah's trusted ones. She was the youngest and the most naughty one, but she had the strongest learning ability. It was inevitable that Sarah asked her to come to Ruger to learn various techniques.

From the use of firearms to driving techniques, she even learned some knowledge of firearms maintenance and modification.

So when he saw her running over again, Ruger subconsciously thought that she was sent by Sarah to learn something again.

"What, what, are you opening a new class?"

Don't mention it, Isa is really a studious person. In Ruger's world, she is the type that teachers love, but classmates who don't have a good relationship with her will mostly hate her behind her back.

When they heard that they had to learn new things, others were full of resentment and complaints, but she was the only one who was happy to do it.

Ruger was also a little shaken by her eagerness to learn, and wondered if he should really open a new class for this little guy.

However, the little guy quickly shook his head and put his mood back, frowning and saying seriously, "Report to the commander, Isa, the scout leader of the Fennec Fox No. 2 car, reports to you!"

"Just 37 minutes ago, the Paladin Order of Rogue Town suddenly organized a team of ten people, left from the west gate, and quietly entered the dense forest in the north of the Blood Wasteland, and disappeared."

"According to the reconnaissance manual, I am reporting to you."

I see.

Ruger finally understood why MP5 girl appeared here and specifically wanted to find him.

It turns out that she is a member of the special reconnaissance team that Sarah just formed.

Well, it is a special reconnaissance team formed with the three African fox-fennec fox armored reconnaissance vehicles that Ruger just sold to Sarah as the core.

In order to facilitate Rogge's learning, these fennec foxes are not the modified version that Rugge used, which integrates the driver's seat and the commander's seat together, but the original three-person vehicle version

driver, observer, and commander.

At the moment, this MP5 girl Isa should be the commander of the second vehicle, that is, the reconnaissance chief.

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