Many of those corpses were masters of the Lakis Expeditionary Force when they were alive. Google search reading

The monsters transformed from these corpses are numerous and powerful.

As for the Zakarum Church, it is obvious who this is copied from.

The Roman Catholic Church began to encourage the construction of underground tombs under churches during the ancient Roman Empire, so later in the churches of the first largest sect of the second largest branch of a certain religion that evolved from it, there were often underground tombs.

If not, relying solely on Andariel and the intermittent connection with the Burning Hell, it would be difficult for her to summon such a large number of monsters with such strong combat capabilities here.

Well, the combat capabilities of the monster army have not been shown since Luger intervened in the war.

How does the saying go? No matter how powerful the medieval heavy armored knights are, facing an artillery unit in the Second World War, they can only sigh at the artillery, and die as many as they come.

Although the artillery on Luger's side is not large in number, the quality is seriously exceeded.

Whether it is the quality of the gun itself or the quality of the ammunition, it is at least at the level of the divisional artillery regiment.

This means that his artillery is not used for small-scale battles from the caliber to the power, but is a high-powered weapon that only appears in division-level corps battles.

It is enough to use small and medium-caliber artillery to bully the medieval heavy cavalry, not to mention that he actually uses the divisional heavy artillery.

Then it is not normal that they cannot play the original combat capability advantage?

Who can play any high-end tactics in the cold weapon era with 150MM+ heavy artillery?

Even if these monsters of at least nightmare level are far stronger than ordinary human infantry in terms of attack power and defense power.

But no matter how strong they are, it is impossible for each one to be equivalent to the Tiger heavy tank, right?

Those monsters that are relatively fragile can be ignored. Their protection level is about the same as that of the Type 1 tank. They have the protection power of a homogeneous steel plate armor, that's it.

But the protection power of most white board monsters is only at the level of the Type 2 tank.

The protection of the homogeneous steel plate armor is 30mm in front and 16mm in the sides and rear.

This means that its strongest defense is equivalent to 30mm homogeneous steel plate, and most of the normal defense area is equivalent to the protection of 16mm homogeneous steel plate.

The protection level of 16mm homogeneous steel plate is just enough to allow 62MM caliber full-power rifle bullets to penetrate the same part with two consecutive shots at a distance of 20-50 meters.

If it is replaced with the same caliber armor-piercing bullet, at a distance of 20 meters, one shot can penetrate the protection of 16mm homogeneous steel plate.

Because the 762 rifle in Rogge's hand performed at this level when attacking nightmare-level monster cannon fodder, Ruger roughly inferred the defense of these nightmare-level cannon fodder monsters based on the data of the homogeneous steel plate.

That is, the level of the Type 2 tank mentioned earlier.

Even a 762 full-power rifle bullet can penetrate most of the harder areas of those monsters except the hardest ones with two shots at close range. So Ruger only needs to make some adjustments to the fragments of the heavy artillery to make it easy for the grenades fired by the Grizzly Assault Gun and the tank gun of the Horse Bear Tank to penetrate the defense of those basic monsters.

Of course, monsters are not just basic cannon fodder.

The defense of those rat spiders is not high in itself, even after becoming nightmare-level monsters, their defense is just like that.

But when it comes to the level of skeleton warriors and goat-headed warriors, once they become elite, their defense can at least be improved to a higher level compared to the blue monsters and even bright gold monsters in the original game.

For example, the protection of the 32mm to 50mm homogeneous steel plate of the J-type of the third tank.

A little stronger, further, it is not impossible to reach the 50mm to 80mm homogeneous steel plate protection of the H-type of the fourth tank.

However, there are not many monsters that can reach the strongest 100mm homogeneous steel plate protection of the Type 5 and Type 6 tanks, that is, the Leopard and Tiger.

The protection of the Type 1 and Type 2 tanks can be easily penetrated by the Rogues even with a 62mm caliber full-power rifle bullet as long as they do not deal with their hardest parts.

After the firearms of the core elite Rogues who came with Sarah were all replaced by Ruger with 7x99mm caliber and Browning heavy machine gun bullets, even elite monsters with protection similar to that of the Type 3 tank can be injured with one shot, disabled with two shots, and killed with three shots within 200 meters.

Of course, these bullets must be aimed at the same part that is not the most defensive.

In this way, when Tia's heavy artillery bombarded, the cannon fodder was either dead or disabled.

The rest rushed towards Tia in the direction of the artillery fire and were firmly blocked by the heavy machine gun bullets of the Rogue elites.

At this time, only elite nightmare-level monsters with defense at least at the level of the Panzer IV H-type, and the type with an advantage in defense, can break through the defense line of the Rogue heavy machine gun array.

Then, what is used to deal with them at this time is no longer guns, but the tank guns of several tanks.

Take the 4 anti-tank gun as an example, its penetration at a distance of one kilometer is enough to penetrate 100mm homogeneous steel plate.

This means that even if the defense of the elite monster on the opposite side is really at the level of the Tiger, there is a high probability that it will be directly penetrated by the gun of the Horse Bear medium tank.

What? This is not safe enough?

Afraid that the monster's defense can reach 150mm homogeneous steel plate?

It doesn't matter. Although the rifled gun on the "Little Leopard" medium tank is also 75mm, it is a 70-caliber gun with a penetration depth of 194mm at a distance of one kilometer.

Is this all right now?

Still not okay?

If still not okay, there are two Leopard 2s with 120mm caliber and 44-caliber smoothbore guns.

The tail-stabilized armor-piercing projectile at the level of the late Cold War has a penetration depth of 480mm at a distance of two kilometers.

With such armor-piercing ability, any Tiger heavy tank can be destroyed in seconds without hesitation.

If there are really elite monsters specializing in defense and charging at the Rogue blockade line, and other weapons cannot break its defense, that is when the two Leopard 2s will show their power.

What is decisive strength?

The two Rheinmetall 44-caliber 120mm smoothbore guns are.

In this way, the entire battle formation will remain stable even if it is continuously attacked by the monster tide.

Meanwhile, Tia used four Grizzlies assault guns to bombard the massive monsters in the collapsed cathedral, and the effect was still good.

Not only was it good, judging from the series of points in the Ruger system, the effect was quite good.

After the "CD bar" of the Strike Tiger was "read", and the third large-caliber rocket-assisted high-explosive bomb was fired again, the sea of ​​monsters in the cathedral once again ushered in a nightmare.

It was a bit difficult to blast through the floor separated by countless debris with one shot of that super-large-caliber heavy high-explosive bomb, but it was easy to smash the monsters still climbing on the debris with a large number of large fragments.

The sea of ​​monsters in the cathedral area was emptied a lot, and the tide of monsters rushing towards the Ruger blockade line from there naturally began to weaken.

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