No, that's not right!

When the giant black ants passed through most of the sea of ​​​​fire and revealed their complete bodies, Luger immediately noticed the problem.

The dark outlines of those guys were not stable at all, as if they were covered with a cloak made of water.

The so-called black is not even the color of the cloak itself, but more the reflection of the body under the cloak and the surrounding dirt stained on it.

"What the hell? A non-flammable liquid cloak? Can it still stick to your body?"

Upon seeing this, Luger simply took out his shotgun with his backhand and fired a few rounds of buckshot at them.

This time they didn't spit out acid.

However, those No. 00 steel balls with a diameter of 38mm quickly melted and disappeared after hitting the "water cloak" on them.

Only ripples appeared on the cloak.

"Let me go, what is this? Acid?"

"Did these guys spray acid on themselves?"

But isn’t the formic acid in ants flammable?

Moreover, formic acid is not that strong.

I'm afraid this feeling is more powerful than aqua regia, and it's comparable to demonic acid, right?

If such a strong acid is applied to the body, even if these giant ants rush over and kill themselves successfully, they won't live long, right?

What is this, the suicidal bee sting of an acid ant?

Protect the pack and nest at the cost of your life?

As for what?

Luge said in his heart, we are obviously the ones being attacked, right? Why do you feel this inexplicable guilt?

Shaking his head to put those strange feelings behind him, Luger immediately changed the magazine of the gun.

After several gunshots, the kamikaze ants that finally crossed the sea of ​​fire finally stopped there.

Even if it is as strong as magic acid, although it is not unable to corrode tungsten alloy, the efficiency is still not terrible.

At least, not enough to corrode the giant ant before the tungsten-core armor-piercing bullet penetrates its skull.

After confirming that the armor-piercing bullets were still useful, Luger quickly exchanged a few more magazines and handed them to Tiya.

He himself hurriedly turned around to carry out the final processing.

At this time, most of the vehicle fragments in the shallower soil layer of the collapse were recovered by him into the logistics space.

After triggering the acquired telekinesis, he didn't have time to calm down and study this super power with unlimited potential.

But some basic passive abilities gradually emerged.

First and foremost is his ability to use logistical space to recycle materials.

Whether it was recycling the thorns from the hard-haired rats or recycling the weapons dropped by the Sinking Demon,

He needs direct contact with those things.

He also used the same method when he just recovered the vehicle fragments.

It wasn't until he recycled the weasel chassis that he discovered that many broken and fallen parts had also been recycled along with it.

So he tried to recover the fragments from the air, and he actually succeeded.

There is a way to move objects with your mind under the action of the mind.

For example, it's like the pros and cons in Star Wars using the Force to remotely collect lightsabers or even remotely choke people's necks.

After getting telekinesis, Luger had fantasized about changing his job from mechanic to Jedi.

Unfortunately, I tried several times but got no response.

Unexpectedly, with the cooperation of the logistics space, I can naturally master the mind recycling and remote storage.

What could he say?

Okay, at least the giant ant corpses that were burned in the sea of ​​fire can now be recovered and fed to Tiya.

However, this is not all the effect.

For example, if he wanted to use materials from the logistics space to build a gun, there was only one way to go.

Expand the space and go in yourself, use the equipment in the space to process the original parts, and put them together after they are done.

But now, he can "remote control" the equipment inside directly from outside the space to process parts.

You can even place the finished parts accurately in any available location.

However, as the quality of parts increases, his physical and energy consumption also doubles.

In the end, he simply spent a huge sum of 80 points to add an industrial robotic arm to the logistics space.

In this way, when he recycles parts, he can also focus on producing refurbished parts.

And put them together like building blocks according to the restored picture.

When almost all the parts in the soil were recovered, a decent restored Weasel appeared in the space.

Of course, not to mention the lack of an engine, there are also no passenger seats.

To put it simply, it is just a shell.

This is not to say that he has no ideas, the main reason is that if the engine problem is not solved, it is like the foundation has not been laid firmly.

When you think about it, it makes no sense to install windows and ceilings on the upper floors without even finishing the foundation.

He was originally planning to find a way to solve the explosive problem of gasoline engines as soon as possible.

But after being charged by the "Giant Ant with Sour Armor", his vigilance was instantly heightened and he felt that he could no longer waste time.

So while Tiya was "walking a hundred steps after dinner" to add fuel to the fire and use armor-piercing bullets to kill the giant ants that slipped through the net,

He simply remotely controlled the industrial robot arm to completely remove the Chrysler RBV8 engine.

It was directly installed on the restored weasel style next to it.

Then make some adaptive adjustments to the transmission system, driving system, etc., and the tank will be completed at the mechanical level.

However, even though the logistics space plug-in has saved him a lot of time, building a vehicle is a systematic and major project after all.

Just because the mechanical aspect is completed, it doesn't mean that other tasks will be easy.

Not to mention the armor that is just outside and has not been welded. If you want to drive this tank, you must have a driver's seat, right?

There must be driving equipment such as steering wheel and joystick, right?

These have to be installed bit by bit.

Moreover, although it is self-driving, comfort can be sacrificed appropriately,

but no matter how much you sacrifice, you can't make the car look like a torture device made by the Minister of Justice, right?

Less than a hundred meters after driving, the driver shouted: "I confess, I confess everything"?

The only thing missing is that the IAA water torture expert kneels down and sings "Conquer".

It takes time to improve these aspects.

However, this is how the world is. The more time is needed, the less time there will be.

On Tia's side, as the giant ants increased, she had to speed up several times.

The napalm pottery jar that Ruger gave her had been used up by her long ago.

She wanted to ask for more at that time, but she asked Ruger several times but there was no response.

Looking at him again, he looked like he was concentrating on thinking and immersed in his own world, so she had to take out the big pineapple to support him.

But as time went by, she consumed more and more bullets, and even the big pineapple was almost used up.

Although there were a lot of things in her bag, it was not like Ruger who could skip the intermediate steps to buy finished products as long as he had points.

If you live a life of idleness, there will be a day when the gold and silver mountains will run out.

First, the incendiary version of the pineapple.

This thing can form a sea of ​​fire with one shot, which is the mainstay of her hands.

Thanks to Lao Gua Zao's reminder, she made a lot of this version of the pineapple.

With their help, her sea of ​​fire defense line was very strong for a while.

However, when these were mostly used up, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

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