Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 373 Favorability, skyrocketing]

For those whose favorability was increased, I am afraid that several of them were directly increased to the top. Google search reading

If the Rogues did not know the special relationship between Ruger and their immediate superiors that was "not convenient to tell outsiders", and that the superior was quite petty about the relationship between someone and others, especially women, I am afraid that several of them would have taken action against someone.

It took a long time to talk about it, but in fact it only took a short time for Ruger to complete the basic artillery training for the Rogues.

In fact, with the automatic loader, the work intensity of the artillery was immediately reduced by half.

In addition, seven or eight of the Rogues have already had experience in operating self-propelled mortars, so it will be easier to use direct-fire artillery such as anti-tank cannons.

Moreover, in order to simplify the operation, Ruger also simplified the applicable artillery shells a lot.

Originally, Pak40 had four types of conventional ammunition.

The first was the most common and perhaps the most common anti-tank ammunition in the zoo in the late World War II, APCBC, the wind cap capped armor-piercing shell.

The second was the hard core armor-piercing shell improved on this basis, APCR. Among them, the hard core is the core of the armor-piercing projectile that Ruger has been using until now, the tungsten core.

The third is HEAT, which is armor-piercing projectile.

The fourth is HE, high-explosive projectile.

However, these are shells from the World War II era. Not only are they not up to date, but they are also not very suitable for dealing with monsters.

So Ruger directly simplified them into three types.

The most common is the hard core armor-piercing projectile from the World War II era.

This is a special bullet for dealing with elite monsters and above with specialized defense.

Andariel is also in this list.

The reason why APCBC is not used is that when the horse bears fought the poisonous demon king before, the wind cap at the front end of the bullet to reduce wind resistance would be quickly corroded, causing its trajectory to be unstable, thereby reducing accuracy.

In this case, it is better to use tungsten core bullets with better corrosion resistance.

Even if the soft metal on the outside of it will be corroded, it will be much less affected by the chaotic wind resistance due to the material and weight comparison of the bullet core.

That is to say, it is relatively accurate in the poisonous cloud.

In addition to the APCR hard core armor-piercing projectile, the second most common ammunition is the HE high-explosive projectile.

This is for the Rogue artillerymen to help the front-line ENOK infantry fighting vehicles solve the monster tide problem.

Although the 75mm caliber shells are not charged enough, it should be enough to bully the cannon fodder monsters.

As for the monsters that cannot be killed by high-explosive shells, what else can be done? Use APCR.

The third type, which is also the least amount of ammunition, is the shrapnel shells with only a few rounds per gun.

There is no doubt that this is reserved for the Rogues to attack monsters when they escape to buy time.

They need to be combined with delayed fuses to work at a long distance, which requires too much skill from the gunners, and Ruger is too late to teach them now.

So these shrapnel shells are all the best short-range anti-infantry defense ammunition at 300-500 meters.

Ruger settled the Rogues here and was about to leave the third-line artillery position to go to the second-line infantry line, but heard a series of electric bells ringing in the logistics space.

"No way? So fast?"

This sound was the alarm-like sound that Ruger set when he arranged the self-manufacturing task for the logistics space.

And no matter which task he arranged before, theoretically, it should not be completed at this time.

As he lamented, it was too fast.

He hurriedly calmed down and entered the logistics space to check, and saw that the trial-produced prototype on the No. 3 position of the vehicle manufacturing workshop of the bunker arsenal had entered the test drive state under the simulation of the humanoid labor robot.

That thing was nothing else but a Pak40 anti-tank gun installed on the chassis of a light tank.

In other words, it was the idea of ​​the Zoo Country to first develop tank destroyers in World War II, and move the Pak40 to the Lorraine 37L crawler tractor seized from the neighbor next door to the west.

That is the so-called Weasel 1 tank destroyer.

But although the idea was the same, Ruger did not attack the chassis seized from the neighbor next door to the west.

He went to the mysterious underground city with the secret underground arsenal of the Zoo Country.

So the chassis of the light tracked tanks under ten tons in his hands are all owned by the zoo.

For example, the Panzer II and Panzer III.

What? What about the Panzer I and Panzer IV?

The Panzer I is too light and too small. It is not impossible to install a 75mm anti-tank gun, but it can only be equipped with 24-caliber tank guns such as the Panzer III and Panzer IV and the derivative assault guns.

The chassis of the Panzer I is only a little over four meters, and the original vehicle was even just over 5 tons.

The main gun Pak40 used by Ruger, although the caliber is not large and the caliber is not amazing, has a high recoil travel. Simply put, after firing a shot, the thing recoils a lot.

In this way, the small chassis of the Panzer I is really not enough.

To be honest, the Panzer II is barely enough, but fortunately, the zoo has tried it during World War II. The first version of the Weasel 2 tank destroyer is a Panzer II chassis equipped with a Pak40.

As for the Panzer IV, well, there is no problem for the Panzer IV to install this gun.

However, wouldn't that mean the horse bear tanks are retreating to the ENOK front to help?

Ruger's knowledge of the armored vehicles of the Zoo family is actually a gap.

Because he is an experienced person, he subconsciously pays more attention to those mature platforms that have performed well in the later battlefields.

During the Cold War, he was more familiar with Leopard 2, which is the Leopard 2 series, Puma infantry fighting vehicles, etc., but he tended to ignore Leopard 1 "Leopard 1" series, Weasel infantry fighting vehicles and other early Cold War ones.

During World War II, he was more familiar with the late classics such as the Leopard, Tiger and Ferdinand tank destroyer.

At most, he added the Panzer III and IV and their derivatives, and the Panzer IV platform was the main one.

As for the Panzer I and II, the LT35 and LT38 captured from other countries, he was not familiar with them either.

Of course, of course, this can't be completely blamed on him.

After all, the zoo equipment he is using now has two major sources:

The equipment left by the Zoo Federal Armed Forces when they fought against the ghosts during the Cataclysm, which is still in service in the early 21st century.


The late World War II equipment seized from the Zoo Underground Arsenal in the Ghost Underground City.

The source of the equipment limited his cognition.

Just now, when he was replacing the Pak40 with the Rogue artillery, he reminded the Rogues to protect themselves and that if they didn't have time to throw away their equipment, they could just throw it away. At the same time, he was secretly muttering whether he should just put these anti-tank guns on some self-moving platforms.

He had also messed around with large-caliber guns on the small body of the Weasel airborne tank.

So after searching the raw material pool for a while, he casually designed a so-called tank destroyer that used the chassis of the No. 2 tank to carry a Pak40 with only the wheels removed and the gun carriage unchanged. He then handed it over to the industrial robot in the vehicle workshop for trial production.

It was only when he checked the information in the main control computer of the industrial robot that he realized why this thing was produced so quickly this time.

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