And Anya, who was still staring at the ground, also received praise from her grandfather:

"Well done, Anya."


The silly child smiled at the ground with satisfaction.

On the other side, Mephisto was also quite surprised to see that Sarah could escape so quickly.

But he didn't have time to care about that at this time. When Sarah jumped onto the ground, Tia Polo, who had been acting like he would be knocked down at any time, also began to climb up to the ground at an accelerated speed.

The model worker didn't understand at this time that Tia's previous pretense was simply to buy time for Sarah.

This kind of trick has almost no skills to speak of, but the simpler things are, the better the actual effect is often.

But for Mephisto, being calculated by such a simple trick is really unbearable.

In just a moment, he didn't care about any temptations or self-preservation, and immediately moved towards Tia, while increasing the output of magic.

His energy was to force Tia to stay, so as to restore his reputation that was damaged by the trick.

Although, no one cares about this thing except himself.

What will happen if a hell demon who specializes in long-range magic attacks is determined to use full firepower?

In Sarah's words, it's a good thing that I run fast.

In Tia's words, it's a good thing that I'm thick-skinned now.

In Ruger's words, wow, it turns out that the fear of insufficient firepower is a common problem in the multiverse!

Thunderstorm is almost the ceiling of the lethality of lightning spells.

Using this as a firepower launch platform is the basis, and further improvement is to improve the firepower launched by this platform.

The thunderstorm-lightning spear used by Mephisto before is one of this improved version.

However, in order to force Tia to stay, he began to use another improved version:

Thunderstorm-thunder bomb.

In the most basic form of lightning spells, the firepower exists in the form of: arc, lightning, electric spear, electric ball, etc.

These firepower existences are probably equivalent to the ammunition in gunpowder weapons.

Electric arc is equivalent to the lead bullet used in the most rudimentary air gun, which can only shoot birds.

The igniter of the gas stove used at home, and the electric ignition device in the one-dollar lighter, emit this kind of "bullet".

It can hurt people, but it is difficult to injure, and even more difficult to hurt.

Electric light is based on the electric arc, and the total amount of energy is increased, similar to the electric light emitted when AC or even high-voltage wires leak.

At this level, it has the ability to hurt people or even kill people.

However, its upper limit is high enough, and the lower limit is still low enough.

In fact, if used, this level of lightning magic is still mainly used to cause electric shock paralysis to the target, which is a kind of auxiliary killing magic with a biased control system.

And the electric spear, that is, the quantitative change leads to qualitative change, which is essentially different.

The most common form of the electric spear is the lightning thunder in the sky, like the electric spear thrown by the gods to the ground.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary people who are hit by this thing will be directly turned into charcoal with a probability of more than 99%.

There are lucky people who survive, but not many.

The biggest advantage of lightning magic is that its upper limit of damage is very high, much higher than that of fire or ice.

For example, for level 3 magic, the upper limit of fire damage is 100 points, ice damage is 80 points, and lightning damage can even be as high as 300 points.

But the biggest disadvantage of lightning is that its lower limit of damage is also very low.

For the same example, if the lower limit of fire damage is 50, the damage range is 50-100, then ice damage is about 60-

Obviously, ice damage is the type that has low average damage, but the difference between the upper and lower limits is not large, and it performs stably.

For lightning, the lower limit is 1, always 1, and always

The upper and lower limits of level 1 magic are 1-100, level 2 1-200, level 3 1-300, and so on.

In essence, from arc to electric light to electric spear, it is actually the difference in current intensity, current density flux.

It is a difference in quantity.

However, there is a special existence in the lightning system: lightning ball.

Lightning ball, spherical lightning, or thunder bomb.

This is the famous, legendary, ball lightning.

The principle of ball lightning was still in the stage of controversy in Ruger's time.

Generally speaking, there are several most reliable guesses.

The first one is that it is a vortex of high-temperature plasma.

The reason why it is so powerful is that it is like the plasma weapons in science fiction novels, that is, ion plasma and plasma weapons.

It relies on the high-temperature and high-energy substances in the plasma state to produce super-strong killing to the target.

Another theory is that it is the atmospheric discharge that electrolyzes water into a mixed gas of hydrogen and oxygen.

Its killing effect is equivalent to the explosion of a hydrogen bomb.

Well, hydrogen bomb, not hydrogen bomb.

In addition, there are many other theoretical explanations, some of which are reinterpreted from scratch, and some are revised on the basis of one or two theories.

The cause of the ball lightning in the natural field in Ruger's world is likely to be based on those revised theories based on one or two theories, such as the combined effect of plasma and microwave radiation, etc.

In the field of magic, the principle of this lightning ball and thunder bomb, in Ruger's opinion, is more like a mixture of the first and second explanations.

The lightning ball is a high-temperature plasma, and also contains hydrogen and oxygen gas.

Of course, magic power is also involved.

So when it explodes, there will be multiple killing methods such as high temperature burning and explosion shock waves.

Of course, there is still the most original killing of the lightning system, such as electric shock.

The reason why the lightning ball is emphasized is that this special form of lightning firepower, that is, "quasi-ammunition", because the killing principle is not only based on electric shock, so its lower limit of killing is no longer 1.

Lightning ball-thunder bomb magic, at least must be classified as level 5 magic.

In other words, casters who do not reach the level of level 5 magicians cannot release this high-damage magic at all.

According to the previous analogy, assuming that the upper and lower limits of the killing of ordinary level 5 lightning magic are 1-500, the upper and lower limits of the killing of thunder bomb magic are 400-1000.

That's right, the upper and lower limits of this thing are the highest among all elemental magics of the same level.

Even the highest among all attack magics of the same level.

And now, the thunder bomb released by Mephisto is not a single shot, but a continuous large-scale and large-scale super-multiple release using the intermediate carrier of thundercloud storm.

The thunder bombs that came out of the thunderstorm and rushed towards Tia Polo were probably three or four per second, and could continue to bombard for dozens of seconds.

This magic had the firepower coverage of Ruger's artillery battalion.

It was simply a magical medicine from another world that cured the fear of insufficient firepower.


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