Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 72 You chase me, I chase you, spear and shield

Reactive armor, or explosive reactive armor, may sound unfamiliar, but it is actually very common on modern battlefields.

It is the brick-like tiles densely attached to the outer armor of the tank.

To simplify, they are equivalent to small pieces of explosives, of course, mixed with structures such as ejectors.

When hit by the metal jet of the armor-piercing projectile, the explosives inside the explosive reactive armor are ignited, and when the blast wave is sent outward, a group of special fragments will also be launched, which is the back plate ejector.

The killing principle of the armor-piercing projectile is to shoot a metal jet based on the Monroe effect, and penetrate the armor based on the penetrating power of the high-speed metal jet.

The plate-like fragments shot by the explosive reactive armor will interfere with or even cut off the metal jet ejected by the armor-piercing projectile.

In this way, its penetrating power is weakened or even eliminated.

The metal jet, which is rootless and waterless, will eventually be cut off after being hit by the shock wave of the explosive armor and interfered or even cut off by the plate-like fragments they fired.

In that case, as long as Ruger was equipped with reactive armor on the small tank in time, he should not be afraid of those anti-tank rockets in theory.

However, things are not that simple.

This world is always a magic road, a road one foot higher, a magic one foot higher, a road ten feet higher.

Just like the original tanks could block the enemy's machine gun fire, so in order to deal with tanks, special anti-tank weapons appeared.

In order not to be destroyed by the newly emerged anti-tank weapons, the tank armor became thicker and thicker, and at the same time reached a relatively balanced state in power defense and offense.

In this way, under the premise of unchanged nature, the stacking amount was repeatedly updated several times, making the early armor-piercing shells ineffective. In order to penetrate the increasingly thick tank armor, people looked for new ways out from the old paper piles.

So they found the energy-gathering effect of Monroe "Master", and then developed armor-piercing shells.

Later, in order to deal with the increasingly powerful armor-piercing shells, the tanks had no more thick armor to pile up, and the armor behind them would not be able to move. As a result, new types of armor with light weight and strong capabilities, such as composite armor and reactive armor, appeared.

The invincible armor-piercing projectile seemed to have met its match.

However, not long after, the armor-piercing projectile was also upgraded for explosive reactive armor.

This time, it was called a tandem warhead armor-piercing projectile.

As the name suggests, the tandem warhead is a projectile with two warheads connected in series at the head.

When hitting the explosive reactive armor, the front warhead works first, causing the reactive armor to explode.

After the explosive wave and the back plate ejection plate of the reactive armor are consumed, the second part of the armor-piercing projectile warhead at the rear end will work.

This time, the ejected metal jet will no longer be blocked by the explosive reactive reaction, and can successfully penetrate the "thin" armor plate of the tank.

The Matador anti-tank rockets in the hands of the mecha zombies that appeared in front of Ruger are a new generation of anti-tank weapons with such a tandem warhead.

Of course, design theory is design theory, and whether it can be realized in reality is actually affected by many interference factors.

Can the explosion interval between the front and rear tandem warheads really just avoid the effect of the explosive reactive armor? In fact, it is not absolute.

Because of this, the most effective weapon against tanks on the battlefield is still the tank gun of the enemy tank.

And the tank gun mainly uses more advanced fin-stabilized discarding sabot armor-piercing projectiles to deal with reactive armor.

Compared with the tandem warhead armor-piercing projectiles, whose performance depends on luck, the actual combat effect of fin-stabilized discarding sabot armor-piercing projectiles is more stable.

Because of this, facing the Matador anti-tank rocket launcher, Ruger did hide, but did not withdraw directly from the battlefield, but cruised around the periphery, looking for opportunities.

If the opponent had a third-generation main battle tank with a nominal design of fin-stabilized discarding sabot armor-piercing projectile, he would definitely not stay and turn the car around and run out.

He would rather go back and find a way to make a new weapon than fight it head-on.

The armor-piercing projectile fired by the tank gun has a much higher flying speed than the rocket.

If the distance is a little further, it is possible to dodge.

But if he patrols back and forth and provokes just a few hundred meters in front of the enemy's line, he will definitely not be able to hide even if he wants to.

In comparison, he had less psychological pressure when facing rockets.

That's why he started to circle around the battlefield not long after he ran out.

But to be honest, although his master mechanic template also has skills such as armed vehicle driving, and the level seems to be not low, he didn't really want to kill those anti-tank rockets simply by moving.

Most of his confidence actually rests on the teammate with a completely different style.

Anti-tank rockets are a big threat to Ruger's honey badger, but it's just that for the female warrior.

Yes, if it's just an ordinary person wearing rear armor and being hit by this kind of armor-piercing shell with tandem warheads, they will still be injured and die.

But is the female warrior an ordinary person?

Her muscles and protective power seem to be almost catching up with armor.

And the tandem warhead has both advantages and disadvantages.

When attacking a tank equipped with reactive armor, the tandem warhead can maximize its role.

But if there is no reactive armor, and it is just dealing with a simple armor plate, the negative impact of the explosion of the front warhead and the rear warhead will be magnified.

Although the more advanced the tandem warhead weapon, the lower this effect.

In addition, even if the rear armor-piercing warhead can fully exert its effect, it can rely on the killing method of high-speed metal jets, which is somewhat inferior to dealing with Nephalem.

This thing can only make a hole in Minerva's body.

Unless it happens to penetrate her heart or other vital organs, the damage to her is almost equivalent to being stabbed by the enemy's poisoned spear.

This kind of injury is fatal to ordinary people, but it is already much worse for Nephalem.

And for the barbarians who have already focused on strengthening their physical defense, it is even worse.

So as long as Minerva is careful not to let the vital parts be hit directly by that thing, the damage caused by an anti-tank rocket to her will not be higher than that of a heavy machine gun bullet.

So, can the female warrior do this?

She didn't have much confidence at first.

But when she heard from Ruger that the fastest flying speed of that thing was only 250 meters per second, which was not as fast as the speed of a pistol bullet, she was completely relieved.

At this level, as long as she didn't make any mistakes, it was really unlikely to hit her.

"So, Minerva, those guys carrying anti-tank rocket launchers are in your hands!"

After Luger introduced the basic performance of that thing, he immediately added to the female warrior.

"Got it, don't worry!"

The female warrior didn't know much about gunpowder weapons. Although she was not afraid of it, she was a little unsure because of the unknown.

Now that Luger had carefully supplemented the basic knowledge, those strange terms did make her a little confused, but she heard the final conclusion clearly.

"Isn't it just a longer and thicker fire stick? What's the big deal?"

"As long as you get hit, you're still useless?"

After making a few jokes to cheer herself up, the female warrior immediately found the most suitable target among the mecha zombies and rushed over with her actual combat jumping skills.

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