Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 94 Sinner? Divine Guard? Who are you?

If this Kohler did not lie about this process, then there is only one possibility.

He, or his teammates, are not just ordinary people.

At least, in terms of combat effectiveness, they cannot be simply regarded as ordinary people.

And when Luger saw the words "Human Resistance Army" in the system taskbar, everything made sense.

Thinking of this, Luger couldn't help but sigh. He originally thought that he had traveled to a simple game-like world, but until now, he hadn't even entered the novice village.

It’s okay if you haven’t been to Novice Village. Now it seems that even this Novice Village is very complicated.

Originally, the Nephalem were divided into two factions, fighting openly and secretly. As a result, even the human side had a "resistance army".

Resistance? Against whom?

It can't be about resisting monsters or charisma, right?

The only objects they can resist are those Nephalem supremacists.

It is true that wherever there is oppression, there is resistance.

It's just like what Kohler said before he died, the living environment is so bad, but the Nephalem are still fighting among themselves.

As a result, they had not yet dealt with Tia and other Nephalems who were sympathetic to ordinary people, and the resistance of ordinary humans here was aroused by them.

Oh, there is already a human resistance army. Isn’t it too much to say that the resistance army has some spies and the like?

In order to resist more effectively, they prioritize developing spies and spies around the Nephalem Supremacists. Does it make sense?

As a human resistance force operating under the eyes of the nephalem, it is logical to develop the sneaking skills to avoid detection by monsters, right?

It's a pity that the rebels, who only noticed the nephalem and monsters and knew little about the evil spirits in the ruins of the Lost, accidentally fell into the evil ways. Is it normal?

Therefore, a "human resistance army" made Kohler's flawed last words instantly make sense.

However, Luger couldn't say these words now.

He couldn't say this to Minerva who was immersed in the memory of her deceased friend.

The friend she was remembering who passed away was probably not as simple and innocent as he said.

Said that he was probably using her and Tia as well.

Even if his purpose is for his family and his tribe, it won't even be detrimental to her and Tia.

These words are inappropriate if they are inappropriate.

Whether it is the truth or not, the truth or not.

After a long time, the female warrior finally stood up slowly.

But she still seemed to be wallowing in grief, her body was no longer trembling slightly, and she seemed to be sobbing silently.

However, when she turned around, Luger realized that she was wrong.

She was not sobbing, but suppressing her anger.

However, seeing her red but slightly dazed eyes, Luger understood that she didn't know who her anger was directed at.

For those Nephalem supremacists? Targeting the charm? Or is it directed at myself who is defenseless against these things?

"Ruger, I feel bad!"

The female warrior looked at Luger with red eyes, and she was breathing loudly because of anger.

"Yeah." Luger hesitated for a moment, but still nodded.

"I want to do something for him." The female warrior added.

Luger nodded again, and was about to decide whether to take the female warrior deeper into the ground or go back and kill the patrol bees outside.

At this moment, he saw the female warrior pick up two long-handled swords and wave them like a whirlwind, killing all the orc slaves who were still working under the control of the brainwashing helmet one by one.

But the difference is that this time, there is no broken corpse under the female warrior's sword.

Those orcs had their throats cut with a knife and died quickly.

The sword technique was so sharp and swift that blood didn't even have time to flow out from the wound.

Seeing her raising and lowering the knife, sending the orcs who were probably Kohler's companions into eternal sleep, Luger slowly took out the fuel from the package.

After the female warrior had dealt with all the slave workers, he also came over with fuel and gunpowder from the factory.

"The wraiths will eat their corpses."

Luge only had to say these words, and the female warrior immediately took the fuel from his hand and poured it evenly for each corpse.

Before, she raised her knife to start the killing spree in order to free the souls of those humans who were bound by evil spirits.

This is the only thing she can do for them and for Khloe now.

Then, she would naturally not let their corpses be used by the Charms again.

Although cremation is not the best way to sleep in this world, especially in this area, it is at least the best choice now.

They had too little time to burn the corpses into ashes and take them away, so they could only use fuel and gunpowder to quickly melt them.

Use this method to maintain their last bit of dignity.

"Let's go."

After turning the entire factory into a sea of ​​flames, the female warrior walked towards the basement entrance without looking back.

Luger looked at the old World War II equipment in the sea of ​​​​fire behind him. He endured it again and again, and finally collected only some core equipment and followed the female warrior.

Even if she couldn't see Lao Nao Nao and didn't know it was leading the way, the female warrior quickly found the right path.

Luger originally thought that she had awakened some special super power in anger, but he didn't expect that she just said softly, "This is the only road here that smells like Kohler and the others."

Well, that's quite right.

Since Kohler has clearly stated that he was transformed into a half-orc by the "slug-like" ghost, it is very likely that they were sent directly to the workshop after being transformed.

Then this underground passage that is the only one with their smell is likely to lead to the place where they are transformed.

The only thing that puzzled Ruger was that the female warrior's nose was so sensitive?

After walking in the maze-like basement passage for a while, the two entered an open area again.

This area is not particularly large, but it is quite empty.

There seemed to be a lot of things placed around, but now they have been moved away, leaving only some drag marks on the ground.

Just as Ruger was guessing what this place was used for before, a familiar electronic voice suddenly roared:

"You, you sinful humans, you don't know how to reflect on your mistakes and atone for your sins to the gods, and you dare to enter our holy land and slaughter our divine guards."

As he spoke, a huge figure slowly walked out from the other end of the cave.

It was a tall beast covered in metal armor.

"Now, you dare to enter our clan's holy altar openly! You really don't know how to live or die!"

"Well, since you have come to my door, let me enforce justice on behalf of heaven and send you to accept the punishment of God..."


Before the electronic voice over there finished speaking, the female warrior, who was full of anger and had nowhere to vent, rushed out swinging two swords.


The female warrior's blow to anger was very strong. Even the previous Puma infantry fighting vehicle would probably be cut in two by her blow.

However, even such a blow, when it hit the metal behemoth covered with thick armor, could only scratch two shallow cuts on its metal shell.

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