Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 28 Want a ride?

"F, you're great, can we find a nightclub tonight to have fun? You've won so many bonuses, don't be a miser." As soon as the car left the headquarters garage, J began to imagine the good life tonight.

"J, have you forgotten, we are not allowed to drink alcohol on non-off days. And tomorrow K's party, you can drink as much as you want. Let's go buy K gifts, and the shops will be closed later."

"Okay, but I didn't bring any money, and now we don't have a credit card, can you lend me a little?"

Fan Mang stepped on the brakes, and J was stunned for a moment: "F, don't you want to reject me?"

"If you want me to lend you money, go to the back seat and I'll take a beautiful woman along the way."

J looked ahead and saw a familiar figure beckoning from the side of the road, as if her car had broken down.

"Can we get in touch with ordinary people?" J asked uncertainly.

"You still want to go to a nightclub. What's the rule that we don't have contact with people outside the organization at all? Just don't reveal our identities."

Vivier was overjoyed when she saw a Ford Raptor parked beside her. Someone was finally willing to help. It seemed that not all people in Manhattan were so indifferent.

"My car broke down, can you fix it? Or can you call me for a tow truck or lend me a coin. My phone is dead."

"Ma'am, people from the towing company won't go to work at this time. Where are you going, I'll take you there. It's more convenient to call someone for repairs tomorrow morning, and it's not a good time to take a taxi."

Seeing the two big men in the car, Vivier murmured in her heart, but she thought that if she waited until it was dark, it would be even more dangerous. And after a while, she can show the documents, the forensic documents, these two people should not be so bold, and there is an anti-wolf electric shock in her bag.

"Okay, you guys take me two blocks ahead and I'll just take a cab home."

After getting in the car, Vivier looked at Fan Mang: "Uh~ I don't know if you feel this way, we seem to have met somewhere."

"Hey ma'am, is my brother so popular with girls, don't you think we've met somewhere?" J couldn't help asking.

Vivier glanced at J seriously, then shook her head: "Sorry, I don't remember."

J spread his hands helplessly, obviously he had been with Vivier for a longer time, why did he have no impression of him, is he not handsome enough? He is the most handsome detective in the NYPD!

"Ma'am, I guess your name is Vivier, the assistant coroner of the New York Police Department." Fan Mang said while driving.

"You know me? Where have we really met?" Vivier's mouth was so open that she could put an egg in her mouth, but she really couldn't remember it, she just felt a sense of familiarity.

"I saw it where you work. I don't want to recall that process, because you dissected my friend. But because of you, you helped us catch the murderer and avenge him. I also said that I would Thank you for having a meal."

"I recognized you just now when you were on the side of the road, so let's invite you to dinner today. Is the Meilin restaurant in front okay?"

"It turns out that we met like this. It's really a bad memory. You helped me today, and I should invite you to dinner."

Vivier was surprised, but although she was only an assistant coroner, she had been working for the New York Police Department for more than two years. She had autopsied hundreds of corpses, and she could not remember the families of those corpses.

J was surprised at the back. He had known Fan for so long, why didn't he know that he was still a master at picking up girls?

When the food was served in the restaurant, J fiercely used a fork to pick up a piece of foie gras, and the two were chatting hotly, making him seem superfluous.

He couldn't understand why Fan Mang became so talkative, didn't he speak very little when chatting with him? And talk about some interesting things about China, how did Fan Mang know about it?

Didn't he grow up in America?

"Hahaha, Fan, you are so funny. It turns out that there are so many interesting places in China. You know, when I first got in the car, I thought you were working in a funeral home, so we just met."

J looked down at his black suit, we are a special material uniform, black is more handsome, why do you think it is the clothes of the funeral home? Which funeral home have you seen working as handsome as me?

"China still has many attractive places, and it is not as poor as some media advertise. If we have time, let's go to China to play together?"

Vivier was stunned for a moment. The last time she was directly invited like this was when she was in high school.

"I don't have time to go that far. If I have a chance, I will call and ask you to be your guide."

J almost flipped the table, what's the situation, the two hooked up? Just having a meal? Didn't drink!

When checking out, Fan Mang paid the bill first and gave a tip.

"It's agreed that I'll invite you to dinner." Vivier was a little angry.

"Okay, next time you invite me to dinner, mainly because my friend is still here this time."

J looked up at the sky, comforting himself constantly, at least it was Fan Mang's treat, he rubbed a meal.

Drive Vivier downstairs to her rented apartment, Fan Mang got out of the car and opened the car door for Vivier: "I'll take you upstairs, it may not be safe at night."

At the door of the apartment room, Vivier opened the door and turned to look at Fan Mang: "I am very happy to have dinner with you today."

"I'm also very happy." Fan Mang said quickly, "My friend is still waiting for me below. I hope you can invite me in for a cup of coffee next time without him."

"If you need any help next time, you can call me, good night."

"Good night." Vivier closed the door, leaned against the door, and covered her cheeks with her hands. Why did she feel that her cheeks were a little hot, she was hesitating whether to invite Fan Mang in just now.

But Fan Mang is a very gentleman, and she began to look forward to the next meeting between the two. It only takes two days for the weekend to call Fan Mang? Will it be too proactive?


J was sitting in the car, bored, but when he saw Fan Mang open the car door, he was stunned: "Brother, you are so fast? Didn't you say that you have practiced Chinese Kungfu, can you strengthen that aspect? Or is it the direction of strengthening that I understand? wrong?"

"FXXK! I just took her upstairs and didn't do anything. If it wasn't for you in the car, I would have a wonderful night today. Do you know that you delayed my big business!" Fan Mang cursed and started the car. .

I don't know if the enhanced physical fitness does not include that aspect, and he has no chance to experiment.

"Come on, that girl doesn't look like someone who invites others into the house when they meet for the first time. She has a high education and is very smart."

"Just now you had to eat first. I'm afraid all the shops where you can buy gifts are closed. Let's go back and buy gifts tomorrow. I have a new video tape that I bought, and the heroine looks like Marilyn Monroe!"

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