Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 327 Man of Steel and Flying

Fan Mang put away the kryptonite dagger and walked to Clark's side: "How about it, can you still stand up?"

"No problem, in fact, I can beat him." Clark said seriously.

"Yes, yes, you can win without me." Fan Mang perfunctory.

"No, I mean if I didn't care about Earth's buildings and people, I could win."

"Yeah, I believe it. Can I go now? The Raptor is very energy-consuming now, and it is also very laborious to change the surrounding light."

Helping Clark up, the two got into the cockpit of the Raptor, and then the Raptor flew up in the air, turned into a fighter jet in the air, increased in speed, and disappeared into the sky.

After Fan Mang and the others left, the Americans rushed over and saw the dead General Zod, and immediately sent someone to put the body away.

Alien corpses are still of great research value. As for other alien corpses, they are also collecting, but it may be necessary to give other countries some opportunities to participate, otherwise the United States will be isolated.

Many people still want to know, who was the figure who killed Zod with the last sword? Even stronger than Superman. There is also a robot with him, which can change into various forms, and finally disappears in the air. How did he do it?

Fan Mang ignored ordinary people's doubts. On the plane, Clark looked at Fan Mang: "Your sword makes me very uncomfortable. I feel that I will feel weak when I get close. This is what you said about mine Weakness?"

After thinking about it, Fan Mang decided to tell Clark a story about the East.

"Clark, there is a truth that many people in our east know. All things in the world are born and restrained by each other. For all highly poisonous things, there must be something around them that can restrain this poison."

"The most powerful thing is not the sword, but the stone inlaid on the sword. This is not something that originally existed on the earth. It may have come to the earth with you."

"I suspect that this may be a fragment of Krypton. When traveling through the universe, some strange mutations occurred. I just wanted to try it at the beginning, thinking that it could weaken the combat effectiveness of your Kryptonians, but I didn't expect it to be so lethal."

"But if you didn't control him, I might not be able to kill him so easily. If he wants to run, I can't catch up."

Clark was taken aback by Fan Mang's words, what mutual generation and mutual restraint, he didn't understand these words at all, but it seemed very powerful.

"When did you find it?" Clark asked.

"Before I met you, so if I hadn't let you go last time, you would have been beaten to the ground by me." Fan Mang glanced at Clark.

In front of kryptonite, Superman is a soft-legged shrimp.

"Thank you." Clark looked at Fan Mang with sincerity in his eyes. Fan Mang knew that from this moment on, Clark truly regarded him as a heart-to-heart friend.

"Of course you have to thank me. I helped you avenge the killing of your parents. Also, I will return this key to you. You can go to the spaceship in the North Pole and chat with the projection of your biological father. By the way, I will share the good news tell him."

Fan Mang handed Clark the key with an S on it, and asked Clark to borrow it in a few days to practice spaceship piloting.

Clark looked at Fan Mang: "In your east, how should I thank you for this kindness?"

"Of course you will listen to me in the future,

Take care of me to eat, take care of me to live in, and be filial in front of my bed. "

Clark: (≧w≦;)

is that so?

"Hahaha, I'm just kidding, anyway, just remember it." Fan Mang patted Clark on the shoulder.

"I owe you, I remember." Clark said seriously.

"Okay, I'm going to the Kent farm soon, so don't worry too much about your adoptive parents. I'll also stay at the Kent farm for a rest these two days."

At the Kent Farm, the Kents were standing at the door at this time, and they both breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Fan Mang and the others appear.

They had been watching TV and saw that Clark was beaten badly by that alien, but fortunately Fan Mang went over to deal with that person in the end.

They were also very puzzled. Fan Mang was obviously not as powerful as Clark, so why did Fan Mang solve the opponent so easily that Clark couldn't handle?

"Martha, I'm fine, I just need to take a rest. Fan also needs to rest, you should go to rest too, the aliens are settled, and the matter is over."

Fan Mang was in a room, lying on a bed, and he was recovering quickly from his injuries.

But more, I am still happy, so many shining treasure chests.

Sixteen bronze treasure chests were opened, and 17 free attribute points and 10 life points were obtained.

Open 7 silver treasure chests, get 13 free attribute points and super hearing level +1.

Two golden treasure chests were opened, and a man of steel LV1 and a super vision level +2 were obtained.

The last platinum treasure chest obtained from General Zod received LV1 of flying technique.

Looking at the harvest this time and the attribute points brought by the upgrade, Fan Mang also upgraded some of his abilities without hesitation.

Fan Mang,

Sex: Male,

Grade: 42,

HP: 550,

Spirit: 30.3,

Strength: 71.8,

Velocity: 71.5,

Special abilities: Fighting Proficiency LV10, Alien Radar LV10, Danger Perception LV10, Super Smell LV1, Super Hearing LV10, Super Vision LV10, Super Restoration LV10, Poison Resistance LV10, Pistol Proficiency LV5, Mech Control LV10, Cold Weapon Proficient LV10, Spaceship Pilot LV6, Man of Steel LV10, Flying LV10,

Weapons: Infinite Charge Atom No. 2 Gun, LV42 Mechanical Guard Raptor,

25 free attribute points,

task, no

This time, his strength has improved a lot, and there are still a lot of Kryptonian equipment in the space, especially since he can fly, which makes him the most excited.

After activating the flying technique, Fan Mang flew out of the window, flew around the house, and then flew away in a straight line.

After experiencing it, Fan Mang was not too satisfied. The flying speed seemed to be much slower than that of Clark, and it could not be compared with the Raptor. Could it be because his speed attribute was a drag?

After trying to increase the speed by a few points, the flying speed has also become faster. He flipped somersaults in the air, swayed from side to side, and it felt like he was standing on flat ground when he was flying, which felt so good.

When Fan Mang flew back, Clark stood at the window and stared blankly at Fan Mang: "Aren't you good at flying?"

"You didn't know it before, didn't you learn it later? Why can't you do it and I can't?" Fan Mang asked back, what kind of eyes do you have, can I not fly?

"But I'm a Kryptonian, and you're an Earthling. It's okay to mutate to enhance strength, speed, defense, etc., but also enhance the ability to fly?" Clark felt incredible.

"It will fly, what's the matter?" Fan Mang squinted at Clark, and I didn't explain.

Clark: "..."

PS: Thanks to Cricket Pot is a legendary reward again, thank you

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