Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 332 Superman Injured

For a week, they explored most of the planet's oceans and found a lot of kryptonite. It's a pity that Fan Mang didn't find the entrance of Atlantis. It seems that if he wants to go around Atlantis, he still needs to find someone from Atlantis to lead the way.

During this period of time, everyone was still discussing about Superman, especially when many people found that Superman was missing. When they were in danger, Superman did not appear. Some dissatisfied people began to curse the government.

If it wasn't for you insisting that Superman surrender, Superman would definitely continue to help us. Sam Ryan is also leading public opinion, saying that Superman doesn't really want to help everyone at all, and those previous words are empty words.

Fan Mang also learned the news through the Internet. The topic of Superman has always been hot, including many people looking for him and the Birds of Prey, and some people looking for Batman.

"Clark, shall we continue to search elsewhere, or go back first?" Fan Mang asked with a smile.

"The undersea treasures we have found now should be worth tens of billions of dollars. Many of them have been proven to be lost for many years, and the value should be higher. I want to lose this money first, so that many people can rebuild their homes."

Under the guidance of Fan Mang, Clark not only cared about the lives of ordinary people, but also began to care about their lives. Like in the movie, Superman and the Kryptonians fought crazily on the earth. Although Superman won, the damage was too serious.

"How do you plan to give it?" Fan Mang asked.

"Pile these things directly at the door of the three badly damaged government axes. Is there anything else to do?" Clark asked puzzled.

"Clark, when you think about the problem, can you think more about the possibility? First of all, you have to show up aboveboard and tell everyone that this is compensation for them, so as to avoid being ambiguous by the government."

"It's impossible for the government to be ambiguous, isn't it?" Clark didn't believe it.

"Nothing is impossible. Human nature can never stand the test. With so many, they take a little at random, do you think someone will find out? And the value of these things actually has a large range. And you have to explain, if everyone doesn't Willing to accept you, then you leave, leave the earth."

"Where do I go after leaving Earth? What about my parents?" Clark never thought about leaving Earth.

"Who said that you really left." Fan Mang hated that iron can't be made into steel. Doesn't this Superman's brain not work well?

"You just make a gesture and let everyone choose for themselves. I believe more people will be willing to let you stay, because they also want someone like God to help them when they are helpless, especially in times of disaster."

"Also, didn't the political ax ask you to turn yourself in, you can do it the other way around..."

Sam Ryan is sitting in the office, Superman has not yet appeared, and his plan cannot be implemented at all. How many people are waiting to see his jokes now, is it really impossible to capture this alien?

"General, look at the Daily Planet, and there is an interview with Superman on it."

Sam Lane took the newspaper, and sure enough, it was the press release written by his daughter. But the above content made him very unhappy.

Superman said that since the people on earth are unwilling to accept him, he can leave the earth, and the things on the earth will no longer have anything to do with him.

There are also corpses of Kryptonians after death, fragments of spaceships, etc., which do not belong to the earth, but to Superman, the survivor of Kryptonians.

He asked the American government to return them.

As for the damage caused to the United States, Superman said that he has prepared some property and will send it to the government gates of Metropolis, Gotham City and New York this afternoon.

"General, what should we do now? Many people in the three cities have already protested our approach, saying that they need Superman. There are even lawyers who say that those Kryptonian corpses, spaceship debris, etc. should belong to Superman's property, and we have no right to do so." Possession, they're willing to be Superman's defense attorneys."

Sam Ryan said with a dark face: "Go and find out which lawyers are there, and give them some warnings later. We will not make a statement on the matter of Superman for the time being. The plan can be prepared and will be implemented this afternoon."

"General, don't you really want to change your target?" The plan made by the general, the bait is the general's only daughter. If this is an accident, or if Superman doesn't come, I will regret it.

"That's it, go get ready."


Louise was waiting at the gate of the Metropolitan Government. Superman would show up today and deliver compensation. Of course, she also wanted to seize this news and make a follow-up report.

These few reports on Superman have made Louise more famous. It seems that she has become the number one reporter in the United States, and even has a small reputation in the world. Who made her the only one who interviewed Superman, or twice? What about?

"Look, it's Superman!" Someone pointed to the sky and shouted.

Everyone looked up and saw that Superman was flying over with a container in the sky, landed gently on the ground, and put the container down.


The containers scattered, and a pile of ancient gold coins, silver coins, gold and silver utensils, etc. appeared in front of everyone, almost blinding the eyes of many people.

"This is some unclaimed property I have unearthed. I will give it to you now as compensation for the damage caused by the Kryptonians to the earth. I repeat, everyone doesn't like me. I will leave when I get the relics of our Kryptonians. Here Someone who must have a political axe, you can use newspapers to tell me where those relics are placed, and I will go get them."

With a kick of both feet, Superman flew away directly.

Many people reluctantly called for Superman to come back, and some people questioned the government and forced Superman away. Who will be in danger in the future?

Louise looked at her camera, and the photos she took were not very good. She took some photos of other people and published them in newspapers. There will definitely be more people supporting Superman.

While driving back to the agency, a van in front of her suddenly braked and she had to stop. This is how to drive, suddenly slammed on the brakes, and she almost hit it.

He opened the door to get out of the car and wanted to argue, but the cargo box opened suddenly, and two masked gunmen rushed over and dragged Louise into the car. And this scene "just happened" to be photographed by a cameraman from a certain TV station.

"Clark, I think you need to go back to Metropolis."

Clark looked at Fan Mang: "Aren't we going to Gotham City next? What's going on in Metropolis?"

Fan Mang stretched out his finger, and a screen rose up in the cockpit of the Raptor, on which was a live broadcast of news.

[Planet Daily chief reporter Louise Lane was hijacked by two masked thugs on her way back to the newspaper office for unknown reasons. Some people say that this is aimed at Superman, because Louise is the only reporter who interviews Superman...]

The hatch of the Raptor opened, Clark jumped out, and flew back to Metropolis quickly.

Fan Mang squeezed his chin: "Raptor, don't you think this is too coincidental? Which gangster is so idiot, dare to provoke Superman?"

"Master, why didn't you tell Clark?"

"Hey, I think Clark and Louise are a good match. I also want to see how many Kryptonian talents their children will inherit in the future. I might become the godfather of Superman. How interesting."

"Didn't you realize that Clark actually cared about Louise in his heart? He rushed back immediately when he heard the news. I think they almost pierced a layer of window paper. This is an opportunity for someone to come to your door."

"Let's go, go and see what's going on."

In the van, Louise looked at the two thugs: "What are you doing? You want to find Superman through me? You will regret it."

"Why don't you talk, why do you do this? With these two guns, you want to deal with Superman?"

The two gangsters were sitting next to Louise, adjusting their guns. They don't know if they will succeed, but if they do, they will reap great benefits.

They knew that this was a chance to escape death, but they still took the initiative to fight for it, seeking wealth and wealth!


The cargo box shook violently, and then there was a feeling of weightlessness, Superman is coming!

The door of the cargo box was pulled open, and Superman stepped in. The breeze blew, the cloak fluttered slightly, and little stars appeared in Louise's eyes.

She remembered her childhood dream, when she was in danger, a superhero would come and rescue her, and then the two could develop an epic love story.

Now the superhero is in sight and she is not dreaming.

"Superman, put up your hand or we'll shoot you."

Clark stepped forward, would he be afraid of this kind of gun? Even if it hit him in the mouth, it wouldn't do any harm. It's just that suddenly he has an uncomfortable feeling, something is wrong, it feels like kryptonite!

bang bang!

Clark tried to dodge two shots, but one hit him in the chest and he bled.

Louise was stunned, how could this be possible, Superman would be wounded by ordinary bullets? Is this a fake Superman?

"K, Superman, how are you?" Louise almost called out Clark's name.

"Captain, he is really afraid of this special bullet. It seems that we are going to catch Superman today."

Clark curled up on the ground, feeling like he couldn't breathe. Is this what Kryptonians feel like when they get hit by kryptonite? He didn't even have the strength to escape.

"Superman is nothing more than that. You aliens, if you dare to appear on our earth, you must have the consciousness of being caught!"

"Stop, what have you done!" Louise yelled, "Superman, go away and leave me alone."

"Miss Louise, you don't have to shout, Superman can't leave. We will study him and the Kryptonians. There may be many supermen on the earth in the future, so you don't have to worry about no one helping everyone."

A masked man took a pair of handcuffs and went to handcuff Superman. Superman didn't resist at all, and his face became a little pale.

"At this time, I really should take a group photo to let people know that I caught Superman."

"Is there anyone, is there someone who can help us," Louise yelled.

"I told you to be careful, why are you so careless?" A figure suddenly appeared next to Superman, holding a dagger in his hand, and dug out the bullet head from Superman's body.

"Who are you!"

bang bang!

Fan Mang reached out and grabbed the two bullets, which were made of kryptonite. It seemed that someone had researched the weakness of Kryptonians. Then the capture of Louise this time was definitely not a coincidence, but a design.

"This kind of bullet is useless to me. Who are you working for, the government, or some rich boss? Forget it, just catch you and check it out."

chug chug~~

The two masked men fired quickly, and Fan Mang's expression changed. He was not afraid, and neither was Clark, but Louise was in danger. In this container, ricochets would happen.

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