Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 622 How much do you have and how much do I want?

Ulysses Crow, a physics expert who specializes in sound, has just invented a new weapon, the Sonic Transducer, which can use the vibrations of sound waves to cause great damage.

However, he discovered a big problem. The vibration of the sound wave will also place a huge load on the weapon equipment. To increase the power of this weapon, special materials are needed, the harder the better.

Just at this time, he accidentally learned about a metal material called sound-absorbing steel from a friend. Hearing the name, it seemed that it was specially used to make this weapon.

This sound-absorbing steel is in Wakanda, and he was a little curious at first, such a poor country, there is such a precious metal, and it has not been taken away by other countries?

But when he really came to Wakanda, he found that Wakanda had two appearances. One is a poor, backward agricultural country that many people know about, and the other is the most technologically advanced country on earth, hundreds of years ahead of other countries.

But he finally bought a prince from a certain tribe in Wakanda with money, who promised to get him a lot of vibration gold for his research. And he not only has to pay money, but also helps the prince become the king of Wakanda.

The first payment has already been made, and Ulysses felt a little disappointed when he saw that the account was empty. How could he have money to do his own research?


The door of the laboratory rang suddenly, and Ulysses froze for a moment. Didn't his subordinates leave? Who would come here?

"You are?"

"Ulysses Crow, I'm a friend of Stark's. He told me that you are a genius." Fan Mang wore sunglasses on his face with a serious smile.

"Stark? Tony Stark? He is now the great Iron Man, and I have become a loner. My subordinates have left me, and no one will invest in my laboratory. Ulysses stepped aside to open the door and invited Fan Mang in, "Are you looking for me?"


"Please come in." Ulysses became enthusiastic in an instant. All he needed now was money.

"What's your name, sir?"


"Mr. Fan, how do you plan to invest? Do you have any requirements for my laboratory? I have a new technology in my hand.

I put all my energy into this technology, and when it is completed, it will definitely make a lot of money. "

"No, no, I'm not here to invest in your technology. I'm more interested in a metal in your hand, which is said to be obtained from Wakanda."

Ulysses took two steps back and looked at Fan Mang carefully: "You're not Stark's friend, are you? What do you want to do?"

"I want vibrating gold, which some people call sound-absorbing steel."

"I don't understand what you're saying, please leave." Ulysses pushed open the door of the laboratory.

He got the sound-absorbing steel, it's a secret, he didn't tell anyone, including the guy who told him Wakanda has sound-absorbing steel, how did this fan know?

Besides, he wanted the sound-absorbing steel for his own use, so how could he sell it to others?

"I can offer a sky-high price of 10,000 U.S. dollars for one gram. Only I can afford this price." Fan Mang raised a finger.

Ten thousand dollars a gram!

Ulysses felt his breathing became short, how could there be such a high price. The price he gave Nejobu was only one-tenth of this!

It also means that once he changes hands, he can get nine times the net profit!

"I, I don't have sound-absorbing steel." Ulysses said with difficulty, while looking into Fan Mang's eyes, can you still increase the price?

"Ulysses, this price is already the highest in the world. You know very well that no one can bid higher than me. And if I can find you, I can also find others, such as Wakanda who helped you get the sound-absorbing steel people."

"I need you to give me an affirmative answer now, this deal, do you want to do it or not."


Ulysses hesitated no longer, he would be a fool not to.

"Mr. Fan, what do you do?"

"You don't need to know what I do, and you can rest assured that I'm not using sound-absorbing steel to make some destructive weapon, trying to rule the earth or something."

"As for money, you don't need to worry. If I want to make it public, I'm the richest man in the world."

With Raptor's technology, it is absolutely possible to quietly transfer some of the bank's bad debts to Fan Mang's account, and it is not a problem to easily raise hundreds of billions of dollars.

Even with the ability of the raptor, it can print money by itself, and it is guaranteed that there will be no difference.

Of course, some legal means can also be used, such as selling some technologies, each of which can earn tens of billions of dollars, and it is guaranteed that there will be people rushing to buy it.

Ulysses looked at Fan Mang again, can this person's funds exceed the richest man in the world? Then everything will be easy to talk about.

"How much sound-absorbing steel do you want?"

"How much do you have, how much do I want."

The prince of the Wakanda tribe couldn't get much sound-absorbing steel. Fan Mang estimated that a few hundred kilograms would be enough, and the funds prepared by Stark were enough.

"One hundred kilograms, I can get you one hundred kilograms of sound-absorbing steel!" Ulysses gritted his teeth and stared firmly into Fan Mang's eyes. Will a billion dollars embarrass Fan Mang?

Sure enough, he saw Fan Mang frowned, this Fan was bragging, he didn't have that much money at all!

"That's all?"

So... a bit? !

Ulysses was stunned, a billion dollars, the other party didn't even bat an eye, as if he didn't care at all.

"How much do you want?"

"One ton is not too much, half a ton is not too little, and one hundred kilograms, your ability is not very good. If you tell me the contact information of that friend in Wakanda, I will give you one billion dollars, and then I will Get in touch with him and talk about an account."

Fan Mang's posture of sending money to you first shocked Ulysses again. He swears that he has never seen such a rich man who is willing to pay a billion dollars for a piece of news!

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. This is my promise to him. But I can talk to that person and get as much sound-absorbing steel as possible for you."

Ulysses decided to act as a black-hearted intermediary, earning 90% of the difference in the middle. As long as he can provide Fan with one hundred and ten kilograms, his income will reach one billion dollars.

And he has calculated that he can at least get more than 200 kilograms of sound-absorbing steel from the Wakanda prince. Even if he only sells 150 kilograms, he can earn more than one billion yuan.

Why give up when you can earn hundreds of millions more?

"Mr. Fan, please trust me, I will help you get it done, at least one hundred and fifty kilograms, maybe even double it."

Fan Mang looked resigned: "Account, I will give you 200 million US dollars as a deposit. Remember, if you take my money, you must keep your promise, otherwise you will definitely regret it."

After Fan Mang left, Ulysses immediately checked his bank account, and there really was an extra 200 million dollars!

With this money, his research can be carried out better, he will definitely be able to develop the most powerful sonic weapon, and he will become the greatest sound physics expert!

Ulysses immediately contacted Nechob and told him that he wanted more sound-absorbing steel. In fact, he already had some here, but the quantity was too small to meet Fan Mang's request.

"Ulysses, are you crazy? I told you, don't contact me again. I can only give you so much." Nijob said angrily.

"The price has doubled this time, I need more sound-absorbing steel, I want a ton!" Ulysses said calmly.

"Impossible! I can't give you that much. Do you know how much risk you have to take just for transportation? One ton, it will be discovered by the king!"

"But don't you want to make more money and get more people to support you? You have so many, and your identity, it's not difficult to make a ton, right? Or, you don't want as much money as I imagined. Have status?" Ulysses said intentionally, "And you've already sold it to me once, haven't you?"

"Shut up! Are you threatening me?"

"Not a threat, but a statement of fact. We cooperate, win-win. This is the last time, I promise. As soon as I see the sound-absorbing steel, I will pay you, whatever payment method you want. Cash, account, gold, diamond."

Nijob was silent for a while: "One ton is impossible. I don't have that much energy, so it's easy for me to be exposed. At most half a ton. That's it. I'll contact you in three days."

After hanging up the phone, Ulysses was about to burst into laughter. Five hundred kilograms, he can sell four hundred kilograms to Fan, and the remaining one hundred kilograms is enough for him to do many experiments, and there is even a surplus.

This time, he can make at least several billion dollars!


The door knocked again, and Ulysses froze for a moment. Has Fan come back?

He opened the door of the laboratory and saw a man wearing a mask and a long trench coat walking in. What windbreaker are you wearing in this weather?

"Who are you?"

"Ulysses, we can be regarded as friends. Without me, would you know about the material of sound-absorbing steel? This time, I am here to do business with you. One gram is ten thousand dollars, and I want three hundred grams of sound-absorbing steel, of course. , it would be better to have more.”

"It's you?" Ulysses knew that Wakanda has sound-absorbing steel, and someone told him about it on the Internet, but he didn't expect it to be the person in front of him.

But since the other party knows that Wakanda has sound-absorbing steel, why not do it yourself, but through him?

"Sorry, I only have one point, and I can't sell it to you."

"You can check your account, three billion dollars is already in your account, and I will pick it up next week. If you have more, I will also give you more money."

Ulysses opened his mouth. This is a more generous man than Van. Before the goods were seen, all the payments were paid. This is three billion U.S. dollars!

However, the other party didn't give him a chance to refuse, so he turned around and left, even setting a fixed time for picking up the goods. Although it made him a little uncomfortable, he checked the account, and there was really another three billion dollars, and all the complaints disappeared.

Can you invite these two people together at that time, and the one with the highest price will win?

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