Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 66: Being Targeted

Fan Mang jumped down the steps faster than J and rushed over, only to see the car pry man jump on a motorcycle and run away.

"Why don't you chase after him, drag him down and beat him hard!" J made a fist, if they came down a little later, they didn't know what it would be like.

"Boss Z said that we should try to keep a low profile. Do you want us to beat him up first and then delete his memory? If Boss Z finds out, he will be punished."

"Besides, my car has been modified, so it's not something a thief can pry open. And he's already gone, why didn't you shoot him?"

J looked at Fan Mang: "Do you think this is an ordinary car theft? Let me, the brave New York police detective, tell you that there is definitely something wrong with him!"

"What kind of car is this, a Ford F150, although it's a very good pickup truck, but you look at the car without any decorations. Would anyone steal something from this kind of car?"

"If he's here to steal a car, then why is he riding a motorcycle? All the car thieves I've caught, the people who pry the car to steal things, are at least two people."

"One of them is in charge of letting the wind out. When he is discovered, he immediately reminds the companion who stole the car to escape. Just now, there was only one person!"

"Do normal people think that our car is special? If they want to steal, the easiest way is not to pick the lock, but to smash the glass. Also, don't you think that the speed of that person jumping on the motorcycle was a little faster? "

Fan Mang recalled carefully, the movement of that person just now was very fast. And it didn't feel like a normal thief, he turned on the alien radar right away.

A red dot was quickly moving away from him, the car thief was an alien!

"J, get in the car, let's chase."

"Chasing? There are no streetlights ahead, and there is a fork in the road. Do you know where he ran to?" J closed the car door, and suddenly a strong push came from his back, and he immediately grabbed the handrail on the side, "It's so dark, You're going too fast!"

"J, I trust your judgment. There is definitely something wrong with that person just now. Have you ever thought about it? We know that there is an alien smuggling spaceship coming to New Jersey, so there must be someone on the other side."

"The person just now may be one of the people who responded, and I even suspect that he is an alien."

J: "???"

Just because I said that guy doesn't look like a car thief, you're calling someone an alien? Too far-fetched, right? Besides, everyone else has been running for more than a minute, where are you chasing now?

That motorcycle even had its taillights removed, and you just turned two corners. Are you sure you weren't trying your luck?

Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly shut up again. Under the illumination of the headlights, a motorcycle could be vaguely seen tens of meters ahead.

"How did you know he turned this way?!"

"I guessed it." Fan Mang looked at the red dot on the alien radar and casually prevaricates J.

J's head sticks out of the window, Atomic 2 in his hand: "Hey, stop right now, or I'll shoot!"

The motorcycle didn't stop, didn't slow down, but swayed left and right, speeding up. This made J very angry and ignored his warning.


J fired a shot, but didn't hit anything. Instead, a tree by the side of the road was stalked, and the trunk was missing.

"F, you drive steadily, I'm going to aim, hit the road in front of his motorcycle, and catch him alive."

"You can't shoot well, because I can't drive steadily? Look at me, you can get it done with one shot."

With a gun in his left hand, Fan Mang stretched out the window, slammed the gun, and the motorcycle burst into flames.

J looked at Fan Mang: "If you want to kill him, I can do it too. Now people are dead. Fortunately, he is an alien. If he is an earth person, you will be expelled, do you know?"

Fan Mang also wanted to catch him alive. He thought his LV5 marksmanship was enough to hit, but who would have thought that the alien would suddenly speed up? Just hit the energy bomb,

The motorcycle exploded, destroying half of the alien's body, and scales could still be seen on the corpse.

But the good news is that Fan Mang once again found a treasure chest, although it was only a bronze treasure chest.

"J, now the point is, this is really an alien. Do you think he is stupid, so he came to steal the car alone, or do you know that it is our MIB agent's car?" Fan Mang asked.

"He must be stupid. Maybe this motorcycle was stolen. How dare aliens steal our MIB agent's car? Our cars are marked with signs."

Speaking of this, J was stunned for a moment: "Yes, there are signs on our car, and every alien who enters the earth through normal means should know it."

"Either he did it on purpose, or smuggled into the earth. F, call back to the headquarters and ask the logistics person to come and deal with it. At the same time, check to see if any registered alien IDs have disappeared."

"FXXK! The concert tickets I booked were wasted. I hope my colleagues will come over quickly and let us have a good time at the clubhouse."

"You haven't told me which singer's concert it is." Fan Mang asked while taking out his phone.

"I don't know either. Anyway, she is a very beautiful woman. I heard that she dances very well, and she wears very little."

Fan Mang: ( ̄ー ̄*|||

Sure enough, J wanted to "see" the concert.


In a suburban New Jersey villa, there was a house party, many people dancing to the music in the first-floor living room. The host saw a man standing at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor, greeted the other guests, and walked to the second floor.

"How is it, is Sam back?"

"Boss, I feel that Sam is dead." The people on their planet are not very combative, but the distance between brothers of the same birth is not too far, so there will be a weak induction.

And now he can't sense Sam, and Sam can't leave suddenly, there is only one possibility, and that is death.

What the hell did the boss send Sam to do, and why did he die? Ordinary earthlings, even with a shotgun, Sam would definitely be able to leave.

"Dead?!" The boss was also a little surprised.

He just found out that there was a car of the Men in Black group in New Jersey, and he wanted Sam to lead the other party away. A few days ago, one of his men was arrested. Tomorrow night, there will be an important transaction on his side. He has already negotiated with the other party, and even received a deposit. The transaction must not go wrong.

"Don't be sad, I will avenge Sam. Remember, don't act rashly without my order. When the transaction is completed tomorrow, I will give you the most powerful weapon and let you avenge him with your own hands."

"Then we can leave, and you have a lot of money, and you can return to your hometown to live comfortably. Before that, whoever interferes with my business will kill me!"

"Come on, come downstairs with me to play. Many girls on earth are still very beautiful."

Thank you for the reward for being too lazy to take a name, thank Gourd Xian'er for rewarding again, the leader of the alliance is mighty.

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