Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 699: Superman vs Hulk

Thor got married. As the king of gods, his wedding was very grand, and other representatives of the Nine Realms also attended, including even the frost giants and the dark elves.

They have all been defeated by Asgard, at least for a short period of time they dare not challenge Asgard. Not only because Sol, who is carrying the Storm Axe, is powerful in fighting, but also because Thor has many friends, powerful friends.

"The process of this wedding is quite complicated. It took several months to prepare, and the ostentation is not very good." Stark felt that it was too troublesome, and he was a little annoyed listening to the words of the old wizard of Asgard.

"There are not many people in Asgard, and not everyone is qualified to attend the wedding of the king of Asgard." Fan Mang watched with gusto. These etiquettes are actually simplified compared to many royal etiquettes on Earth. up.

When all the procedures were over and the two were officially married under the witness of their ancestors, Sol held Valkyrie's hand and stood on a high place.

"In the name of the King of Asgard, I wish all guests a long and healthy life."

Fan Mang suddenly froze for a moment, because he found out that this blessing was actually true. Fan Mang's HP directly increased by one hundred.

Stark and the others were also stunned for a moment, they all felt that their bodies seemed to become more relaxed, and this trip was not in vain.

The food and drinks are also good things. It seems that these protoss really have hidden good things.

Banner, who had just returned with Natasha, ate big mouthfuls, and was quite tired after going to Proxima Centauri.

Sol just toasted a glass of wine together, and then left with his queen, not toasting with every table. However, there were two tables of people who were always staring at Fan Mang and the others, with a trace of hatred in their eyes.

Fan Mang glanced at the table, there were dark elves on one table and frost giants on the other. Did the Frost Giants have the Ice Box on the Raptor? They knew it, but they didn't dare to ask for it.

Today's Frost Giants are not at the time of King Laufey. Their strength is very weak, and they dare not challenge Asgard. Naturally, they dare not challenge the stronger Earth, but it does not prevent them from showing hatred in their eyes.

It was even worse for the dark elves. Not only was the sacred object ether particles turned into reality gems by Fan Mang, the former patriarch was also killed by Fan Mang, and his car was even robbed, and now it stops in the midair of Asgard .

They came to attend Sol's wedding, and also expressed their surrender to Asgard, willing to live in peace regardless of past suspicions.

Only the dwarves smiled at Fan Mang and the others. They still remember the help the earth people gave them. They are friends.

Even the dwarf king came over with a wine glass and warmly toasted Fan Mang and the others. Of course, Fan Mang and his group, who were less than two meters tall, turned into real dwarves again in front of the three-meter-tall dwarf king.

"Fan, is this your child? Take him to me when you have time, and I will tailor an artifact for him."

"Thank you, wait until he is a little older, he is still a child."

Fan Mang still likes the artifact produced by the dwarves. Especially if the dwarf king did it himself, it is definitely a top artifact, but I don't know if Fan Lin has the strength to use it.

The more top-notch artifact, the more picky the master.

"Okay, anyway, if there are no accidents, I can live for a long time, and I don't worry about waiting ten or twenty years. With you here, he doesn't have to worry about being bullied."

"Not only dad, but godfather, godfather is even more powerful." Fan Lin raised his head from the bowl.

"You have a more powerful godfather? Who is it, Banner?" The dwarf king looked around curiously, but he couldn't think of anyone else except Banner.

"It's not from this universe, it's Krypton Superman from another universe. I'll pick him up in a few days and introduce you to him."

Three days later, Fan Mang returned to DC Universe with the Raptor.

Clark was about to warm up in the sun, and he felt that he was about to improve again. At that time, he would not be afraid even if he faced Darkseid who was not injured.

"Clark, last time you said you were interested in meeting superheroes from other universes first,

Are you ready now? "

"Of course, I can leave at any time. Louise, I'm going away for a few days, wait for me to come back."

Louise put two cups of coffee in front of Fan Mang and the others: "Are you in such a hurry? Let's go after eating."

Fan Mang didn't call anyone else this time. Anyway, they didn't plan to go to the new universe to play. After dinner at Clark's house, the raptor also filled the space-time key again.

On a mountaintop, the space-time key opened the passage.

Clark looked at the passage: "Do you have to go into your little black room? I think I can go right through."

Fan Mang looked at Clark suspiciously: "Can you go there?"

Without the space-time key, even the birds of prey cannot pass through. Can Clark do it?

"How do you know if you don't try? Maybe this can let me experience how to break the cosmic passage, so that I can find my clansmen."

Clark aimed at the space gate that Fan Mang was pointing at, and flew directly there.


There was a burst of golden light on the door of space, and Clark was bounced back. Fan Mang was a little disappointed, but also heaved a sigh of relief. He hoped that Clark could succeed, but he didn't want Clark to force his way in and break the key of time and space.

He is the only one of this thing, and the raptor has not studied and understood the principle until now, including the dwarf king. If this is broken, he will not be able to go back to other universes.

"If I use stronger power, I should be able to pass, but it may cause damage. When I get stronger, I can control the power better, and then I will definitely succeed."

Fan Mang patted Clark on the shoulder: "Then just wait. Don't resist now, I will take you away."

In the Marvel universe, Fan Mang stepped out from a mountain top. With a wave of his hand, Clark and the Raptor appeared beside him.

Clark took a deep breath: "This place is really different from our previous cosmic atmosphere, and the rules are also different, but it doesn't affect me."

With his feet suspended in the air, he instantly adapted to the universe.

"There is a spaceship floating over there. Is it the headquarters of the Guardian Alliance you mentioned? I will go first."

Fan Mang stretched out his hand and missed it, you are too anxious, isn't it just faster than me, but the raptor is not slower than you.

The raptor turned into a small aircraft, wrapped around Fan Mang, and quickly chased Clark.

Banner sat in front of the console at the headquarters of the Guardian Alliance, eating steamed buns while listening to this song. Anyway, the auxiliary system will prompt if something happens, so it's useless for him to stare at the screen.

beep beep beep~~

Banner quickly looked up at the screen, and something seemed to flash on the screen. The system prompts that an object is traveling at the speed of light and is approaching the spacecraft of the Guardian Alliance. It is not identified as Quicksilver or Raptor.

Besides Quicksilver and Raptor, who else can reach the speed of light?


Banner yelled through the communicator, mainly to remind Natasha and Dr. Pym at the headquarters. He himself quickly stepped on the flying skateboard, ready to welcome the guests.

A man wearing a red and blue battle suit appeared in front of Banner, and the two looked at each other.

"Who are you? This is the Guardian Alliance, please show your identity." Banner threw out the glasses frame on his face, and did it if he didn't obey.

"Your strength is very strong, let's learn from each other."

Before Banner understood what was going on, he saw Clark rushing over suddenly. He crossed his hands, blocked Clark's punch, and fell quickly.

Clark flew down sharply, continuing to pump his fists.

When Banner's back fell to the ground, his whole body grew rapidly. Clark didn't react for a while, and Banner grabbed his ankle.


Banner's classic throwing move only hit Clark once. The second time, Clark kicked Banner's wrist and managed to break free.

But Banner caught up and punched Clark in the chest. Clark flew out and smashed through a mountain in the distance.

But in the blink of an eye, Clark flew back again, punching Banner in the abdomen, and Banner flew out of the whole body.

Clark caught up and punched, Banner stretched out his palm and grabbed it directly: "Your strength is good. It's been a long time since I met someone who can compare with me in strength, but my strength can still be greater."

After being punched a few times, Banner was also angry, and with his anger, his strength grew rapidly.

Clark hadn't met anyone who could wrestle with him for a long time, so the two of them got off their horses and started fighting.

When Fan Mang came back, he saw the two of them competing on the ground. Natasha pointed a gun at Clark, but did not fire.

"Fan, this guy came out of nowhere, and suddenly got into a fight with Banner. And his strength is very strong, not weaker than Banner, not weaker than Quicksilver, and his body is extremely resistant. "

"Natasha, don't worry, this is the friend I mentioned, Fan Lin's godfather, Kryptonian Clark Kent. He just thinks that Banner is strong and wants to compete."

Natasha put the gun away: "So this is the Superman you mentioned. His strength is really strong, but Banner will not lose in the competition of strength, because he is already angry."

Banner, who was not angry, was strong, but Fan Mang also won by wrestling his wrists when using the Hand of Honor. But Banner, after being angry, seems to have no upper limit in terms of strength.

After two minutes, the two separated, and Clark stretched out his hand to Banner: "Hi, I'm Clark Kent, are you Dr. Hulk that Fan said?"

"Bruce Banner, code-named Dr. Hulk, but more people call me the Hulk. You are the superman with the strongest body that Fan Mang said. Before I met you, I really didn't believe it. Someone can talk to angry I am stronger than myself."

"It's strange that your strength comes from anger. It's very interesting to compete with you. Let's compete again when we have time."

"Have you already introduced it, Clark, how about it, do you believe it now, Banner was an ordinary earthling before." Fan Mang said with a smile.

"Except for not being able to fly and being a bit slower, his body is the most perfect I've ever seen. If he hadn't seen the bracelet on my wrist and stopped being angry, I might have lost in terms of strength."

"No, no, if you use speed, I'm no match. You can only use speed-limiting equipment." Banner also said modestly.

"Okay, you two stop flattering each other, go in, other people should come in a while, let me introduce you."

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