Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 708 Curse

"Those mortals have gone to Gao Tianyuan, should we help?" Ares hurried into the temple and looked at Zeus.

Zeus sat on a high throne: "Why should we go to help?"

Ares froze for a moment: "Didn't you say, let those little protoss join us to deal with those annoying mortals?"

Now that the Gaotianyuan Protoss is being attacked, shouldn't we as allies help?

"That's right, that's what I said. If they succeed, then Mars, Saturn, etc. can be handed over to them to occupy, and they are also allowed to preach on the earth and let them walk freely on the earth."

"But when did I say that we need to help them when they are under attack? Could it be that they occupy a place as large as the East, and will they share it with us?"

Athena curled her lips, knowing that Zeus had no good intentions.

Thinking back when she was just born, Zeus wanted to strangle her directly and devour her godhead just because she was very powerful. If she hadn't been capable enough to make Zeus feel that if she killed her, she would be backlashed and easily overthrown by Hades and others, she might have died long ago.

Zeus can even deal with his own daughter, what else can't be done?

At the beginning, Zeus also promised the Amazon queen Hippolyta that the entire Amazon family would be blessed by the gods, no longer need to fight, and even some powerful ones could become gods. But in the end, when the Olympus Protoss left, Zeus never thought of taking the Amazons away, not even Queen Hippolyta and Diana.

That is to say, those fools of the Gaotianyuan Protoss are easy to believe. Looking at other small protoss, they agreed on the surface, but in fact they didn't move at all.

On the one hand, they kept in touch with the Olympus Protoss, on the other hand, they did not violate Fan Mang's order, and kept a neutral wait-and-see attitude.

Ares was stunned. He didn't expect Zeus to say that. It seems that the death of the Gaotianyuan Protoss was really wronged.

"But if we don't help, then the other little protoss won't listen to us, let alone attack Fan Mang and the others. How can we use those little protoss?"

"Why do you think those little protoss listen to us? There are two reasons. The first is that we are strong, and they don't listen to us for fear that we will be destroyed. The second is interests. They want to absorb more energy and the power of faith here, so that Their protoss can grow quickly."

"Perhaps it has something to do with their dislike of Fan Mang's arrogant attitude, but it has nothing to do with whether we help the Gaotianyuan Protoss."

"As long as they see the benefits, they will definitely not be able to help but make a move. When we officially fight with that earth superhero alliance, what do you think they will choose?"

Ares looked at Zeus puzzled: "Can't they unite with the people on Earth and deal with us?"

"What's the benefit? Helping the people on earth, do you think they can rule the earth with the attitude of the people on the earth? And if they are sure to help the people on the earth, they can destroy us? It's not that they want to face us if any of our main gods leave. correct."

"Besides, once they help us win, they can get enough benefits. If those little protoss don't take the initiative to attack the earthlings, won't we give them some reason to attack?"

"Go to contact the Aztec Protoss and tell them that I have received news that their inheritance on Earth was wiped out by those Earth superheroes."


The Gao Tianyuan Protoss was wiped out, and the three main gods died, and they were killed in just one minute. There was no resistance at all, and the gap in strength was so great that the other god kings of the small protoss were silent.

Their strength may be stronger than that of the Gaotianyuan Protoss, but if they want to destroy the Gaotianyuan Protoss so quickly, they will never be able to do it, and it is even more impossible for them to pay no price at all.

Of course, some members of the Gaotianyuan Protoss escaped to a certain corner of the universe. I heard that when they left, they swore with their godheads that they would never return to Earth in this life, otherwise their godheads would be shattered and their souls would be annihilated.

From then on, there may no longer be any Gaotianyuan protoss.

The Egyptian Protoss are also discussing whether they want to leave, or to make a statement with Fan Mang and the others. For the time being, they just want to stay here, absorb more energy here, and make themselves stronger.

Shiva was also discussing with Di Shitian and others, why don't we run away, go to the moon or Mars, isn't that good?

It is also close to the earth, just wait and see the result of the battle between the two most powerful forces. If the Olympus Protoss wins, they will come to show again, as long as one place is enough to preach.

If Fan Mang and the others win, they will run as far as they can and never come back.

Many gods of the Aztec Protoss are also discussing whether to leave the earth. On Earth, they can no longer see the inheritance of their protoss, and not many people even believe in them anymore.

They had performed miracles before, but it was useless. And they were too close to the League of Super Heroes spaceship, so they always felt uneasy.

But just when they decided to leave, someone brought a message.

"What did you say, our inheritance on Earth was wiped out by those mortals on Earth?"

"That's right, I swear in the name of King Zeus, if I tell a lie, I will fall into hell forever, and suffer from burning fire for life after life."

"If you want revenge, our Olympus Protoss will definitely help. If you think it doesn't matter if the inheritance is broken, then pretend that we didn't say it."

The king of the Aztec Protoss had a gloomy face. How could he pretend that nothing happened at this time? If he said to give up, the face of the Aztec Protoss would be gone.

The pride of the protoss does not allow him to give up. Their protoss are different from other protoss. They not only possess powerful divine power, but also know how to use technological weapons.

They even trained many super fighters and super assassins.

"If the Olympus Protoss can help us temporarily stop Fan Mang, Kryptonian, Hulk and Thor, then we will kill the others one by one!"

"Okay, we will block those people. Then I will go back and wait for the good news."


After Fan Mang and the others killed the Gaotianyuan Protoss, they returned in triumph. The three artifacts were handed over to everyone for research, but unfortunately the Raptor was not there, and Sol also went back, and the others were not good at it.

"Fan, this time can deter those little protoss, I think some protoss have already left." Clark walked over with a smile on his face.

He grew up on the earth, and the earth is his real hometown in his mind, not New Krypton. Like Fan Mang, he does not want the people on earth to be ruled and enslaved by these gods who suddenly appeared.

In fact, even if those protoss are allowed to live on Earth, he is not willing, there will definitely be a lot of trouble, and he hates trouble.

"It's not bad, this time it's interesting. But there are still some left, so you're going to wait and see, right?"

The key lies in the attitude of the Olympus protoss. Only when the troubles of this protoss are resolved, will the earth truly return to peace.

If the Olympus Protoss could silently guard the earth like the Holy of Holies and not disturb the lives of ordinary people, Fan Mang would be happy with their existence, and he would be more at ease, wouldn't he?

But Zeus has the same attitude as all the gods of the Olympus Protoss. They are gods and should rule over mortals. There is a natural class gap between gods and mortals.

They are also gods, but Fan Mang still likes Sol and their Asa clan. When Odin stayed on the earth, he just looked at the scenery and did nothing else.

Sol didn't know what was going on. I heard that the dark elves and other races had united. Although they didn't attack Asgard, Sol was very vigilant and didn't dare to leave for a long time.

After all, Sol is the only top fighter in Asgard at this time, and the other fighters are relatively average. Valkyrie, the Valkyrie, is still pregnant and cannot fight.

"Fan, when are we going to attack the Olympus protoss? Do we just watch them stay there, bewitching other small protoss, and stalemate with us?" Stark was very dissatisfied. He was also a mortal in Zeus's mouth, but He killed God!

And like Fan Mang, he never took God too seriously. The so-called god is nothing more than a stronger individual. In the eyes of many people on earth, these superheroes are also gods, but they never thought of ruling other ordinary people.

"I'm waiting for the news from the two of you." Fan Mang sat on the chair calmly.

The Olympus Protoss doesn't know what they will do or what preparations they have, but he can know what the Olympus Protoss is going to do because he has an undercover agent.

But before the undercover agent showed up, Haipi suddenly fell ill.

Fan Mang and the others came to Heipi's room: "What's going on, why are you suddenly sick?"

It shouldn't be, Hey Pi was transformed by the modified Extremis virus, not to mention that it is invulnerable to all viruses, at least ordinary diseases will not appear.

He was fine before, why did he suddenly become ill? And with Jarvis' ability, nothing was detected.

"I don't know, I just feel weak and a little cold. Is there something wrong with my genes, and the transformation didn't work?" Heipi said weakly.

"Nonsense, if you fail, you will be burned to death by the high temperature, and you will definitely not be cold. Wait a minute, I will ask Lao Wang and the others."

The bracelet contacted Lao Wang, the magician in the Holy of Holies in New York, and Lao Wang appeared soon. He looked happy and frowned.

"Fan, this is not a disease, but a curse. Someone cursed Hippie, and if the source of the curse is not resolved, then Hippie will remain weak until he dies."

"Curse?! Did the Protoss do it? Do you know how to lift the curse? You have to find the source of the curse?"

"I just understand, but I'm not good at it. If the teacher can solve it, I'm afraid Doctor Strange is not good at it. I only know that if you find the source of the curse, you will be able to solve it."

A halo appeared next to it, and Doctor Strange came out: "Who said I can't solve it? Although I'm not good at solving curses, I can figure out who cursed it, and that's to help you find the source of the curse!"

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