Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 723 The tyrannical anti-life equation

"Seeing those little guys on Earth, they already know we're coming. Olean, let me see how you've improved over the years."

Darkseid brought Orion out of the space passage. He had his hands behind his back, as if he came here to play, but he exuded an aura that no strangers should enter.

Orion didn't want to fight with the earthlings, he knew that the earthlings had killed Darkseid after he was wounded with his heavenly father. Even the injured Dakseid is very terrifying.

What's more, he also knew that the people on Earth had just killed Zeus, the god-king of the old gods, and even almost wiped out the Olympus gods. The strength of the earth may not be weaker than that of the new founding star, or even stronger.

He alone can't be an opponent at all, Dakseid just asked him to test the reality of the people on earth.

But he didn't dare to refuse. The result of his refusal was to be directly killed by Darkseid.

Orion released his breath, looked at some people coming from a distance, and walked forward.

A dozen figures descended, surrounding Darkseid and Orion. Darkseid still had his hands behind his back, and he looked at the people around him, as if there were not so many people who besieged him last time, and there were more little ants on the earth who were overwhelmed.

"Daxseid, since you are lucky enough to be resurrected, you should stay on your Apocalypse honestly and not come to Earth to die!" Fan Mang said loudly.

"Me? Death? Hahahahaha, did you think that I was seriously injured and let you take advantage of it? This time, it seems that you are all injured."

"Olean, go, let them see the strength of the new Protoss."

Orion rushed towards Fan Mang, raised his fist, and attacked with all his strength. He must win this time and survive to have a chance to make himself stronger, defeat Darkseid, and restore the order of the new founding star.

He loves peace, doesn't want the universe to be in war all the time, and doesn't like ruling other races, he doesn't have that much power.

He couldn't understand Darkseid's thoughts, but he hoped that he could live, and that the people on the new founding planet could live, and he would not hesitate to sacrifice some people on Earth for this.

Clark rushed over, blocked Fan Mang, and also punched Orion.

The two hit each other's shoulders at the same time and retreated at the same time, neither of them took advantage.

Darkseid looked at Clark with some surprise. He remembered that this Kryptonian was not bad at the time. He wanted to take him under his command, but he should be far behind Orion. But now his strength has increased so much, he has never seen such a powerful Kryptonian!

"Dakseid, let your son come out to die, do you just hide behind?" Banner challenged.

"What race are you? I've seen a lot of people with green skin, but I've never seen one who looks like you. Are you a mixed race?"

"I'm from Earth, and you haven't seen many of them. I'd like to see how you compare to that Zeus."

Banner was the first to rush over and punched Darkseid. Darkseid stretched out his left hand, lightly blocking Banner's fist.

Everyone's face changed, Darkseid's power was able to crush Banner. He couldn't even see the ground collapse under Darkseid's feet, and didn't let Darkseid shake his body.

Darkseid looked at Banner with a smile: "It turns out that the earth is mutated, no wonder it is so weak. Are you still using my last serious injury to measure my strength?"

"If that's the case, you guys will disappoint me too much. Don't you have an artifact that claims to be able to destroy everything, why don't you take it out?"

Darkseid blocked Banner with one hand, and was able to chat easily, which made Banner instantly angry. After being angry, his strength began to soar, and finally made Darkseid's arm bend.

"Huh? Your power can still grow, which is quite interesting. Are you interested in following me? I can bestow you with the status of a protoss, and even teach you some skills in using power, which can also make you stronger."

"You just have to do what I want,

Just help me conquer the universe, just like Steppenwolf back then, and become the general of Apocalypse. "

A bolt of lightning appeared from behind Darkseid, and Barry swung the knife in his hand and slashed towards Darkseid's neck. But he was horrified to find that Dakseid turned his body around at some point and just grabbed his knife.

His knife is also a divine weapon, and Darkseid grabbed the blade with the palm of his hand, without any injuries.

"Your speed is fast, faster than me to be honest, but I can break the space, your speed is meaningless in front of me."

Barry quickly let go of the hand holding the knife, and quickly backed away. After he backed up for tens of meters, the treasured sword he had used for a long time was shattered, and was directly crushed by Darkseid.

With no speed and no weapons, Barry is useless. In this battle, he can't get much help.

Ant-Man suddenly grew bigger and became a hundred meters tall. He lifted his foot and stepped on Darkseid. Dakseid raised his head and smiled disdainfully. With this kind of strength, he is worthy of being trampled under his feet!


Darkseid picked up Banner and smashed it directly at Ant-Man's foot. Ant-Man had no time to dodge, and watched as he stomped Banner under his feet.

When he wanted to lift his feet again, he found that his feet suddenly hurt, and then there was a problem with the Pym particles in the suit, and his body shrank rapidly.

Ant-Man was crippled after meeting each other, with one leg broken, and Barry carried him away quickly.

The Martian Manhunter and Kara went to besiege Orion at the same time, and they did not participate in the battle on Darkseid's side at all. The raptor's arms turned into two cannons, and fired wildly at Darkseid.

Darkseid raised his hand and propped up a protective cover. Even though the energy bomb tilted, his protective cover did not change at all.

He remembered this robot, he already knew what race it was, a mechanical life form from Cybertron. However, he asked someone to look at it, and the mechanical lifeforms on Cybertron are very weak. Is this considered a mutation?

When a dazzling missile exploded, Dakseid narrowed his eyes slightly, and he suddenly discovered that the surrounding space had changed, was he pulled into the dimensional space?

No wonder I didn't see that group of earthlings coming up to besiege. It turned out that it was intentional, just wanting to fight in the dimensional space. This is also good, so as to save some small miscellaneous fish from making trouble.

Darkseid looked at Orion who was fighting in the distance, and frowned slightly. This son has made great progress. It seems that under the teaching of the heavenly father these years, he has grown well, but it is far from enough.

As long as he is not a top powerhouse, he does not deserve to be praised by him. And he also knew that this son who was sent to the new founding star as a proton actually didn't agree with him.

But this son doesn't understand the genes in their blood at all, and I believe he will experience the joy of conquest and destruction in the future.

"People on Earth, you have deliberately pulled me into this dimensional space, is it because I can't break it? Space magic, but every one of us Apocalypse Protoss must learn."

"Give me back the sacred object you took away, and then kill yourself in front of me, so I can spare other earthlings." Darkseid stretched out his right hand towards Fan Mang.

As far as the current strength of this group of people is concerned, it is not too bad to deal with Orion, but it is far from enough to deal with him!

The mother box in Fan Mang's hand disappeared in a flash: "You want the mother box? If you promise never to go near the solar system again, I will give it to you."

"Are you worthy of negotiating terms with me?" Dakseid's face was grim, "I want to see what your reliance is!"

Darkseid just tapped a finger, and a ray flew over. Fan Mang dodged quickly, because he had a very dangerous feeling just now.

Did Darkseid's casual blow put his life in danger?

Olean is lv70, already very strong, Clark and the three of them besieged, but have not yet won. And the Darkseid in front of him has reached lv79, the strongest he has ever met.

Darkseid, who was seriously injured back then, is not as good as Orion now, and the gap is too big.

"You can dodge my blow, you are not bad, but how do you dodge this move?"

Darkseid's eyes released rays, and the two rays intersected. Fan Mang and the others desperately dodged, and at the same time used long-range weapons to fight back.

But whether it is a blast energy atomic cannon or a hadron assault cannon, it is useless to Darkseid. Even the flame bomb mixed with the eternal fire of the raptor failed to hurt Darkseid.

"Eternal fire, this is a good thing. I heard that your race relies on the fire in your chest to continue your life, so I extinguished the fire in your chest."

Darkseid suddenly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. The raptor's arms changed rapidly, with a shield in one hand and a lightsaber in the other. But a second later, the raptor flew far away, but Darkseid stood there unharmed.

"If you can block one blow from me, it's a good thing. Are you sure you don't want to surrender? Since you don't want the chance to give me alms, then go to hell."

"Let you see my soul's thoroughly perfected anti-life equation after traveling through the multiverse! No matter what life form you are, as long as you are alive, you must follow my orders!"

The little spider that was rushing towards Darkseid suddenly stopped, turned around and sprayed spider silk at Stark next to him. And Stark didn't notice it for a while, and was actually tricked.

"Peter, what are you doing!"

"He is controlled by the anti-life equation, and you should be careful, his control is stronger than the mind control of the Martian Manhunter."

Not only the little spider, Kara, Scarlet Witch, etc. were all controlled, and Arthur even waved the Sea God Trident at Scarlet Witch.

"Hahahaha, have you seen it? This is my current strength. The real anti-life equation is irresistible. I am one step away from breaking the wall of origin. No one can stop me anymore. I am the most powerful god in this universe."

Behind Fan Mang's right hand, he secretly put on the Infinity Gauntlet. Maybe you are the strongest now, but I have the most powerful artifact, even if it cannot destroy the universe, it is enough to destroy you.

He raised his right hand, and all six Infinity Stones gleamed.

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