Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 73 MIB's New Boss

Boss Z sat at the head of the desk, only O at the headquarters sat on the side, and the seats of other ace agents were all vacant.

Suddenly, holographic projections appeared in those places.

"Z, what's the reason for summoning us temporarily, maybe something happened at the headquarters again?" C touched his nose, why is there so many things at the headquarters, and the Asian branch he manages is very stable.

Z looked at C's holographic projection: "Are you looking forward to an accident at the headquarters? This time, everyone is called for a meeting to discuss matters related to K."

"K? What happened to him?" asked H from the European branch, "Didn't he retire?"

It can't be that K's memory has been restored for no reason, right? If so, we will be in big trouble.

"K is retired, but before retiring, K asked a friend to leave a message. If his lover gets sick, he hopes that the organization will help treat him."

"Now his girlfriend has cancer, and he has less than half a year to live. If we cure his girlfriend, then K will return to the organization and continue to work until the day he can no longer work."

"Z, this does not comply with the organization's regulations. Our medical technology is indeed very advanced, but we have discussed it at the beginning, and it is not disclosed to the public. The materials required for those technologies are not from the earth. There is no way to promote them, and the cost is extremely high. .” M was the first to object.

If something went wrong with K, and K was still working for the organization, then they would not have any doubts about treating K, and there would not even be a need for this meeting.

But the problem now is that K left the organization and chose to retire, and twice, with a very firm attitude. And the person they want to treat is K's current girlfriend.

"I don't agree either. I admit that K is a very good ace agent and has made a lot of contributions to the organization. But he chose to leave us, and the organization has also given a lot of care."

"Now because of his girlfriend's illness, we have to organize a shot. When we retire, can we all do this? Don't forget what the purpose of our organization is, and everyone has no privilege!" T's tone is very strict, and he is also the founder one of the people.

"I understand, T, you don't need to be too excited. But do you admit that K's return will make the organization better? We want to upgrade Skynet and protect the earth. Back then, Skynet was established by K alone, and he presided over the upgrade. Would it be more appropriate and more perfect?"

"If you feel that K's credit is not enough, then I am willing to exchange all my credit for this opportunity."

"Z, what do you mean?" O asked with some uncertainty.

"The meaning is very clear. I retire, and K comes back to work in exchange for a life-saving medicine for his girlfriend. And after I retire, I don't need any care. Is that okay?"

"Z, don't be angry. We have been in contact with K for as long as you. If K has a problem, we are willing to open the back door, but the problem is not K, but his girlfriend." T couldn't help but said.

"I didn't say anything angry. I said it when K retired, and I also thought about retiring. When my parents passed away, I couldn't go to the funeral. Now I want to visit their graves."

"I have been working in the organization for too long, and I also suggest that the organization cannot let an ace agent serve as the head of the organization for a long time. I propose that O take my place. After five or ten years, she can recommend others. "

"In this way, each of us will have the opportunity to accompany our family members before we get old. And we will not be like D. When facing aliens, we will put ourselves in danger due to the aging of the body, complicate the task, and bring Walk away feeling frustrated."

"I implore you to grant my request and to bring K back."

"Z, are you sure that K wants to come back? Did he tell you about this himself? He once recovered his memory on his own, but chose to clear it again. He is tired of this job and this responsibility." C couldn't help but said.

"But you and I both know K. If he had the memory, he would have made such a choice. And as long as we do, he will definitely stay in the organization and do a good job."


"F, who is Boss Z having a meeting with? Why is there another meeting? Is there a big task? Or is it that we completed the task before, and Z wants to promote us and ask other ace agents to vote?"

Fan Mang shook his head: "I don't know. But I think, if it's so easy to become an ace agent, there won't be only so many ace agents in the organization."

At this time, there are still eleven ace agents in the MIB, including Z. These people are also the core management of the organization, and they are jointly responsible for the operation of the organization and the protection of the earth.

But half of them are old guys, and there are two alien agents.

K's matter has not yet been settled, and Fan Mang did not tell J. J lost his father when he was young and was raised by his mother, who also passed away later. He likes the warmth of his family very much and is afraid of being alone, that's why he was willing to help Fan Mang pay the rent in advance when Fan Mang was unemployed, just hoping to have a friend to accompany him when he came home from get off work.

And K's age is actually about the same as J's father. When K taught J some ways of doing things, Fan Mang felt that J's eyes were always wrong, and it seemed that at some point, he regarded K as his father.

If K can come back, J must be very happy. But it would be too cruel if there was hope but disappointment in the end.

"Hey, F, your eyes are not right, you have something to hide from me." J sat on Fan Mang's table, "We are best partners, or best friends, you shouldn't have something to hide from me."

"Don't try to lie to me. I have interrogated thousands of criminals. I can tell at a glance whether they are lying. Tell me, what is it that is hiding from me?"

"J, I just watched it rain outside and worried about you."

This half-truth and half-false statement made J silent. Yes, it's raining. When I see rainy days, I think of her.

"F, come with me for a drink."

That afternoon, they suddenly received a notice that there was something important to announce.

Z stood on the high platform, and beside him stood two familiar figures.

"I'm announcing two things today. The first thing is that K will return to the organization, take over O's previous work, and be responsible for all the business of the Americas Division."

"I don't need to introduce K, everyone should know it. For those who don't know each other, just ask your colleagues, or browse the historical materials of the organization."

"The second thing is that I will hand over work with O. In the future, O will continue to lead the MIB and lead everyone to protect the earth and manage aliens on the earth."

"And I will officially retire and leave MIB..."

"F, why is Boss Z going to retire all of a sudden? And why is K coming back? What are these two old guys thinking?"

Fan Mang turned his head and saw a smile on J's face.

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