In the magical world of Truth, the Golden Witch Beadoricher unfolds a magical creation of the Seven Sisters of Purgatory. Inspired by the Seven Deadly Sins, she used infinite magic to create seven cones that symbolize the Seven Deadly Sins totemic-style carvings, and gave them magical life to the magic of the magic furniture, and created the magical personalities of the Seven Sisters of Purgatory that are traits of the Seven Deadly Sins.

The Golden Witch Beatryche speaks eloquently, allowing Truth to feel the magical power of the Seven Deadly Sins in an immersive way. The first thing she shows is the magical power of Lucifer, the eldest daughter of one of the Seven Sisters of Purgatory. Lucifer's black magic spike turned into a majestic purple glow, and she herself appeared tall and arrogant. The Golden Witch explains that Lucifer is a self-centered piece of furniture whose arrogance is a source of great power. Her magical powers allow her to control the minds of others and make them work for her in order to fulfill her ambitions.

Next on display is the magical power of Leviathan, the second daughter of one of the Seven Sisters of Purgatory. Leviathan's eerie black magic spike became more vibrant, filled with a palpitating green glow. The Golden Witch explains that Leviathan is a lone traveler who has consumed jealousy with her brilliant and unique dark magical powers, turning it into her own power. Through her magical powers, Leviathan can manipulate the minds of others and make them jealous of herself, thereby strengthening her own power.

Then, the Golden Witch demonstrates the magical power of Satan, the third daughter of Satan, one of the Seven Sisters of Purgatory. Satan's dark magic cone turned into a crimson glow of rage, and she herself appeared irritable, vicious and bloodthirsty. The Golden Witch explains that "Satan" is a piece of furniture full of anger, and her angry heart is a source of her great power. Her magical powers allow her to ignite the wrath of others and make them work for her revenge.

The Golden Witch continues to demonstrate the magical powers of the "Lazy" Enchanter Furniture, the fourth daughter of the Seven Sisters of Purgatory, Belfinger. Belfinger's black magic cones glowed languidly, while she herself looked lazy. The Golden Witch explains that Belfinger is an extremely lazy piece of furniture, and that her lazy heart is a source of great power. Her magical powers allow her to manipulate time and space so that she can continue to indulge in her laziness without having to face reality.

The Golden Witch's gaze turned to another corner, revealing the Greedy Enchanter Furniture, which was the Enchanter Furniture of the Fifth Daughter, Mammon, one of the Seven Sisters of Purgatory. Asmodeus's dark magic spike emits an enchanting golden glow, while Asmodeus himself appears cunning and greedy. The Golden Witch explains that "Mammon" is a greedy piece of furniture, and her greedy heart is a source of her great power. Her magical powers allow her to gain access to anything she wants, even someone else's life.

The Golden Witch then shows off the magical powers of the "Gluttony" enchanter furniture, one of the six daughters of the Seven Sisters of Purgatory, Belusai Bubu. Berial's black magic spike turned an orange glow, and she herself appeared to consume all madness and greed. The Golden Witch explains that "Belusebou" is a violent and ambitious witch whose gluttonous heart is a source of great power. Her magical powers can indulge her enemies in her feasts, devouring them.

The Golden Witch finally demonstrates the magical power of the Lust Enchanter Furniture, one of the Seven Sisters of Purgatory, Ashmadeuth. Asmodeus's dark magic spike turned into an eerie pink glow, and she herself appeared full of lascivious seduction and ecstasy. The Golden Witch explains that "Ashmodaeus" is a bewitching witch whose lustful heart is a source of great power. Her magical powers allow her to control the desires of others, luring them into the abyss, and eventually being devoured by her.

The Seven Sisters of Purgatory revolve around 9-year-old Truth Yah, as excited and cheerful as a group of newborn elves. They compete for their newfound little sisters, and they compete for the favor of Truth.

Every once in a while in the wizarding world to get together again, Truth Asia can play with seven young ladies with different personalities, and they are all very good to themselves, especially gentle, although they have strange personalities, but they all like them so much, because they don't hate Truth Ya, and are willing to play with Truth Ya and give Truth Ya interesting gadgets.

"Truth baby baby, how are you doing?" asked the eldest sister, Lucifer, who seemed arrogant but gentle, her eyes full of love.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern!" replied Maria happily.

"Miss Truth, look at this, this is my latest magic, isn't it great?" Enraged, Satan took out a shiny magic crystal and showed it off to Truthya.

"Wow, that's beautiful!" Truth's eyes were filled with curiosity and amazement.

"Little baby, this gift is for you. The greedy Mammon took out a fine ornament and handed it to Truth.

"Really, thank you so much!" Maria happily took the ornament.

"Little truth, do you know, I saw a cute little bird singing in a tree this morning and scolding me, laughing at me that I didn't sing as well as it, and I have a good voice, it's amazing~!" said a jealous Leviathan grumbling.

"Really, I envy you, Miss Jealousy!" replied with a smile.

"Baby, this is my favorite pastry, for you. The gluttonous Belusai Bubu said excitedly.

[I said, Belfinger, why are you embarrassed to come over empty-handed and doze off every time~!] The eldest sister Lucifer dissatisfiedly pinched the lazy Belfinger face, and kept twisting it hard, but she still couldn't wake up the deliberately beautiful and sleeping Belfinger.

[Each of us has a gift for you, we hope you will enjoy it.] Except, of course, Belfinger. The lustful Asmodus laughed wickedly.

[Thank you so much, I will definitely cherish it!] Maria replied movingly.

[I said what did you give to Truth Ya, what did you give to Truth Ya, you don't know shame when everyone has no lower limit like you, Truth Ya is only 9 years old, and you gave someone your little sister an electric massager so early, you have water in your skull. Enraged, Satan angrily blamed Asmud Us.

[Hahaha~ As the saying goes, the good lady doctrine is that you have to start with a doll, so that you won't be dominated by bad men in the future. I'm ahead of time, look at you in a hurry, so the old virgin doesn't have a good temper. Asmudeu didn't care about the accusations at all, and still spoke eloquently.

The other sisters also offered their kindness, some sang and danced, some cooked food, and some brought new toys, which made Maria feel very happy and happy. She smiled from ear to ear surrounded by the seven sisters, and her eyes sparkled with happiness.

Truth looked at this group of lovely sisters and felt that she was really happy. She wants to be with these good sisters forever and never be apart.

The Seven Sisters of Purgatory excitedly and happily surrounded Truth Asia, competing for joy and favor, and this dialogue full of joy and loveliness warmed Truth Asia's scarred heart for a long time and rekindled the temperature.

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