Infinite Fusion System of The Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 1225: Strengthen the Iron Monkey

"Today's game, Taoist Wang will probably not win as easily as yesterday!"

"Hey, it's worth seeing!"


"Hehe, Wang Ye, I saw you and Jin Meng match yesterday.

You use that Tai Chi cloud hand to drag the opponent down alive, but it is a pity that you met me today! "The Iron Monkey was smug.

Even though the punch that hit Wang Ye just now was relieved of most of its power by Yunshou,

But the Iron Monkey knew that Wang Ye was already churning his internal organs at this time.

Wang also looked flat, and reached out his hand to dust the place where he was hit by the iron monkey.

He looked at the other party with a relaxed look, "It turned out to be brushing his hands all over his back, no wonder he couldn't see it, but his hands suddenly seemed to grow long.

And you seem to be more than just Tong Bei Quan, right? "

"Hey, you know the goods! I don't know how to deal with the King Kong, but you can't deal with it by your mere Tai Chi cloud hand!"

The Iron Monkey was talking, but did not stop attacking, and once again punched Wang Ye at the door.

Wang also used Yun's hand to receive the punch again, but the feeling that had hit him before came again.

Fortunately, this time he was prepared, and he opened the distance from the Iron Monkey in advance, before being attacked by the opponent.

"So..." Wang also stood still in the distance, his expression slightly solemn.

"Washing the hand through the back is not the power of a normal fist, but the effort to throw the power like a stone."

"And while you brushed your hands, you also added the sturdy Buddhism power, so what you throw out is not a stone, but a bomb!"

"It's a good one, you are very good..."

"Hehe...what can you do if you know it?" Iron Horse Liu grumbled, "My old father was planted in front of you Taiji Yunshou on Wudang Mountain.

So after he returned, he did his best to study the vajra doctrine, which was specifically used to restrain you. "

"Using softness to overcome rigidity? Then you have to see what kind of rigidity it is!"

The Iron Monkey has a grim complexion, and the next attack has already begun before the voice has finished.

"Wang Ye, this time I will detonate the power of King Kong as soon as I touch your tenderness!

I'm going to waste your hands! "

Before the words fell, the hands of the two had already touched again.

The group of white 炁 attached to the iron horse's fist exploded.

It seemed that it was engulfed with the power of destruction, and even the ground raised a cloud of dust.

Wang Ye's eyes stunned, his hands tore the force in an instant, and his body suddenly turned half a circle.


After a muffled noise, the iron horse liu burst open and disappeared without a trace.


The Iron Monkey was stunned at the time, "You actually shredded my diamond power? How strong can you be?

No, just now, it didn't feel like squeezing a thousand catties in two or two ways. Why did it feel more like tearing me apart with brute force? "

"Haha..." Wang Ye's expression was indifferent, "Although it is a very good habit to go back and study hard after failure,

But if you think that Tai Chi has only four or two strokes, you are very wrong. "

As soon as the voice fell, Wang also started Tai Chi on the spot.

There is a white Qi on the left hand, and a red Qi on the right.

"The softness of the yin hand, the strength of the yang hand, and the intersection of yin and yang, can it be called Tai Chi!"

"It was my Tai Chi Yang Hand who shred your diamond power just now!"

"How is it possible? How can Taijiquan be stronger than my Tongbei Jingang? I don't believe it!"

The Iron Monkey's complexion sank, and he rushed up towards the king again.

This is the Tongbei King Kong that his father has spent his entire life studying. He feels that there is absolutely no other power that can surpass it.

Wang Ye's complexion was indifferent, and he didn't move.

With both hands quickly moved, a afterimage was drawn in the air, fiddle with the attack of the iron monkey.

The Iron Horse Liu grinned, "Hehe, I said that Tai Chi Yang hands are very rigid. Why are you now?

He didn't dare to resist directly, but fiddled with my fist with speed!

It's really stupid, so I don't have to use any force at all, you will be exhausted yourself, right? "

"Really?" Wang also smiled slightly, his expression indifferent.

But the next second, the smile on Iron Monkey's face was serious.

Wang also moved the surrounding space with his quick movements,

At this moment, he seemed to feel that the air in the space around his body was in a rhythm with Wang Ye's waving hands.

His body was suppressed in this rhythm, and even his movements were much slower.

Moreover, the intensity of this rhythm is increasing exponentially. He knows that if he is allowed to develop, he will definitely be played with by Wang Ye.

The Iron Monkey's complexion sank, and his figure retreated violently, trying to distance the King of Fishermen.

But the corners of Wang Ye's mouth rose slightly, and he saw that he was clinging to the iron monkey almost at the same speed, like a dog skin plaster.

At the same time, Wang Ye's hands were faster and stronger.

A huge cyclone suddenly appeared around the iron monkey,

Powerful and terrifying, swept the iron monkey's body into the air,

Rising into the air in the cyclone, pulling back and forth uncontrollably.

"Damn it!" The Iron Horse yelled sharply, his expression stern, "Golden Bell! A thousand catties drop!"

After the two exercises were superimposed, the Iron Monkey finally broke away from Wang Ye's control and fell to the ground.

A golden light, not moving like a mountain.

"Haha!" Iron Monkey smiled wildly, "I didn't expect it?

Do you think I only know King Kong?

Lao Tzu is as stable as a mountain now, but it depends on how you can move me? "

"Your father taught you very well..." Wang Ye's face was indifferent, his figure flashed, leaving an afterimage in the air.

Afterwards, he lightly punched the iron monkey on the body.

"Huh?" Iron Horse Liu was slightly astonished, Wang Ye's fast speed surprised him.

But this punch on the body didn't even feel at all.

"Hehe, one soft and one strong, your sturdiness seems to be very ordinary..." Iron Horse Liu looked at Wang Ye with a grimace.

"Really?" Wang also smiled lightly. "You might as well look back at your back."

"Huh?" Iron Horse Liu jokingly smiled, "I can't fight head-on, do you plan to distract me with tactics?

You might as well just say: Look! There are flying saucers! "

Wang Ye's face is very dark, do you think anyone doesn't want Bilian and Zhang Chulan?

"Iron Monkey, you'd better look back!" Zhuge Qing shouted, he couldn't stand it anymore.


The iron monkey stared, "Zuge Qing, what's the matter with you?"

But in the end, he turned his head cautiously.

Then he was stunned to find that a fist print up to ten meters wide appeared on the wall behind him.

He was stunned at that time, how strong is this!

"How?" Zhuge Qing smiled slightly, "Do you think your internal organs are harder than the walls?"

The Iron Monkey lost consciousness instantly, he knew that he had lost!

Wang also looked indifferent, ready to turn and leave.

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