Infinite Fusion System of The Heavens and Worlds

Chapter 1697: How do i think you still blush

"Xiao?" Gao Fan was slightly surprised.

Xiao, isn't it the father and daughter of Kozen Yoshimura and Takatsukiizumi?

But how did CCG know that Xiao was in District 20?

This is not scientific!

"Yes!" Mato Muo looked solemn, "I attended a meeting a few days ago.

Because CCG just encountered the Quicuria incident not long ago,

The government was furious and threatened to cut CCG funding. "

"So the CCG executives proposed that a victory is needed to change the attitude of the government!"

"At the meeting, Old Duo Er Fu Zhun Special Class said that the owl was in the Antique Café in District 20.

So our action this time is to confirm the existence of Xiao Xiao. "

"But from today's situation, Old Duo Erfu itself is a ghoul.

His purpose is definitely not Xiao Xiao, but he wants CCG to fight you with Mr. Gao Fan! "

"Is that so?" Gao Fan smiled slightly, "Did Old Duo Erfu didn't mention me in District 20 at the meeting?"

Mato Wuxu stunned, then nodded, "I really didn't mention it."

"Sure enough." Gao Fan smiled faintly, "you guessed it,

The purpose of Old Duo Er Fu is indeed to make me fight CCG,

Otherwise he would definitely tell CCG that I am in District 20,

But if I say that I am in District 20, CCG really dare not do it. "


You see me, I see you.

However, Gao Fan didn't explain to them that he did all the things about Quicuria.

Seeing that Gao Fan did not continue the topic, Maha Muxu was puzzled, but still did not ask.

"Please don't worry, Mr. Gao Fan, we will go back and report the real situation.

Let the above know the conspiracy of Old Duo Erfu! "

" need." Gao Fan smiled faintly, "After you go back,

Just say that Xiao Xiao is indeed in the Antique Cafe. "


Everyone present was dumbfounded, and even Bai and Yi Bird were in a dumb state.

They worked so hard,

Now that even people have come in, they have engaged in a lot of conspiracies to pit Gaofan,


When they saw that the relationship between CCG's search officer and Gao Fan was quite subtle,

It has been considered that this operation ended in failure.

And they thought they had been caught, and they had completely given up the struggle.

But now, Gao Fan actually took the initiative to let the people from CCG go back and report that Xiao is here!

Is this special?

Why not play the cards according to common sense?

"Sir? Are you true?"

Mato Wuxu looked dazed and completely at a loss.

As if he thought he had misheard.

"Of course it's true." Gao Fan smiled slightly, his face indifferent, "There must be a battle between CCG and I.

If CCG wants to come, so come. "


Everyone took a breath and looked at Gao Fan in shock.

Gao Fan said this in a very calm tone.

But to them, it seemed to have an irreversible domineering.

Gao Fan actually said that there must be a battle between him and CCG, and he said so confidently.

It seems that Gao Fan is already well-informed about the war with CCG.

Mato Wuxu has a complicated complexion, although he has no doubts about Gao Fan’s personal abilities.

But CCG is a giant in this world!

It is definitely not something you can compete casually.

No matter how strong the individual is, I am afraid that it will not be able to shake an organization like CCG?

And the real householder knows that now he is looking at Gao Fan with his idol eyes.

This man is too handsome, right?

Actually threatened to move CCG!

Looking at Gao Fan, she instantly remembered the ecstasy of last night,

Another blushing and heartbeat, he hurriedly clamped his legs,

Forcibly away from his sight.

And Bai He Yi Niao was completely dumbfounded,

They planned to frame the blame for so long,

He even sacrificed a few powerful ghouls and brought himself in.

The result is the bosom of Zhong Gaofan!

And look at how domineering people Gao Fan is!

They and Old Duo Erfu created a clown organization to engage in business.

I tried my best to seize the power of CCG,

For so many years, he has worked hard and has almost penetrated the entire ghoul world.

I was preparing for this wave of burial of CCG in Gaofan’s 20 district,

Then so that Old Duo Erfu can take over CCG.

But Gao Fan is actually ready to face CCG.

And it still looks confident.

This is also a career,

Why is the gap between people so big?

"Okay, so be it." Gao Fan's expression was indifferent.

"After you go back, say that you have confirmed that the owl is in the antique cafe.

And I can speed you up directly, Xiao is the owner of the antique cafe, Gongshan Fangcun. "

"My business and the old Duo Erfu's affairs do not need to be reported."

"The rest will be arranged by me."

After all, Gao Fan left directly with someone.

Mato Wuxu was completely dumbfounded,

Unexpectedly, Gao Fan actually planned to face CCG.

It's so detailed!

Maha Wu Xu wanted Gao Fan to wait, but found that he had nothing to say.

"Let's go, let's go back too!" Mato Akatsuki turned to leave with a calm expression.

"Akatsuki, are you okay? How do I think you are still blushing." Reiwu Shizao hurriedly followed in the footsteps of the householders.

"It's okay, I have nothing to do." Akatsuki Mato's body shook, her legs soft.

But she forced herself to calm down and quickly accelerated the pace of leaving.

Not long after, the four of Akatsuki Mato returned to Shinohara Yuki.

Then I told the story prepared in advance to Yuki Shinohara.

As for the sirens that were broken before, they also took out spare ones.

Yuuki Shinohara had no doubts at all, and was very excited.

As long as the owl found, the others are easy to talk about.


CCG headquarters building,

Old Duo Erfu has returned to his office.

For nothing else,

His face has already been seen by several investigators at No.

He came back early, of course, to do an alibi.

As long as there is an alibi, even if Wu Xu said that he was there, he could justify himself!

Of course, he came back to CCG from a secret channel no one knew.

When I went out before, I also left CCG through this secret passage.

He tidied his appearance a bit, then opened the door and walked outside.

After all, to do an alibi, then you can only let everyone see yourself.

"Old and more quasi-special..."

The secretary outside the door saw Old Duo Erfu coming out and immediately got up and bowed slightly.

"Are you going out?"

While talking, the secretary slowly raised his head to look at the old two blessings.

Then, I was stunned!

Old Duo Erfu gave each other a light look.

The female secretary’s surprised expression made him a little panicked.

Is it possible that he still has blood stains left over from the fight just now?

No, I remember it clearly, it has been taken care of!

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