Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 102 The Disaster of Qibao Liuli

But now, Li Ye has so many identities, wait and see, when the war breaks out, which side is about to win, Li Ye betrays him on the spot

"I'm sorry, I'm actually an undercover agent."

Then he led a large group of people to stand on the opposite side, so that the expression on the old club's face would look good.

Of course, he was not limited to the first time. He thought deeper. If he could lead all the members of Wuhun Palace to rebel, wouldn't it be better? Or should I say, directly control Wuhun Palace.

Bibi was fighting on the East Front. When I came back, I saw that the pope had become a human being and she had become an outsider. This is not beautiful.

This identity has so much room for manipulation, Li Ye almost got numb from laughing.

On the other side, after Li Ye left, Bibi Dong looked at the lovesick red heart on the table.

The martial spirit of Ju Douluo Juhuaguan is the Qiantongtianju. He himself is also an expert in studying herbal medicine. Looking at the way he looked just now, his eyes almost fell on this flower. I guess there is nothing wrong.

"Only when you truly fall in love with someone and water it with your heart's blood can this flower bloom?"

She closed her eyes slightly,


The sun shines on her face, and the gorgeous crown reflects the colorful light, which is scattered on the flowers.


The next second, there was a muffled groan, and she directly inserted her hand into her chest

A mouthful of blood spurted out from her little mouth, spraying directly on the heartbroken red

Her face was slightly gloomy, her clothes were torn, her brows furrowed in pain, and there were holes in her clothes, which was inconsistent with her noble and gorgeous status.

She has forgotten the last time she was so embarrassed.

But she couldn't care about this, her eyes were fixed on the lovesick red girl

But the red flowers remained motionless, as if they didn't want to give her face.

"Oh, is it true?"

She raised her head. The wound on her chest had not recovered, but she didn't care too much.

She just stared at the flower blankly, and after a while she burst out laughing.

She no longer cares about so many etiquettes. She no longer pays attention to her own image.

Only at this moment she is no longer the lofty pope, and has returned to the time when she was young.

Thinking of the man she has never forgotten for so many years,

“What an irony”

She has been thinking about Yu Xiaogang for so many years and claims to be deeply in love with him, but the heartbreaking love has not blossomed yet.

At this moment, she understood her heart. Maybe she just couldn't let go. Maybe she felt that she had regrets and was a little reluctant to let go.

Face your heart, you no longer love me

She has untied this knot in her heart, and she is now the pure Pope of Wuhun Palace!

At this moment, Li Ye, who was walking in the Wuhun Palace, raised his head and looked in the direction of Bibi Dong as if he was feeling something.

Smile, that's a dangerous smile

Ju Douluo felt a little uncomfortable because he left Xiangsianxinhong. When he saw Li Ye stop, he said, "Let's go, why are you stopping?"

Ghost Douluo quickly grabbed him, and then smiled at Li Ye.

To put it bluntly, his grimace is extremely ugly when he smiles, and he's a little bit slutty.

Li Ye also smiled at them, but his smile was somewhat cruel. The two of them instantly remembered that they had been knocked down by this guy not long ago.

The next second, Li Ye turned his head and continued walking

It was obviously these two Douluo who took Li Ye to visit the Wuhun Palace, but now it was Li Ye who was walking in front. This was really a bit joyful.

Li Ye walked in front and couldn't help but smile.

He deliberately made Bibi Dong feel heartbroken because he was sure that Bibi Dong had no feelings for Yu Xiaogang anymore.

Even if you have feelings, they won’t reach the point where lovesickness will bloom.

He left the heartbreaking red of lovesickness, so Bibi Dong will definitely try it, and if she fails to try it, she will definitely understand that her feelings for Yu Xiaogang are not true.

She will become a real machine that works to unify Wuhun Palace.

Then he won't let anything go in the decisive battle. Li Ye doesn't want a betrayer to appear from behind.

Of course, Li Ye also thought about the situation where this guy's current liking can still make lovesickness bloom.

After all, everyone in the Douluo Continent has a unique brain circuit, @小武, if that were the case, Li Ye would be able to see the true nature of this bitch early and make plans.

Li Ye is never afraid of his opponents, he is afraid of his teammates whose alignment is unknown.

"Oh, I can obviously crush him, but it's a pity that I have to work myself hard just to get some negative emotion points. Who made me so resourceful?"

Li Ye shrugged, but at this moment, his pupils shrank

"Seven Treasures Glazed Sect! You are looking for death!"

At the same time, Tiandou Royal Academy

Li Ye stood in the square and looked at the people coming in front of him

The person who came was holding a killing sword in his hand, with an immortal demeanor, and looked at Li Ye with a contented look on his face.

"Boy, was it you who bullied my Rongrong?"

Li Ye narrowed his eyes, revealing a cruel light.

"It's me, what do you want to say?"

Sword Douluo chuckled: "You dare to bully my Rongrong, and you can get her to complain to me. You are quite capable."

Li Ye kept silent and just put on his hood quietly.

Crowds of spectators gathered around again

Li Ye also saw many Shrek figures and the gloating expressions on their faces.

"Boy, if you can accept my three swords, this matter will be settled. What do you think?"

Li Ye continued to remain silent, counting down secretly in his heart.

"Boy, if you don't say anything, I'll chop you. Don't pretend to be a fool."

Li Ye clasped his hands together, raised his head and remained silent.

The coldness on his face almost showed through

The ground around him cracked and turned into one cubic meter cubes, blocking him in front of him

"That kid, take the first sword!"


Sword Douluo Chen Xin casually found a branch and chopped it down with a sword

The cubes were immediately arranged in a peculiar way, all facing the same direction, arranged and combined, blocking in front of Li Ye

The sword energy chopped straight into the cube wall, like a drop in the ocean, with no effect

Chen Xin was stunned for a moment, he was shocked by the strength of Li Ye's shield

"Good boy! Take my move!"

He directly took out his The martial soul, the Seven Killing Sword, slashed at Li Ye diagonally.

Sword Douluo Chenxin is one of the few people in Douluo Continent who can learn other abilities besides martial soul.

He has a family-inherited sword technique, which is very powerful.

This sword, with a strong sword force, the sword energy is crisscrossed all around, and it chopped straight on the wall in front of Li Ye. However, the sword energy is a range attack, and some of it directly bypasses the wall to attack Li Ye.

Li Ye was about to perform a unique skill called "Dig Three and Fill One" to avoid this move, but he heard a strong voice from all around.


A person rushed out from the crowd, Xiao Wu!

She had just arrived and saw Jian Douluo beating Li Ye, so she stepped forward immediately.

"Fourth soul skill! Invincible golden body!"

After eating the Acacia Heartbroken Red given by Li Ye, she directly upgraded to level 50, which is worthy of being the king of immortal products.

"Tear it up!"

The sword swept straight across the two people.

In an instant, dust and smoke rose.

"Xiao Wu!!"

All the Shrek people in the crowd exclaimed, and Zhu Zhuqing and Tang San even ran out directly.

"It's really annoying."

Li Ye's words came out in the dust. Li Ye was surrounded by black liquid, which completely covered him and Xiao Wu.

"Seven Treasure Glazed Sect, it's considered crossing the line."

He stood up, and the black liquid around him sank into the ground and turned into a shadow.

This was the use of his second soul skill, the black shadow life control, but it was used in a different way.

Xiao Wu was trembling with fear in his arms. If Li Ye had a good nose, this rabbit should be scared of something, and there was a smell of fishy smell.

"Good boy! Really good! Then next! Take my third sword!"

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