The yellow-skinned mouse spoke slowly: "Don't worry, you pinched my chin."

Li Ye was stunned for a moment: "You don't have a neck either."

The yellow-skinned mouse was anxious: "You have no neck! Your whole family has no necks!"

Li Ye sighed: "Then tell me quickly! Otherwise I will grab your chin."

The yellow-skinned mouse had no choice but to say: "Hey, really, the essence of the golden tree is that it needs an agent, just like a mother looking for a child, and then I am the one who has the faith there, pick it out for me, and it becomes I have become a yellow-skinned mouse, just like the golden tree. I am your vassal and I can’t say no to your real orders. Do you understand?”

Li Ye obviously didn't believe it: "I asked you to change back just now and you didn't change either."

The yellow-skinned mouse yawned, but his neck was strangled and his hands were too short to cover his mouth: "So you really think so?"

Li Ye nodded. The next second, with the golden light, the yellow-skinned mouse turned into a gorgeous beauty. Li Ye's hand was grabbing her chin.

But what's more embarrassing is that Li Ye is not as tall as this guy, so he looks up at him

"What if I ask you to take off your clothes?"

"Are you sure you want me to do it here?"

Li Ye sighed: "Yes, I admit you."

The Golden Tree is indeed completely under his control, and he has obtained part of the knowledge secretly. Now he can control the guy in front of him by using his mental power to connect with the Golden Tree's faith.

After all, she is different from Malika. Malika is a human being and belongs to a rare race. After being selected by the golden tree, she became the agent of the golden tree. In the end, she designed to kill her eldest son in an attempt to escape from the control of the golden tree.

The guy in front of me is simply an illusion of unconscious belief. He has just opened his wisdom now and belongs purely to himself. It seems that this belief may come from a certain mouse.

"Oh, by the way, my image design is based on yours, such as personality and so on. Only this mouse is my original appearance."

"Huh? What! Impossible! You said my wife is a blond girl with a complaining style? Are you kidding me!"

"Ah, no, it's because you have these two needs. You want to see beautiful girls, and you want a sex slave. I don't know why it changed for a long time. Why don't we mix them together?"

"Can we still separate?"

"Hey! You want to eat shit, ask your mother if you can go back and recreate it."

Li Ye really wants to slap this guy


There's nothing he can do about it, he made it himself, but it's still good to have someone to complain about.

At this point, complain about getting

The Wakanda battlefield is completely cleaned up

Only the dark red blood stains that have not been washed away are left, leaving them there to show the horror of this battlefield like a meat grinder.

The black skin fragments on the ground, I don’t know which farm tool they belong to.

Li Ye sat on the battlefield that still had a faint smell of blood and sighed.

He feels for these people and published two articles last night

"Issue on Burning of Hazardous Agricultural Tools"

"Is the capacity of farm tools too much?"

These two articles have received unanimous praise online, especially from Africa. There is not a single objection.

"Oh, I knew I was always so good. Really, how could I be so good?"

The black shadow floated, and a dark ninja wearing sunglasses floated up from the ground. This dark ninja also had a yellow-skinned mouse on his head.

"Hey, who is this? I haven't seen you for a few hours. I'm thinking about life from here."

Li Ye had a dark look on his face, and the good mood he finally had was gone again: "Can't the complainer complain about others! This is not good!"

"Hey! What you are saying is of no use at all. Look, there is no decent person around here."

Li Ye looked around. Indeed, they were all soldiers. These guys didn't even deserve to have names in the original novel, let alone Li Ye to complain about them. The only horse that made any sense. . . What's the matter with Ma? Li Ye can't remember his name. He was sent out on a mission by Li Ye.

But while they were talking, a fighter jet flew down from the sky

Fighters take off and land vertically

Obviously, this is S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Harrier fighter

Soon, oh, very soon, someone got off the plane, Wu Ke!

Black Wu Ke! Messy beard! There's also an eyepatch covering his eyes. It's none other than Nick Fury, the Fuck Man.

The yellow-skinned mouse got excited when he saw this thing.

"Hey! I don't have braised eggs at home, why are you here?"

Li Ye said calmly: "Don't mention me, this is my friend."

The yellow-skinned mouse continued to speak: "Hey, drink, you still have the habit of making friends with braised eggs. One day I will find you a chicken to lay eggs for you to play with every day."

Nick Fury asked: "What kind of creature is this?"

When the yellow-skinned mouse saw this guy speaking, he immediately became happy: "Hey! This turns out to be a human being. You can't tell without looking at his teeth. There is no bright spot on his body. I dare you to ask if your mother gave birth to you with preserved eggs soaked in a bottle. ah"

Li Ye waved his hand: "Hey, why didn't we come to Wakanda for friendly international exchanges the past two days? I saw a god of faith, so I fucked her up and that's all."

Nick Fury obviously doesn’t believe in God? Who do you think you are, is there still an Odin in the world? Is the hammer that fell two days ago still Thor's hammer? In two days, someone claiming to be Thor will come and take it away for him? Are you kidding me?

Anyway, Nick Fury's outlook on life and values ​​do not allow him to believe that

But he won't ask anything. After all, he has other things to do during his trip to Asia and Europe this time.

"Then let's get down to business, Minister Li Huohua. I heard that you recently found that batch of vibranium in Wakanda? It was the one we gave you that was lost on the road."

Li Ye laughed loudly: "To tell you the truth, I came here to find vibranium. I found those robbers, but they used Wakandans as hostages. I would definitely not do it for being so kind and friendly. A little vibranium left the Wakandans alone, and finally let those people run away."

Hei Lu Dan looked at the skin fragments on the ground, and then at Li Ye. His expression seemed to say everything, but also seemed to say nothing.

Li Ye followed his gaze and immediately showed a somewhat sad expression.

"These, these, these people are the people of Wakanda who were killed when the robbers left. Alas, I feel very sad about this! Robber! Why are you!"

Black Braised Egg looked quite speechless looking at Li Ye's solo show.

But just as he was about to say something, Li Ye raised his head and saw his face again.

"What! Don't move! Put your hands up!"

The shadow behind him quickly revealed an ultra-long anti-material sniper rifle. Yes, the shadow energy bonus

"What? What are you talking about?"

Li Ye looked at the black braised egg: "Don't think that I don't know who you are! You are the culprit who killed the people of Wakanda! You robber!"

Nick Fury's face became gloomy, his face became darker and darker, but he did not speak.

Li Ye continued: "It looks more like this now."

Nick Fury silently took out the ID in his pocket

"Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Li Ye immediately put down the gun: "Shy, what do you mean, there's nothing you can do about it, Director Nick, you really look like a robber."

Nick Fury sighed and put down the ID in his hand, but before he could speak, Li Ye raised his gun again.

"You robber! Let me find you!"

At this time, other SHIELD agents also got off the plane. When they saw Li Ye pointing a gun at their director, they immediately raised their guns and pointed them at Li Ye.

The soldiers around looked at it and thought, this is not bad, but someone actually pointed a gun at their Minister of Defense? So if they want to do this for national defense, they decisively raise their guns and aim at the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

After several layers of matryoshka dolls, the scene became chaotic.

Nick Fury sighed again and raised the ID in his hand.

Li Ye looked at it: "Oh! Director, hello, hello."

He put down the gun first, and then everyone relaxed again

The yellow-skinned rat next to him also spoke at the right time: "Hey! What are you talking about? I didn't even notice that you stopped talking about him just now. You Nigger looks so much like a robber! It's like someone who came out of the same fucking belly."

The frequency of this rat’s complaints will drop to the normal value in about two chapters and become normal. She will not be seen except for Marvel, so everyone can eat with confidence.

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