Fuyuki Town, Japan

This is a place where gas explosions often occur

Every 60 years, the frequency of gas explosions will increase greatly and last for seven days

And these few days, coincidentally, today is the once-in-sixty-year gas explosion week

The basement of the Matou family, one of the largest families in Fuyuki Town

A hideous-looking white-haired man, facing a magic circle, muttered something, and beside him, a bald old man with a sloppy look kept urging

"Hurry up! Kariya! Summon your heroic spirit!"

And the man called Kariya first looked at the old man with his right eye, which was full of anger, and then raised his right hand, with a red spell on the palm

The reason why it is all right is because the left half of his body has almost no Ability

"Your body is under my command; my fate is attached to your sword.

Respond to the call of the Holy Grail, follow this will and truth, respond to me!

I am the one who accomplishes all the good deeds in the world, and I am the one who gathers all the evils in the world.

Seven days entangled with the three major words.

Cross the wheel of suppression and appear, the guardian of the scale."

"But your eyes must be blinded by chaos, you are trapped in the prison of madness, and I will bind your chains."

The chants to summon the Berserkers were spoken one after another, and at the same time, blood continued to flow out of his body, and his limbs continued to cramp, but his expression became more crazy,

Suddenly, the world changed drastically, a beam of light fell, and holy voices were constantly chanted around, and the weird words were not understood by others at all. If they could understand, they would be greatly shocked.

The voice said

"That is the spirit King! The creator of the world, and also the destroyer of the world"

But the next second, all the strange images disappeared, and a guy in a black robe appeared in the center of the magic circle

Black robe, dark eyes, black short hair that was casually groomed, but not messy at all

The old man with a messy look kept wandering around the man in the black robe, and then touched his chin: "I can't tell what kind of Heroic Spirit it is from his appearance"

They used the token of Lancelot, one of the twelve Knights of the Round Table, to summon, but it was obvious that the summoned one was not Lancelot

"Let your Heroic Spirit tell you his name and ability! Kariya"

The man named Kariya sighed and looked at the man in front of him with his right eye that was still clear: "My Servant ! Tell me your ability! "

But the next second, something unexpected happened to Yan Ye and the old man.

First, a light curtain appeared in front of this guy, and then a sofa appeared directly under his body. This guy just sat on the sofa, took out a handful of melon seeds from his trouser pocket and cracked them while looking at the light curtain in front of him. There was very little information on the light curtain, and there was not even a name, but this information was enough to explain a lot of things.

"Job: Berserker

Strength: a+

Durability: a+

Magic: ex

Agility: b

Luck: b

Magic resistance: a

Inherent barrier: ex: Darkest Hour: Summon the arrival of the shadow dimension, the kingdom of shadow and evil will tear all those who oppose the shadow emperor into pieces [Liberation words: Towering myths! Glorious history! Shadows watch everything! Born for unknown reasons and died at unknown times, gods! Kings! Mortals! No one can stand in the light forever! When I wake up from the endless darkness, I will give the world the ending it deserves. This is the darkest moment! ]

Earth Demon God: Obtain the Earth Demon Qi among the eight demon qi, and have the power to control the earth

Half of the Creator God: ex: Possessing the half of the Creator God allows you to control the world in a positive direction

Half of the Destroyer God: ex: Possessing the half of the Destroyer God allows you to control the world in a negative direction

Site Manufacturing: a: Possessing the ability of the Creator God, it is really simple to make a site, even if you really don’t know anything

Independent Action: ex: A guy who has the energy supply of the Shadow Dimension can move freely without a master

Infinite Martial Arts: e : Possesses the combat capability of the rule level, but the use is too poor, so it is only at the level of E

Dragon: A: Dragon attribute, very powerful magic, as a spiritual dragon, the spiritual power is almost inexhaustible

Dragon Slayer: A: Special attack on dragon attribute, because he cut off the head of the dragon king among the dragon kings, and obtained this attribute

Noble Phantasm; White King: B: Personal Noble Phantasm: After using it, he will gain absolute rationality, only goals, no means, which is also the origin of his Berserker. Even if he does not use it, he will have an exaggerated supply of spiritual power. After using it, he will gain some divinity [Liberation Words: Lord of the Spirit! 】

Noble Phantasm: Steve's Treasure House: EX: For personal Noble Phantasm: It contains all the treasures of a special god [Release Words: None]


Kareya was stunned, and the old man was also stunned. What kind of B Heroic Spirit is so exaggerated? The half of the creator? The half of the destroyer? The basic attributes are so high, and Matou Kariya can summon such an over-the-top thing?

A Berserker, and a-level battlefield construction, even independent action is EX! What a ridiculous thing

EX-level independent action can directly save this guy from the pain of insufficient magic power of the master, and the battlefield construction is even more outrageous, directly robbing the mage's iron rice bowl, and there is also an inherent barrier.

If all this is true, then this heroic spirit can rival those crowned heroic spirits. This Holy Grail War will be won simply by lying down.

As for that precious phantom, the old man didn’t look carefully.

The old man hurriedly said: "Quick, let him say his name!"

The anxious tone made his withered body a little unbearable, and he coughed twice after finishing speaking.

But the next second, a stream of colorful light flew past, and a colorful glass-like sword was inserted directly into the old man's body.

The man in black robe spoke: "I am your father, and I hate it when people stare at me like this."

The old man's chest was directly penetrated by the lightsaber. The huge impact took him and nailed him to the wall on one side, but his expression did not change much.

Just a slightly unexpected expression: "You are actually self-aware!"

The man in black robe waved his hand: "Just because I am a Berserker, you can't think that I have no brains."

As he spoke, he suddenly changed the topic and looked at the sky: "But those two are serious. Isn't it purely insulting to give me such a job agency?"

The old man sighed, looked at his body where even the blood could hardly flow out, and said to Kariya: "Kariya! Control your servants!!"

But Yan Ye was a little dazed, and he didn't know what to do. But the next second, the old man shouted: "Don't forget it! Yan Ye! The child is still in my hands."

When Kariya heard "that girl", he immediately came to his senses, but just as he was about to speak, the man in black robe laughed.

"Hahaha, it's really..., it's really ridiculous."

He slowly stood up, and the dark shadows around him continued to surge into the underside of his robe, and the place where the dark shadows had lost became bright again.

It's like the man in black robe drove the light on his side to the place where it was swallowed up

The man's expression gradually became fanatical: "Ah~ what a dirty maggot, how dare you show off your power in front of me, why should you be afraid, a man with sunshine in his heart! Kill him! I swear on my name, I will Get rid of all the filth here!"

Having said this, Kariya finally made up his mind: "Destroy him! My heroic spirit! For my will! Destroy him!"

The man smiled: "It's not your will, it's my will."

As soon as he finished speaking, two flying swords appeared behind the man and struck out at the old man's head.

But this is not enough to scare the old man. What scares him is the man's next step.

He took out a book from his arms, a red-covered book. At first glance, there were countless runes engraved on the book, but upon closer inspection, there was nothing.

But it was such a book, and just the sight of it made the old man feel supreme fear: "You!! Which god's apostle are you!"

Only the apostles of gods can have such a powerful power. Either the person in front of me is a demigod, but I have never heard of a demigod using a lightsaber and a book of laws.

He has regarded the "half body of creation" and "half body of destruction" as God's blessings to the apostles.

But the man in black robe did not intend to answer his words. He just shouted: "Die! Dirty bug, I hate someone ordering me."

The light flashed, and a transparent soul emerged from the old man's body. It was directly pulled into the hand of the man in black robe, and then twisted continuously, becoming a small transparent ball.

"It's really ridiculous, you're right, a man named Matou Kariya"

Tong Yanye looked at the man in black robe in front of him with stunned eyes.

Who is this person? He is so exaggeratedly powerful. He is definitely not an unknown heroic spirit. He is definitely a famous guy in history.

And why! Why does a mad warrior still possess such perfect sanity?

But he has no fear at all, because this is his heroic spirit and his servant. The stronger he is, the happier he is. Even if he doesn't obey his orders, he still has command spells that he can use, as long as he can achieve his purpose!

His intention to seize the Cup of Heaven was to change the fate of a little girl. That little girl's fate became so bad because of the old man. But now that the old man is dead, Sakura's fate will definitely change!

All he needs to do now is complete his goal! Take revenge on that man! The man named Toki Tosaka!

"All of this! It's all Shi Chen's fault!"

I integrated all the protagonist's treasures into one "Steve's Backpack", which is more concise. In the next chapter, I will publish a single chapter to show all the protagonist's abilities, free of charge.

As for the specific introduction to the War of the Holy Grail, please read the next two chapters, which are covered,

I will also briefly introduce the plot and the characters’ experiences. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t seen it. I’m going to explain it in detail. Come and take a look, and you’ll feel like you’ve learned about a new work.

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