Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 160 The Holy Grail has two Giles

After being encouraged by Li Ye, Xiaoying directly transformed into the "other people's child" mode, studying, exercising, and practicing magic like crazy

It started just half an hour after Li Ye said the words "Become my weapon", and it has now lasted for five hours. It is a very high-intensity training.

Matou Kariya was a little worried: "Sir, is there really no problem?"

Although he was happy with Sakura's transformation, he was also very worried about whether Sakura's body would be able to bear the pain.

Li Ye smiled: "I prayed to the gods for blessings. From now on, she received the mercy of the gods and was protected from disaster and suffering."

Indeed, the blessing of the golden tree given by Li Ye is not an ordinary blessing. It is a blessing given by the supreme will. Can it be the same? The current physical strength of Sakura cannot be said to be comparable to that of a heroic spirit. Compared with Tohsaka That's more than enough time

Don't underestimate Tohsaka Toki. The head of the Tosaka family possesses a magic circuit that has been passed down for nearly a thousand years. He is not an ordinary person.

Magic circuits are like family heirlooms. They are passed down from generation to generation. The longer they are passed down, the more powerful they become. It is because the Tohsaka family only has one set of circuits and Tohsaka gave birth to two daughters, so Matou was given to Sakura. Home

I want Sakura to inherit the Matou family's magic circuit, but I don't know if the Matou family has any magic circuit. Anyway, there are a lot of bugs.

All in all, it's all Tohsaka Tokitatsu's fault.

After being stunned for a long time, Matou Kariya finally remembered to say thank you to Li Ye, mainly because he was so excited that he got carried away by this guy.

Not only Sakura's changes, but also Li Ye's strength

He also saw Li Ye's performance last night, which was called powerful, and based on what he saw that day, Li Ye's own display panel

He even had a lot of reservations, even though Li Ye showed him the castrated and castrated version of the panel,

"Thank you sir, sir! What are your orders? I will definitely do it! Even if I am just a cow and a horse..."

Li Ye shook his head: "As I said, God is generous to the world, but it is not cheap. What Sakura gives will be paid by her in the future, and you, Matou Kariya, you have done enough. "

Kariya was still a little worried: "Sir, what price will God make Sakura pay... Otherwise..."

Li Ye shook his head: "God is loving, he is bright and great, handsome, kind, tall and amiable, knowledgeable and knowledgeable, ahem, in short, he will not be embarrassed."

He was really praising himself without blushing, so Li Ye ended the question cleverly.

Matou Kariya lowered his head: "By the way, sir, I have done what you asked me to do. Now there is lubricating oil on the street lamp poles all over the city."

Li Ye nodded: "God's will is never wrong, isn't it?"

Kariya nodded vigorously. To be honest, he still felt a little unreal. The old bug Matou Zangyan was dead, his body was repaired, and Sakura even started to get better. Everything has become It's perfect

And all this is because I summoned a heroic spirit

It's really incredible

Li Ye raised one of his hands, and a red book appeared in his hand. He held the book in his arms and smiled: "Yanye, be prepared, something interesting is coming soon."

His mental power is now tightly locked on every Master and Heroic Spirit, and he just happened to see something interesting.

At the same time, King Arthur Arturia, who was shopping with Irisviel, suddenly felt something and looked to the side.

This is some ability brought to her by her inherent ability of intuition. Although it is not an intuition that is so outrageous that it can be used to predict predictions (fake), she still feels that something is wrong.

Irisviel was a little confused: "What's wrong, Artoria?"

Artoria shook her head: "I feel like something bad is going to happen."

Something bad was indeed going to happen, and it was about her.

Irisviel raised her head and looked at the sky: "It shouldn't be the time for the Holy Grail War to begin yet."

Artoria shook her head: "I don't know, I just have a bad feeling."

The battles of the Holy Grail War usually take place at night. It is said that it does not disturb normal people's lives, but in other words, the gas in Fuyuki City is not friendly for a day or two. Not only the Holy Grail War, many dungeons are in This one is opened in Fuyuki City

During the period when they had a bad premonition, in a dark corner of Fuyuki City, the orange-haired Ryunosuke Uyu looked at the guy wearing a weird robe in front of him: "Marshal Aosu, why are you so anxious? This will ruin your life. of my art”

They were surrounded by half-dead humans, men, women, old people, and children, all of whom were tortured to a state of disgrace. Ryunosuke Ubu was among this group of people. He looked at this group of people who were not corpses but corpses. guy opposite man


And the man known as Marshal Qingbeard just smiled, as if he couldn't hear what he said, and raised his hands: "Ah~ how delicious it is, the taste of magic."

The role of these people on the ground is to provide magic power for this Marshal Qingbeard. The principle is still that life force transforms magic power.

But Ryunosuke, who didn't hear the reply, became a little anxious: "Hey, Marshal! I'm asking you a question!"

The marshal was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses and continued to smile at him: "Of course, we don't have much time."

Ryuunosuke was still dissatisfied after hearing this answer and was still complaining. At this moment, the TV on the side was constantly broadcasting that the famous murderer had come to Fuyuki. Many people had disappeared recently, and everyone was warned to avoid going out.

The murderer on TV, Ryunosuke Uyu, is the current murderer. He enjoys killing people and pursues the real "art" between life and death. Yesterday, he received an order from Marshal Aozu and opened a Mass killing,

But he wasn't happy, because he killed too many people at once, and he still had to supply magic power to this guy, and couldn't experience his own art. This was quite boring for him.

But there was no way. Who asked him to summon this heroic spirit? He also summoned this heroic spirit unintentionally. Before he summoned the heroic spirit, he had no idea what the Holy Grail War was.

But the heroic spirit he summoned was also a guy who had very little regard for life.

This heroic spirit is called Gil de Rey, that’s right! It's Gil. With this Gil, there are two Giles in this Holy Grail War.

This guy was honored as Marshal Aozu by Ryuunosuke Ubu, because this guy was really a marshal when he was alive. To be precise, he was the marshal of France. He was a hero of France during his lifetime, fighting alongside Joan of Arc.

But in the end, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake and died in the hands of her own people. Gil went crazy because of the power of love. Yes, he fell in love with Joan of Arc.

From then on, he began crazy research, studying alchemy and the human body, in an attempt to resurrect Joan of Arc. To this end, he even mutilated hundreds of babies, and in the end he ended up with the same fate as the Joan of Arc he longed for - - burned on the rack

Now that he is a heroic spirit, he is still trying to resurrect Joan of Arc through the power of the Holy Grail.

But Joan of Arc has no feelings for him at all. Even if he wanted to shout "Resurrection, my love!", he would not have the chance to shout out. He is the big brother in the dog-licking world.

Listening to Ryunosuke Uyu's chattering, Marshal Gil shook his head: "We have been discovered, and the other party has given us a warning. We don't have much time."

Gil was present in the farce last night, but he did not appear. Like Ryunosuke Ubu, he was hiding in the dark. This is different from the original work, because Li Ye fought for too long, much longer than the original work. , so this guy has time to see

Ryuunosuke Ubu was a little confused: "I was watching at the time, but I wasn't discovered."

Marshal Gill shook his head: "He took one last look at you, and also looked at me. That heroic spirit is very extraordinary."

Ryūnosuke Uyu thought about it, and it seemed that it was indeed the case. After the heroic spirit fought the golden guy, the direction in which he saluted was the direction of the two of them. He was shocked at that time.

"But it seems that guy didn't do anything after that."

Gil shook his head: "He is an oracle, an oracle like the Saint. He knows our existence and the names of other heroic spirits, right?"

Ryuunosuke Yusei scratched his head: "But Marshal Qingsu, what does this have to do with us?"

Gil smiled, and with the robe, he looked like a big penguin: "He named every heroic spirit, but not ours."

Ryuunosuke Uyu continued to ask: "But! Does it matter?"

Gil's smile stopped: "It doesn't matter! But he reminded us! Now is the early stage of the Holy Grail War! Others will not show their best strength! This is an advantage for us! We can better achieve our own Purpose!"

What he just said was all nonsense to avoid the topic, trying to cover up his real reason, because the reason was too absurd and not perfect, but he still said it after being questioned,

Ryunosuke Uyu looked at Gil, his eyes becoming serious: "So! Marshal! You still want to resurrect the saint, no matter what the current situation is, right?"

Jill grinned and smiled: "Now is the best..."

He wanted to continue talking nonsense, but Yuyu Ryunosuke interrupted him, and a cruel smile immediately appeared on his serious face: "Then do it! Marshal Aosu!"

Gil looked at him and was stunned for a moment, and then showed a cruel smile: "Okay! My master!"

To be honest, Gil just wanted to kill Ryunosuke and go it alone. He has special means to restore his own magic power. He does not need the supply from the master, and how much magic power can only Ryunosuke Ubui provide? He is just an ordinary person.

Soon, the two mad batches gathered on a table again. Gil spoke first: "The heroic spirit Berserker has already told the names of those heroic spirits. Among them, Arturia looks exactly like the saint, so I think What is the connection between the two of them! Can this be used to resurrect my saint?"

Indeed, there are many guys who look exactly the same in Fate, such as Ishtar and Tohsaka Rin. There is some connection between them.

This was the inspiration brought to him by Li Ye's revelation of the multifaceted Hassan. In the original work, Jill was called a lunatic. When she caught King Arthur, she had to call her a saint. This time, she was a bit more normal. It can be seen that the two models are different. Got it

After listening to Gil's words, Ryunosuke Uyu rubbed his chin: "Brother Qingsu, are you sure?"

Gil smiled: "Of course not! But if not, then I can harvest a spiritual foundation that is exactly the same as the Saint to resurrect my Saint, right?"

Yu Sheng Ryunosuke also laughed: "Of course! So what are we going to do?"

Jill smiled: "I have a plan!"

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