Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 168 Noble Phantasm: Lubricant!

Except for the farthest island, almost all the four major islands in Japan can see the brilliance of this golden tree. After all, in such a large place, the rays of the golden tree can be seen in the entire border area, let alone Li Ye, this is an enhanced version of maxpro

Everyone was shocked. Could this kind of formation ability be developed by a heroic spirit?

Even Jin Shining Shining was a little surprised.

Because the golden tree is not just a simple LED headlight for lighting, but it does contain huge energy.

In the distance, Matou Kariya had already eliminated all the Holy Grail War dispatch managers and was wiping the blood from his head. He raised his head and saw the golden tree that made the whole of Japan as bright as day, and smiled.

"Sir, you are really powerful."

But looking at the tree, the concept in his heart changed again. Is Li Ye actually Noah? Noah does not have the ability of the golden tree.

"Isn't it possible to be a gentleman with any ability? As long as you are a gentleman, it is enough."

The main church of the Holy Church is also going crazy: "What the hell! Why is there such a supermodel heroic spirit! What happened this time?"

They are constantly looking for settings that match Li Ye’s heroic spirit

"Could it be a future heroic spirit or an imaginary heroic spirit?"

"No, I have an idea!"

"What! Say it quickly!"

"Black Dragon! Nidhogg"

"You are so short-sighted. Isn't Nidhogg the world-destroying evil dragon? Look how much this guy looks like."

The guy took out a list, which was the introduction of the heroic spirits reported this time.

This is what the Holy Grail War must carry out. Reporting the abilities of heroic spirits to the Clock Tower, including Matou Kariya's of course.

But just take a look at this thing. There are still a few people who can seriously report it. Otherwise, in the five battles, it would be impossible for Medea, the c-mother, to summon the gatekeeper Kojiro Sasaki.

The paper uploaded by Tong Yanye only said the words "I don't know the name, but I know he is a dragon."

"Dragon type?!"

"That's right! It's possible that Nidhogg stole the power of the World Tree, and then claimed to be a god to steal the faith."

"I'm going! It's really possible."

"What now?"

"What else can we do! Recruit people to brainwash those Japanese guys!"

"What about this heroic spirit?"

"If you want to hit you, go ahead and hit me."

If Nidhogg is really Nidhogg, then the Clock Tower and the Holy Church combined can defeat him. Moreover, the myth of the black dragon Nidhogg is from Northern Europe. In other words, if Nidhogg is really Nidhogg, in There are ability bonuses in the Nordic lands.

The Cathedral Church and the Clock Tower are both in Northern Europe.

This is Fate's territorial heroic spirit strength bonus. It was unbeatable in the first place and even more unbeatable now.

And now it seems that the size of this golden tree is not something that they can handle.

On the other side, Li Ye's figure is getting taller and taller, and the light of the golden tree is getting brighter and brighter.

"Accept the light of God!"

A golden ring descended from the sky and wrapped around the huge sea demon, shining a golden light on his body.

The golden halo pulled the sea demon out of the water, and its hideous and terrifying appearance was seen by people for the first time.

Huge tentacles and countless mouths, just like the monsters in the Cthulhu mythology,

"For...the saint..."

The monster let out a roar that echoed throughout the world and struggled violently, but he was still being pulled upwards uncontrollably.

The golden aura immobilized it, and it eventually rose to the same height as the roots of the golden tree

Under the huge golden tree, it looked like an imprisoned criminal, and Li Ye's figure with the book in his hand slowly grew taller.

Countless people saw this scene, some of them laughed, some of them prayed

"Praise the gods!!"

Li Ye raised his books high


The golden light fell from the sky, as if the golden tree had issued an angry blow

"God has mercy on the world! My duty is to send you to see him! Die! You are a dark and twisted thing!"

The golden light fell directly. When I saw it again, the sea demon had disappeared, leaving only a little gray smoke floating in the sky.

"Praise God!!"

This golden tree is still standing on the horizon and has no intention of disappearing.

The power of this blow directly shocked everyone

Gilgamesh slowly flew to the sky. He hated people standing higher than him. As if he knew what he meant, Li Ye slowly descended to the ground.

Hold the book in your hand and smile at him

This is not humility, but he has a good idea

Gilgamesh also snorted coldly and slowly fell down, landing on the street lamp on the other side.

The light of the street lamp illuminated his golden armor, reflecting some light, but it was far less powerful than the golden tree.

"Miscellaneous cultivator! Your golden tree has some qualities, but it is still too weak in front of the real king."

Countless Noble Phantasms lit up behind him, intending to attack the golden tree and destroy the tall golden tree.

But the next second, this guy slid down directly

"Hahaha! Blanch!"

Li Ye laughed loudly: "Bastard King, you are so funny, can't you even stand under a light bulb?"

Jin Shining looked at the street lamp, and he was a little confused: "Miscellaneous cultivator! What have you done!"

Li Ye smiled: "It's lubricating oil~ And it's not ordinary lubricating oil~ It's lubricating oil mixed with ice cubes."

These ice cubes are not ordinary ice cubes, they are ice cubes from MC.

Someone said that the ice in MC is really slippery

With the lubricant, it is really slippery, otherwise Gilgamesh wouldn't have slipped down

"Miscellaneous repair!!!"

Li Ye smiled: "Bastard King, you'd better look around, everyone is watching you~"

He looked up and saw countless helicopters in the sky constantly filming and recording this moment

"You deserve to die!!!"

Countless treasures flew out and flew directly to the helicopters filming

"Ah!! What is this!!!"

The people on the helicopter were stunned and tried to drive the plane to avoid it, but it was too late, and they shouted anxiously

Li Ye closed his eyes and held up the book with both hands

"God! Save the people under the rule of these tyrants!!"


The golden light sprinkled down, forming a light curtain, directly intercepting those treasures in advance

"God! God!!!"

The people on the plane shouted directly and filmed this scene.

Gilgamesh's veins popped up again: "Miscellaneous cultivation!!!"

But the next second, he was teleported away again, still with the command spell of Tosaka Tokito

After all, it was unwise to fight with Li Ye when the golden tree existed, after all, it was only the second night

But this approach accurately stepped on the golden thunder

Gilgamesh looked at Tosaka Tokito in front of him, and the veins on his head were about to burst

"Tosaka!!! Tokito!!!"

Tosaka Tokito also He knelt down in time and began to coax the child again: "Oh!! Great King..."

Gilgamesh stared at him intently, and his plan was confirmed in his heart

On the other side, Li Ye looked at the heroes in the distance and picked up the book in his hand

They were all looking at him without exception

"Oh!! Powerful heroes!! Are you interested in joining me!! Let's take the Holy Grail together!! Conquer this world!! Enjoy the fun of conquering"

The conquering king Iskandar floated down again with his weak princess

Li Ye looked at him and smiled modestly: "Brave king! I have dedicated everything I have to the gods, and I will not join anyone's army"

I am the god Ming, and an extreme egoist, wouldn't that mean he dedicated everything to God?

"No! He's so strong! He wouldn't have joined you anyway! It's meaningless to ask!"

His weak-minded princess Wade shouted

Iskander touched his forehead: "It seems to be true, but I will conquer you with my strength"

Li Ye was stunned for a moment, this statement was indeed a bit ambiguous, but he knew that this brave king didn't have any bad intentions

"Then I'll wait," and then turned his head

The remaining princess Wade of Iskandar kept pushing him,

Li Ye's eyes were once again cast on other heroes

Their performances were also different

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