Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 179 The Destroyer of Worlds

At this moment, Kotomine Kirei, Kenneth, Wade, and Emiya Kiritsugu stood together again

And beside them were the semi-state Iskandar who had escaped from the golden tree, Artoria who was unable to use the Noble Phantasm, and Gilgamesh and Diarmuid who had broken an arm.

The purpose of Emiya Kiritsugu's cooperation again is that he really can't stand this guy's destruction. As a partner of justice, he is also prepared to sacrifice himself at any time. This is the only thing he deserves praise for.

The rest of the people have their own agendas and want the final Great Holy Grail. They regard Tiamat as Li Ye's final form. If they don't kill him, the final Holy Grail will still not be obtained.

It was such a lineup, each with its own ulterior motives, joining the crusade against Tiamat.

Gilgamesh was flying in the sky, his eyes glowed with golden light: "The star of omniscience and omnipotence!"

He tried his best to predict, but in the end the only result he could predict was failure.

"I don't believe it!! I am the Supreme King! How could I fail!"

Diarmuid is also recovering with the help of Irisviel's recovery magic. Everyone is preparing for the plan to come.

There's not much time left for them.

Kenneth was the first to speak his mind

"That guy should have activated his final form, his ultimate support as Berserker! So he lost his mind!"

Emiya Kiritsugu also started talking.

"Sure enough! It's impossible for a Berserker without restrictions to appear!"

Kenneth looked at the huge figure and continued: "Since you have lost your mind, there is a solution!"

Kotomine Kirei raised his head with interest when he heard this. He doesn't have much feelings about the death and life of human beings now. He only thinks about getting pleasure, but he still wants to hear what Kenneth has to say. good idea

"A guy of this level cannot be controlled by the command spell developed by the Matou family. In other words, the current Matou Kariya is just like us and cannot face her at all."

Emiya Kiritsugu didn't understand. Although Matou Kariya was Li Ye's master, he had never appeared before.

"What do you mean?"

"On the front, I will let Diarmuid break through the field, and then let the two shooters Archer and Saber assist, involving the movement of the Berserker! And the Assassin will go to the golden tree with the Rider, if I don't You guessed it wrong, Matou Kariya should be there! And there is nothing wrong with the current golden tree! That place must be a loophole in this field!"

Emiya Kiritsugu asked eagerly

"What? Are you sure?"

Kenneth looked at Wade and nodded: "Iskandar saw Matou Kariya on the golden tree, and where is the safest place for Matou Kariya in Fuyuki City now! That must be The golden tree is up! So I concluded that their magic workshop is up there,"

At this time, Wade said weakly: "Um, teacher, Rider has never seen Matou Kariya coming down at night, which means there is no way he is not up there..."

Several black lines appeared on Kenneth's head. He ignored Wade and just continued: "Then we just need to find Matou Kariya and kill him! This will have some impact on this heroic spirit. When the time comes, we will attack in groups! There will be no problem!”

Artoria raised her hand: "Can you help me repair the scar? I want to use my strongest blow to help us win!"

Kenneth looked at Artoria's hand, which gradually became deeper and deeper. After a while, he spoke: "No problem! We are allies, aren't we?"

Arturia's eyes were also a little deep. She didn't believe Kenneth's nonsense. This group of people are still thinking about the Holy Grail in this situation. It's really confusing.

Kenneth summoned Diarmuid, and after lifting Artoria's serious injury curse, he asked again.

"Everyone, if there is no problem, just follow my method!"

Gilgamesh was still struggling with the heroic spirit that casually blocked his move of the Deviating Sword. When he heard Kenneth's question, he raised his head, squinted his eyes, and glanced at him.

At this time, Kotomine Kirei came over: "King, the reason why she can block your attack must be because of her Noble Phantasm or some other ability. There is no need to worry about it. There is no such thing as forcefully intercepting you in this world." The one-hit-nothing guy.”

Gilgamesh's eyes narrowed: "You are very good, Kotomine Kirei, you are very different from your teacher."

Kotomine Kirei smiled: "Of course, King, this way we can cooperate better, right?"

Their voices were not loud, and their location was relatively remote. Only Emiya Kiritsugu noticed these two guys.

"what are they doing?"

But it was too late to care about it. The heroic spirits who had finished their rest were ready to go and formed a gang again.

"So! For the world!"

Iskandar flew into the sky on a flying bull, carrying an assassin dressed as a girl. On the ground, Diarmuid also rushed over with several people.

As for why Iskandar didn’t just take them to the huge woman, that’s because Iskandar’s car was gone and there was only one cow left, which couldn’t carry so many people.

"In the name of the Command Seal! I give you power! Diarmuid! Fight for me!"

Kenneth directly used a command spell to increase Diarmuid's strength. Now, as if Diarmuid had taken a stimulant, he rushed straight towards the area where the creature was inaccessible.

Behind him, Gilgamesh and Artoria followed closely, but Gilgamesh was rare and was not floating in the sky.

"Damn it, if it weren't for the purpose of destroying this miscellaneous cultivator..."

In the sky, Iskandar laughed: "It's really interesting. Just now we were fighting to the death. Look, now we are still sitting together on this cow."

But the other party didn't reply, and Iskandar continued chattering.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"Hey! Do you think my pants look good? My master bought them for me. It's the little boy with long hair. Which one is the cutest?"

But the other party still didn't reply. Soon, they came to the golden tree. It was obvious that this place would not be affected.

"I'm sorry, Berserker, what you did is in line with my wishes, but there is nothing I can do about it. If I don't target you, my Master will probably be targeted."

All of Li Ye's actions, including turning into this world-destroying beast in their eyes, were very consistent with the appearance of a perfect warrior in Iskandar's heart, powerful and cunning, but upright and humble.

To be honest, if I didn't come, Wade would be targeted by other Masters, and I would definitely not be able to defeat him and get the Holy Grail in the end.

If it weren't for these two points, he would have become very good friends with Li Ye.

"That's where the entrance should be."

Iskandar saw a tree hole in the book on the side, and the two of them walked into the tree hole together.

I'm sorry everyone, I don't have 8,000 yuan per day today. I feel dizzy. I guess I caught a cold. I'll give you a guarantee of 4,000 yuan. I'm really sorry.

These two chapters may be a bit watery. I’ve always wanted to write about the final battle, but my brain is so dizzy that I can’t write. I’ll see if I can write more tomorrow.

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