Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 181 Do you want to know the truth? (4k)

Li Ye's current capabilities are mainly divided into four modules

The first module is the system of beliefs. Being able to absorb beliefs and increase one's abilities can only be said to be promising in the future. As long as Li Ye can get a copy of Ancient Times or other immortal cultivation systems, he can advance to a very high level by leaps and bounds.

The second module is Steve's panel. There is no upper limit to Steve's power. As long as Li Ye is lucky enough and can draw the strengthening scroll, he can improve infinitely. According to System B, this thing can be found in any prize pool. Yes, as the saying goes, you can perfectly reproduce any game in MC. This is the power of Steve.

But if Li Ye wanted to develop it by himself, he really couldn't find any good direction to develop it. Could it be the power of development rules? Bonemeal is the rule of growth, and pickaxe is the rule of destruction? I'm sorry that Li Ye just can't turn his head around and can't develop it.

The third module is the system of the shadow dimension. It can destroy others with the power of shadow, but the improvement is too slow. Li Ye currently only has two ways to strengthen this system: constantly devouring evil and devouring other people's dimensions, but there is no way to strengthen this system. Not every world is like Fate, with material evil, let alone Marvel’s exclusive dimensional demons. So it’s quite difficult

The fourth module is these weapons. As the saying goes, the heroic spirit itself is not strong, but the noble phantom is really strong. Li Ye is not a heroic spirit, but this rule is also applicable. Coupled with the ability of Steve's panel, No matter what weapon he has, he can use it, which gives him a lot more room to operate, but the weapons are not easy to handle either.

As for undead magic, he has always used Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll to release it. He himself can't learn it at all, so he classifies it as a fourth module weapon.

After he finished thinking about his abilities, his figure slowly rose, and a small head emerged from Tiamat's vagina.

Tiamat said "Ah~" in panic, and then wanted to stuff him in again, but Li Ye said it was not good. After all, he still had things to do, so he flew out directly.


It was obvious that Tiamat without Li Ye was even more violent, and Li Ye had already flown into the golden tree at an alarming speed. He looked at the violent Tiamat below and sighed.

"These people are still thinking about fighting the boss. I hope they are okay."

On the other hand, these guys on the ground are all stupid

Emiya Kiritsugu, who was observing the surrounding activities with a telescope, took a mouthful of thick phlegm and shouted:

"What the hell? Why did the boss go berserk before he was beaten?"

"There is no other way, we can only move on." Kenneth on his side picked up a cage of rabbits, placed it in front of him, and said to him.

When Irisviel saw the cage of rabbits, she stepped forward and looked at it with great interest: "This rabbit is so cute." Then she started playing with the rabbit.

Kenneth looked at Emiya Kiritsugu with some confusion. He was fighting, what was he doing? Emiya Kiritsugu also sighed. After all, his wife was only seven years old, so she was still a little immature.

"Irisviel, stop playing around. That rabbit is here to test the scope of the life-destroying field."

Only then did Irisviel let go: "Ah... She is so cute but she is doomed to die?"

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at the strange looks that kept looking at him, so he could only smile and kicked the rabbit cage away from them, towards the distant life-destroying field.

After finishing, Emiya Kiritsugu even pulled Irisviel to his side.

After pulling her over, Irisviel smiled playfully at him: "Okay, be happy, everything will be fine."

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at this wife who was still a little immature in character, with mixed feelings in his heart: "Yes, it will get better."

On the battlefield, Diarmuid, who was brandishing two guns, looked at Tiamat, who was a little manic, and then at the two heroic spirits behind him.

"Are your treasures ready?"

Artoria raised the sword in her hand: "Always be ready!"

Gilgamesh, on the other hand, looked indifferent and nodded. He could only walk on the ground with these guys. He was really unhappy. The only reason he could still communicate normally at this moment was because he had lost hand

"When the time comes and the golden tree above sends a signal, we will directly launch a general attack."

Artoria nodded: "Okay!"

The veins on Gilgamesh's forehead began to throb again. He hated people ordering him the most, but now he had no choice but to remain silent.

Diarmuid opened the field in front with one shot, turned around and continued to say to these two people: "According to my observation, this big guy has a shield on the outside that can withstand damage. That should be the one that blocked your sword." There is a layer of shield, and its ability should be to invalidate the Noble Phantasm. When the time comes, I will use my spear to pierce the shield, and then the two of you will use skills to destroy him."

He was right. There was a shield around Tiamat's body, but that was something Tiamat was born with. It was the passive effect of her ultimate move "Reverse Genesis".

Ability to make oneself extremely patient with Servant Treasures born in the correct history of mankind.

The damage of any Noble Phantasm, including the Ea Deviation Sword, is reduced to the minimum. It is an extremely powerful skill. Coupled with Tiamat's own resistance, almost nothing can kill her.

At this moment, on the golden tree

Iskandar was still chattering: "Hey, hey, hey, little girl, how old are you? Do you have a partner? What do you think of my master? I tell you that men like him are the best."

Assassin, who was so overwhelmed by what he said, couldn't stand it anymore, and finally said: "Shut up!!! You chatterbox!"

Iskander touched his head embarrassedly: "Oh, my master said the same thing"

In fact, he was not a chatterbox, but he really wanted to find some topics to liven up the atmosphere

This golden tree is Li Ye's magic workshop. Who knows what kind of monsters and demons are in it. Although they haven't encountered anything along the way until now, there is no guarantee that something bad will happen in the future. This atmosphere is very depressing

And once humans are in a depressing environment, they will either collapse directly or find joy in misery like Iskandar

As he spoke, Iskandar suddenly became serious: "Wait, look ahead! "

Hassan also looked immediately, and saw that their corridor in front of them had come to an end, and at the end was a huge hole.

"Let's go! !"

Iskander took the lead and rushed over, and Hassan of the Hundred Faces followed closely behind, splitting his own clones while walking and staying in the corridor, leaving a living person for Kotomine Kirei to convey information.

Then she followed him in.

As soon as they came out of the corridor, they saw a huge hole, so huge that they could hardly imagine that this was the interior of the golden tree, surrounded by golden tree barriers emitting golden light. The sky showed the color of the night sky, dotted with a few shining stars.

And under his feet were some clear fluids, reflecting the sky.

Iskander walked on the fluid and found that the fluid could actually be stepped on. , will not sink, just like land

Then Hassan followed

"I have a hunch! There is something ahead!" Iskandar's speed became faster and faster, and he walked towards the center. His hunch told him that the answer to all mysteries should be ahead

Hassan was also quite speechless, and immediately followed forward. Their footsteps stepped on the liquid under their feet, causing countless ripples, and as their footsteps moved forward, their hunch became stronger and stronger

Until, they saw a person sitting on the water in front of them, silent and quiet, but constantly releasing pressure to the surroundings

"You, are here after all"

The two raised their heads, Iskandar and Hassan were stunned, this was Li Ye's face

Iskandar was numb, and asked hurriedly

"You... You are not... "

Li Ye's legs were crossed with the "Fire Joy", and he looked up at them.

"Dead? Really? And then turned into the evil dragon that destroyed the world and brought disaster to the world?"

Iskander's face sank: "So what is the truth of all this!"

Li Ye smiled: "The truth? The truth is that I am indeed a Berserker, but the evil dragon below is also a Berserker"

Iskander was stunned: "Did your master summon two Heroic Spirits, or are you a twin Heroic Spirit yourself?"

Li Ye's figure disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was behind them: "What do you think?"

Iskander had a bold idea in his mind: "So, you are twin Heroic Spirits! She is Nidhogg! And you are the World Tree! Right! So you appear together as Heroic Spirits. "

Li Ye laughed loudly after hearing this, and then killed Hassan with a knife to prevent her from telling the truth: "Sorry, you guessed wrong. The truth is, I am not a mythological figure or a historical figure. I am just a fictional guy who comes here to work for the restraining force, and the heroic spirit is just my helper."

Iskander was stunned. He knew what the restraining force was, but what did it mean to come to work?

"So what you need to do is to get the Holy Grail?"

Li Ye shook his head: "No, it's to eliminate the sins of this world."

He raised his hands and used the shadow dimension for the first time in this world. Endless sinful energy rushed towards Iskandar's body.

"The Holy Grail is now full of this substance. Once someone gets the Holy Grail, this substance will pour out and destroy the whole world."

"So! You came here to eliminate this?"

"You guessed right, it's true."

"Then why did you... let that guy release that kind of power? Now she has destroyed a city! The casualties are still increasing."

"I released that heroic spirit because I wanted to destroy the world first, so that the evil of this world would not destroy the world. Isn't it very reasonable?"

Iskander's forehead was bulging with blue veins: "You lunatic! I misjudged you!"

Li Ye smiled: "I am a Berserker, right?"

If you want to ask why Li Ye said these things, it must be because of the prompt sound that kept ringing in the background of the system

[Ding, Iskandar's negative emotion value +500]

"You obviously... You can solve it better, otherwise the restraining force would not send you! Isn't it? You must be joking!"

Li Ye suddenly changed his style and returned to the place where he was just sitting cross-legged

"Hey! Guess what, you guessed it right, I just lied to you"

[Ding, Iskandar's negative emotion value +500]

Iskander was numb: "So what do you want to do!"

Li Ye sighed: "Saving the world is nothing more than sacrificing the people in this city to get the Holy Grail and then eliminate the evil in the world. I will reclaim that heroic spirit when the time comes. This is my justice. Sacrifice a life." A small number of people, and then a large number of people can be saved. Even if it means sacrificing me, I will do it directly."

He directly stated Emiya Kiritsugu's theory of justice. Although this theory is outrageous, the world is so outrageous, and there are quite a few people who believe it.

Iskandar looked at him and sighed: "What do you want to do after you tell me so much?"

Li Ye sighed: "The existence of evil will make it easier for gods to gain faith. People will only pray to heaven when they are in danger, right? Removing evil from the world will only make gods angry, so gods will eventually fight with me As an enemy, I need your help!"

"Aren't you a messenger of the gods?"

Li Ye smiled: "Of course, I am the messenger of the gods, but this god is me!"

Iskandar took a breath: "You?"

Li Ye nodded: "I engraved the word "god" into my destiny, just like the 'lord' is God, and the 'god' is me. In this way, I intercepted the belief in the god and cut off its foundation. Wouldn’t it be great to use their power to strengthen yourself?”

Iskandar struggled for a long time and sighed: "How do you expect me to trust you!"

Li Ye shook his head: "You can watch here and see what will happen in the end. It's not too late to help when the time comes. Besides, you have no choice, right?"

"The Holy Grail?"

"You only need to die five heroic spirits to open the Holy Grail, or even less. You don't need to worry."

Iskandar's ability is a must for Li Ye. If Li Ye doesn't expect it, he can cause huge interference to a specific god, which will be very useful for his next operation.

That's why Li Ye tried so hard to instigate this guy to rebel.

Iskandar looked at the golden barriers around him and the rippling water under his feet, and sighed: "Okay! Can I tell my master?"

Iskandar and his master really love each other. They are the best combination. They can be called the combination of a king and a princess.

Li Ye looked at his appearance and shook his head: "I can guarantee that he will not be injured."

The underlying meaning of this sentence is rejection


Then Li Ye pulled out the long knife, and with one strike, the command spell on Iskandar was suddenly cut off. This was an ability developed from the Matou family's magic grimoire, which can cut off the connection between the heroic spirit and the master. , but it requires supreme power, and only a powerful heroic spirit like Li Ye with unlimited energy supply can use it.

"As expected of me! You really have the talent to study magic."

In fact, this trick was developed by Sakura. It is unbelievable that a five-year-old girl has such a high talent for magic. She is worthy of being the protagonist. Even though this trick can only be used by guys like Li Ye, it is a very rough one. magic

"I helped Sakura escape from the sea of ​​suffering. She created magic. Rounding it all off, it was created by me. There's nothing wrong with it."

Sakura is very talented in magic and can also use it to attack enemies. She is really an excellent little guy.

But when Li Ye thought about it, there were people who could think about the meaning of life at the age of five and then drew pictures for the whole family at the age of ten. He didn't think anything about it.

These two chapters today are both big chapters, one chapter is 4k, very exciting.

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