Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 189: Cremation is very happy

Matou Sakura's eyes drooped slightly and she retracted her hand.

Poseidon on the side constantly communicates with Hades on the body

"No, I said you were beaten so hard by such a little baby that you ran away with your head in your arms?"

Hades gritted his teeth: "Have you ever seen a little doll that can crush the Sword of Chaos?"

Just now on top of the golden tree, Sakura Matou showed her strength, possessing the virtual attributes that she had practiced for ten years and the power of the golden tree that she had developed for ten years.

All in all, she is strong. Hades is willing to call this girl the strongest.

Poseidon was not happy: "It must be because you haven't seen me for a few days and you go out to play with women every day!"

Hades was anxious: "Then the reason why he meowed was because Zeus went there in my name!! Don't take your seats randomly!!"

Poseidon snorted: "How dare you say that you have never done this before?"

Hades hesitated: "Okay, indeed there is."

Poseidon just crawled forward in such a sinister way, taking advantage of the gap where Matou Sakura was still talking to others.

"Eat my spear!!!"

A blow carrying all the power of the Atlantean Kingdom of the Sea was thrust out, straight towards Matou Sakura.

Although this attack was not very powerful, it directly used all his power. It was a skill he had specially acquired for the Yin people.

A blow that merges the sound of the sea


With one blow, Matou Sakura's body was directly penetrated and torn apart.

"Hahaha! That's what I'm saying!! This girl is such a hot chick! You must be playing tricks on women!!"

Poseidon stood up and laughed.

Hades, on the other hand, scurried away with his head in his arms: "Silly egg, just stay here by yourself."

The Poseidon was dumbfounded: "What a joke? Why did you run away? Isn't this bitch dead?"

But I saw that the indifference on Tong Ying's face still existed

The figure seemed to have dropped the frame. The next second, her hand appeared on the trident. The next second, she pulled out the trident. The next second, the entire body was completely repaired.

There were no unnecessary movements during this period, there was only this scene, as if the action in the middle had been taken away by the frame.

"Ah! This!!!"

Poseidon's people are numb, what the hell is this! ! ! Why does he feel like coconut milk? No, he is not afraid when coconut milk comes. This girl is scarier than coconut milk.

"No, listen to me, I was bewitched by Hades..."

The next second, Poseidon's heart felt like it was being pinched by someone.


His heart burst into tears: "I am facing! Weird!"

He retreated quickly, and a large amount of seawater rose up under his feet, trying to escape with him. This battle would probably end in the end.

The loss of the heart is very uncomfortable for him, but he is the main god after all. If the heart is gone, he can just grow another one. Look at Prometheus. He is eaten every day on the cliff, and his internal organs are not eaten out.

But he forgot that there was also a Tiamat

The sea water rolled directly into his body, binding him tightly.

Tiamat is not only the mother of dragons and the supreme creator god, she also has a deity as the god of salt water.

What is the sea water? It is salt water. She directly restrained Poseidon from the source.

"Spare your life! Spare your life!! It's all Zeus! It's all Zeus!!!"

Poseidon kept roaring, but it had no effect. Sakura walked up to him and drew out a long sword.

This long sword is like gold, with the texture of the golden tree continuing on it, and the portrait of Li Ye.

This is the long sword that Li Ye's golden tree turned into. After Li Ye's transformation was completed, he turned his divine body into a sword and reappeared inside the golden tree, and Sakura got the sword.

"No...don't do it!!!!"

Poseidon took a look, good guy, the whole sword was forged from the material of a god. Such a vicious woman, he really regretted coming here.

but it has no effect

With one sword, Poseidon returns directly to the west

And Li Ye, who was in the sky, suddenly gained another kind of magical power.

"The Godhead of the Sea! It seems that Poseidon is also dead!!"

He raised his eyes and looked at the several gods in front of him. The sword in his hand was raised and lowered, and countless gods were consecrating him.


An unknown god roared, his body became extremely large, and he rushed straight towards Li Ye

"It's boring!"

With one knife, the unknown god was broken, but in this gap, a scepter was inserted into his body again

"Go to sleep!"

Li Ye was stunned. Strong sleepiness came to his mind again. He followed the sound and saw that it was Hermes.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, a naked woman. She was extremely beautiful and attracted his attention. It was Hephaestus' wife, Aphrodite.

"Am I beautiful~"

Li Ye slashed out his sword in an instant: "Sorry! Women are invalid!!!"

But at this moment, a bow and arrow had already hit his giant sword, causing it to blow away a long way.

"I am heading towards you!! What the hell!!"

His eyes were staring into the distance, where there was a girl with a bow and arrow aimed at him.


It is Artemis, the god of the moon and hunting, and the old lover of the crowned archer.

How to make a guy who plays with a big stick become a championship shooter? It's very simple. Just find him a wife who is the god of shooters.

"You killed my brother! Now you are going to die too!!"

Although Artemis is the God of the Moon and Hunting, one thing is that her archer ability is definitely at the pinnacle of the Greek pantheon. Among the Zeus and Ares generations, none of them can match her output.

Although Zeus is powerful, he can't compare to this girl in terms of damage alone.

Just an ordinary flat a shot was enough to send Li Ye's long sword flying.

"It's really, really scary!!"

At this moment, countless small aircraft flew out of his body

"Then!! Try the current technology!!"

This is the technology that the hoe has researched for him. It still charges high amounts of damage, but in greater quantities. This is the pinnacle of his technology research.

"Deny my charge!!"

Countless lasers are fired from these small aircraft, and each hit is the highest limit that Tiamat can reach, which is the highest peak of the dragon world.

But it’s obvious that things from the physics department are still not very useful.

"Sorry! No passage!"

The figure of Queen Hera suddenly appeared, her hands spread out, and countless butterflies were released from her hands,

Hera is the goddess of marriage, fertility and female protection. These thousands of butterflies formed a strong shield and directly blocked this move.

Everyone in Li Ye was dumbfounded: "My court? So outrageous?"

Although this is not his ultimate move, it is still a powerful move, but he did not expect to send it like this.

At this moment, thunderbolts fell and hit Li Ye's aircraft.

Jump to pieces for these guys,

Then the figure of Zeus appeared in a higher position

"Boy! Ignorance is your greatest weakness!"

Li Ye looked at Zeus and sighed: "You shouldn't have come out!! Zeus! You are still not safe enough! I have been waiting for a long time!!"

Zeus laughed loudly: "Why, what other backup plan do you have? No matter what backup plan you have, you should not face the glory of the sky!!"

Half of Zeus turned into a thunder-like substance. This was his power, the power of the sky.

Li Ye sighed, and the spear in his hand flashed with a strange light.

"Across the sky! Look up at the shooting stars! Make a wish to the stars! Your wish will come true!!!"


Zeus was still laughing, and his figure kept disappearing and reappearing: "You used Odin's spear to deal with me! They are all the main gods of the pantheon!! How could I be afraid of him! Not to mention you, even if it is Odin, ,"

His words have stopped because a spear has been inserted into his chest and blood is flowing down.

"Why...why? Didn't I already..."

He just used the power of thunder and lightning to transform himself into a creature of thunder and lightning, but even so, he was stabbed by a spear.

"Who told you this is Odin's spear?"

Zeus was stunned: "Then whose spear is this?"

Li Ye smiled: "This is Odin's spear!!"

It's obvious that this guy doesn't understand the difference between Odin and Odin. After all, not many people know that there are other worlds.

"Haha, I'm really powerful, but if I do this, I still won't die!!!"

Zeus tore his body apart, and clouds, thunder, and light kept coming out of his body.

"I will merge my power! I will merge the power of the sky with myself!! If you don't tear the sky apart!! You can't kill me!!"

Li Ye was stunned for a moment, not because of Zeus's power, but because Zeus had a serious brain disease. He really didn't expect that he would directly reveal his weakness.

But now, Artemis's long bow is aimed at Li Ye again: "Die! For your actions!!!"

She directly used her strongest blow

"You wear the gold of the stars!!!"

This blow penetrated the stars,

Countless lights and darkness are projected into this blow

And Zeus in the sky also directly released his most powerful ability

"O the sky, tear it apart. O the stars, smash it to pieces. Everything in the sky is mine, and the one who rules the stars is mine! I am the thunder that tears apart the stars (World Discipline Κεραυν)!!!!"

At this moment, Hera also sang: "Lending your strength!!"

She represents the power of marriage and directly shares Zeus's godhead with herself. She also releases Zeus's strongest blow.

"I am the thunder that tears apart the stars!!!"

And Amaterasu also appeared in time

"For the light of my body!! Die!!"

As the words fell, a huge fireball lit up and flew straight towards Li Ye.

Li Ye gritted his teeth. This blow was definitely not something he could easily withstand. It was time to unleash his true backhand! !

"Mirror Space!!!"

He forcibly used the power of the mirror image, which was originally unusable, to continuously extend the distance of several projectiles, but it was of little effect because these things had already locked onto him, but being able to delay it was enough for him. enough

Then he directly shouted to the Golden Tree

"I won't die at this time! When will I die again!!!"

Iskandar, who was now inside the golden tree, sighed,

"The gods are unkind! I am willing to use my body and my treasure to destroy my faith!! Let the gods pay the price!!"

He directly destroyed this part of his spiritual base and this part of his Noble Phantasm.

Zeus in the sky suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood: "What!!!"

You know, Iskandar himself is the biggest believer of Zeus. He worships and promotes him, so he obtained Zeus's sacred cow and Zeus's thunder and lightning. At this moment, Iskandar directly said that you can't do it anymore and you want to change yourself. faith, which cut off a large part of Zeus's strength.

If there is nothing normal, as long as you cultivate seriously, you will recover after a while, but this is the time of fighting,

Li Ye laughed loudly at this moment,

"Then!! Let's see my strongest move!!!"

His giant body suddenly collapsed and returned to its original form. He took out the joy of fire.

To be precise, we cannot call Fire Happy, we should call it

“Very happy to be cremated!!!”

This sword is no longer just the joy of fire, but the product of fusion with his real fight.

After he drew out his Shinta, it somehow merged with the Fire Joy, and then turned into his Zanpakutō, sharing part of his soul with him. Maybe it was because Shinta had no physical body.

And the miscellaneous souls in the Joy of Fire were completely swallowed up by Li Ye's soul and turned into the power of this knife.

After the fusion, Li Ye directly knew its real name

“Very happy to be cremated”

A very outrageous name, look at their names, they are called Canhuo Taishou, Mirror Flower, Water Moon, Tensuo Zangetsu, Senbonzakura, that is cool, look at the name Li Ye. . It can only be said that it is quite stretched.

But this knife handle not only has a very outrageous name, but also has a very exaggerated skill. This skill may not be particularly strong for others, but for Li Ye, it is a magical skill among magical skills.

"Shijie!! Let me be happy!!!"

Li Ye's already normal body directly waved the long knife.

An ordinary long knife, an ordinary slash, just so ordinary

But in the next moment, the whole world collapsed and the sky shattered. With this move, the world was captivated! !

The long bow, the thunder, the sun, everything, everything, return to nothingness

All the gods, all the gods, have disappeared

A wound was cut into the entire island. The extending blade cut through part of the Pacific Ocean, and the atmosphere in the sky was directly split.

From the moon, it looks like the earth has been combed in the middle.

"This is...what..."

This blow directly reduced the population of the entire day by 7%, and the extended blade still bloomed with that terrifying pressure.

It scared those who didn't die into being young, and scared them back to the age of grandsons.

After Li Ye struck this blow, all the gods in front of him evaporated and disappeared.

And Li Ye also sat directly on the cloud, panting: "You are so shy, you really can't use this trick more often."

This is how his Zanpakutō's first attack ability is. He uses all his strength to execute the most powerful move.

The most powerful and common move

"Hahaha!! Ahem!!! Hahaha!! I'm not dead yet!!! I'm not dead yet!!!"

Zeus struggled to crawl out of the clouds on one side, dragging half of Hera's body in his hand. It was obvious that this old guy had just used his wife to block the damage.

Zeus's eyes were fixed on Li Ye: "You!! You bitch!! Now you finally have no ability to resist! You didn't expect it!!! I'm not dead!!! I'm not dead!!!" "

Li Ye smiled: "No ability to resist? How did you see that?"

He slowly stood up again and patted his robe: "I sat down just because I wanted to sit down."

Zeus was stunned. The next second, a golden sword was inserted into his chest. Zeus looked at the golden sword in disbelief.


Then his figure completely collapsed, and Zeus died completely.

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