Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 194 Chapter 196 Dragon Clan, I am back again

On the quiet street, the street lights are flashing. I don’t know if I am struggling with fate or not working hard.

Li Ye just walked on the street like this

That's right, Li Ye left, even before the dinner was over, he left.

The eerie silence at the dinner meant nothing to him.

Waste of time, no gains yet

He remembered Angers's words, "You care about gains and losses in everything. After all, you won't get much. Any effort has a purpose. Living will be very tiring."

But this kind of party couldn't bring him any pleasure at all

Rather than wasting this kind of time, it would be better to let Tiamat out and be hugged for a while. She would still feel a little soft after being hugged.

His deterrence has been achieved, there is no need to continue to waste time here.

As for fate, he has roughly arranged it. The only ones left in this war are Athena and Weber.

That woman Athena is definitely going to cause trouble, but Gaia and Alaya are not vegetarians. Before the Age of Gods comes, there is no possibility for this woman to come to the earth.

As for Weber, this guy in the original book is not a guy who likes revenge. He has a good personality. Li Ye gave him his blessing and took away his magic circuit. The intensity naturally increased, but he could not defeat the Golden Tree Sect. Take action

This can be regarded as his reply to Iskandar.

Everything was in order, and there was nothing he should do.

So he directly used the power of the shadow to change his own time and traveled through the world again.

Since you can use the Shadow Dimension in any world, your own time travel CD has become a joke

And now Li Ye is in the world of the Dragon Clan

Li Ye looked at the stars in the distance and thought about what he had done in the Dragon Clan. He killed the White King, established a good relationship with Ange, and had a relationship with the Shezaki Eight Family. Now he is half The controller of the Snakesaki Eight Family

"It's true... I don't know what to say."

He had the feeling that he had experienced a lot of things, but he also felt that everything that happened to the Dragon Clan only happened yesterday.

This gave him an unreal feeling of time

Coupled with the surrounding scenes, it always gave him a feeling that he had not traveled through time yet.

That's right, the system didn't put him in Little Days this time. Who knows why? This time it was his hometown.

A place that is familiar yet strange to him

Familiarity is because people around me are saying the same words. This is not the feeling that Chinese patches can bring to you.

He had turned off the Chinese patch and listened to the noise around him

"I am facing!"

"I'll test your code!!"

"This voice is really friendly. I don't know which city this is."

The mobile phone that the Kazaki Hachi family bought him had long since run out of power, and he had forgotten to charge it. He originally wanted to take it out to charge during the Holy Grail War, but it was a bit too abstract for a heroic spirit to take out a mobile phone by himself.

Those old guys now think that they are the original tree of the World Tree, and the final Noble Phantasm is to summon Nidhogg to destroy the world, and then eat themselves,

However, Li Ye is not a world tree at all, and Nidhogg is not worthy of licking Tiamat's shoes.

Walking slowly, he came to a small alley. The smell of fireworks spread along the wall and into his nose. What kind of smell was this?

It can be said that it has a taste that is a combination of cauliflower and peanut oil, which is a bit complicated.

Looking at the surrounding environment, it seems to be raining

As for why Li Ye had to observe so carefully, there was nothing he could do. If he didn't look carefully, he wouldn't even know where he was now.

Now Li Ye doesn't really want to use those extraordinary powers. Wouldn't it be boring if everything used extraordinary powers? Moreover, it would also deepen Li Ye's divinity and make him less and less like a normal person.

If Li Ye used his extraordinary strength, he could even let the black shadow ninja carry him when he went out. He could carry him out in a big sedan chair. Every time he arrived in a new world, he could drive around the Tiamat Destruction Domain at his highest speed. Go around the earth

The points earned by finishing things like this are high and fast, but that is not what he pursues.

Li Ye walked slowly around the alley, and suddenly heard a crisp female voice

"Okay, grandma~ I'm leaving first!"

Then there was an old voice

"Xia Mi, you must be careful. It's okay to work part-time, but there are a lot of bad people now, so you must protect yourself!"

Then Li Ye saw a very pure girl running out of a small door in the alley.

"Okay grandma, I will definitely do it."

Li Ye was stunned, not because of her appearance, but because of her name. The girl was very good-looking, but Li Ye had never seen any good-looking girl, but this name happened to be the one that Li Ye knew.

"Blood Mourning?"

Natsumi should be in the preparatory class of Kassel Academy now, but now he appears here

There are only two possibilities, either something went wrong or I came back from vacation.

And it happened that Li Ye happened to bump into it again. This probability was comparable to winning a lottery ticket, and he won two prizes in a row.

That Xia Mi turned around and happened to see Li Ye. That Xia Mi had a flawless appearance like a "monster", as bright as a summer flower, with a face that was radiant, as gentle as jade, with clear and smooth eyes.

She is simply the goddess of the girl faction, but she is not Li Ye's cup of tea. Li Ye likes big ones. He looked at Xia Mi and said, well, Jun Ting is a flesh-and-blood girl. The good word is called well-proportioned, and the bad word is called small.

All in all, it's exactly the same as the original work. He really didn't run away, and the case was solved here, in Beijing, in 2009.

Li Ye said that this can only be a choice of fate. The Dragon Clan has always had such illusory things, just like Uesugi Eriki's Tsukuyomi fate and Minamoto's birth Amaterasu fate.

Li Ye has not yet understood what fate is, so he hates it.

Xia Mi was stunned when he saw Li Ye for the first time, and then he laughed directly, his long eyelashes trembling: "Puch, hahahaha!!"

Li Ye was also stunned for a moment and wanted to ask what happened, but he didn't know how to say hello.

"No, brother, it's summer, have you just come back from cosplay?"

Li Ye looked at himself and smiled. Sure enough, he had just come back from Fate. It was autumn and winter there, and Irisviel always wore a scarf when going out, so Li Ye went out wearing a windbreaker. Yes,

In addition, his powerful body prevents him from being able to sense the surrounding temperature at all, and he has been disconnected from normal humans for too long, making him too vague about many details.

It is summer in the capital now, and the temperature is very high. Xia Mi is wearing short sleeves. When he sees Li Ye wearing a long windbreaker, he must not laugh.

Li Ye looked at Xia Mi and narrowed his eyes. Xia Mi looked at him and also narrowed his eyes: "Why, isn't that what I said, brother, or a certain senior?"

It was obvious that she regarded herself as a student of Kassel College. As for how she figured out Li Ye's identity as a dragon-blooded person, she probably relied on something as illusory as Bloodmourne.

Blood Sorrow, the sorrow of dragon blood species. Their arrogance makes them incompatible with normal people. They will only attract each other. The more powerful the living body, the more powerful the Blood Sorrow is.

Like the four great monarchs, almost no one can really get close to them

Xia Mi is not included. Xia Mi is just a personality created by Jörmungandr, but in the end it influenced him. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain how an old man who has been in love for tens of thousands of years fell in love with a young and handsome boy.

Li Ye looked at Xia Mi, took out a mobile phone, and smiled at her. This smile was a smile, a gentle smile, like the autumn sunshine: "Do you mind letting me charge the battery? I have a mission now, and I don't have a mobile phone." It’s hard to get electricity”

Next to the mobile phone, there is a student ID card and a mission execution certificate, both of which are from Kassel College. Of course, they were given by Angers. Not only does Li Ye have these, he even has a teacher certificate and a specialist certificate from Kassel. , looking at what Angers was like at that time, if the principal had a principal certificate, he would probably have to get one for Li Ye.

I'm afraid that Li Ye won't go to their school.

Xia Mi looked at it and found that it was Cassel's student ID card and mission certificate. The mission level was still A.

This kind of task can already be ordered to the municipal-level local execution minister. Xia Mi was a little surprised, knowing that the guy in front of him was definitely not low-blooded.

"Okay, but you have to take me to work in a while, otherwise I will be late!"

In this way, Li Ye entered Xia Mi's house

As for why Xia Mi allowed a guy he didn’t know at all to enter the house he rented, it was because Xia Mi was curious about this man.

Blood Mourning will make high-blooded dragon-blooded people have an unreal sense of separation from the world, and in her opinion, the guy in front of her cannot be said to have a sense of separation, it feels like. . . He is just a passer-by, even if the world is destroyed in the next second, he has nothing to do with it.

How powerful is this blood sorrow?

And she still feels a little close to him. You have to know that she is the Dragon King. For her to feel close to him, what kind of bloodline does this guy have? Coupled with her own Dragon King's strength, there are few things that can threaten her.

There is also an important point that Kassel distributes to the commissioners who perform tasks a kind of commissioner who can temporarily command the surrounding students and the task level is not higher than you.

Finally, Xiami’s own personality is shaped by hospitality and quirkiness, so he invited Li Ye into the house.

As for the situation where Li Ye was a new Dragon King and some first-generation species could crush her, she never thought about it. After all, there were only so many Dragon Kings. She knew almost all of them and knew most of them existed. Maybe another one appeared out of nowhere.

This kind of self-confidence is the unique arrogance of the Dragon Clan, and it is something that cannot be changed even if the personality changes.

"No, the charging socket is right there, but senior, the phone you are using is very good~"

Li Ye smiled: "It's okay, Nokia's N97 is a little expensive, but you can guess that I am a student of Kassel College, that's really awesome."

You know, Nokia's N97 model was really a big daddy in 2009. The Apple 3gs series of the same year was the younger brother of this series, not worthy of carrying shoes at all.

"By the way, why don't you use the school-issued mobile phone?"

"I don't like it. I have to press for results on my birthday. This can also be used. You just need to discuss it with the specialist."

As he spoke, Li Ye took out a mobile phone from his sleeve and lit it up. It was the mobile phone distributed by Cassel.

Kassel College will distribute a mobile phone to each student, which is equipped with a GPS system and Norma subroutines, which can help students do many things. However, as Li Ye said, frequent reminders for grades are not enough for a college student. What matters most is definitely exams and grades

"Puch, senior, you are quite interesting. By the way, can I know what the mission this time is?"

"What other missions can there be? It's just that someone has become Deadpool again. By the way, you are not afraid that these things are fake. Just check your phone."

Kassel's low-level tasks are not kept confidential, and you can even apply for the help of a local college executive specialist. The task certificate is destroyed upon departure and can be scanned by Kassel's student machine. There is no counterfeiting or Misappropriate

As for the protagonist group in the original work, this was not used simply because it was unnecessary. Look at the tasks they performed. When they went to Bronze City, the students had full control over that time. The superiors of the protagonist group were in charge. In the past, it was the Sheqi Eight Family. Responsible, Sheqi Bajia is the Kassel branch of life

Later, when I went to hunt down the protagonist group, it appeared once or twice. In fact, at the beginning of the original Long Er, Chu Zihang also used it, and found a bunch of muscular men to repair Lu Mingfei's toilet.

After listening to Li Ye's words, Xia Mi smiled.

"It's not necessary. If I was deceived by the senior, it can only mean that I have a bad taste. So the senior specifically checked my information and wanted me to help?"

Li Ye shook his head: "Of course not, it just happened that my phone ran out of battery. I checked the information and you were the nearest one."

"Senior, your way of striking up a conversation is so old-fashioned~ It's obviously true. By the way, senior, what level are you at?"

. . .

It was obvious that Xia Mi was lying. She kept approaching Li Ye and asked some questions. From this, she could easily analyze Li Ye's identity and dragon blood level.

She really became a little curious about this guy. Xia Mi was taking risks, otherwise he would not have been able to attend Kassel Academy as a Dragon King, nor would he have been able to observe Chu Zihang.

"Me? I graduated in 2006 and have been in the academy since graduation."

These things are enough for Xia Mi to analyze something.

Level 06, there was no S-level appearance in the season, so the guy in front of me is not S-level, and can do B-level tasks as a specialist. This guy is at least A-level, and he is also a high-risk A-level.

At this time, Li Ye's mobile phone had already been charged, and it was enough to turn on. Li Ye turned on the mobile phone, and several text messages and call records immediately popped up.

He casually sent a message to a number, then looked at Xia Mi

"Okay, I'm going to take care of that Deadpool. So, Senior Xia Mi, can you come with me?"

"Sure enough, Tu Qiongdiao has seen you, senior, you just want to get close to me."

Li Ye's sly eyes showed: "Xia Mi, A-level dragon-blooded species, among the academic mixed-blood species in the entire capital, your bloodline is the strongest, so I think I need your help."

This is also a major reason why Lu Mingfei and Chu Zihang of the Dragon Clan II in the original book were able to obtain Xia Mi as off-site assistance.

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