Walking on the streets of Manhattan, Li Ye's eyes were dazzled by the bright lights and feasting

Is the world abroad a good place? Li Ye sneered, wrong.

Crime occurs everywhere in the street corners and dark alleys here, especially in this world, which is in chaos, filled with discrimination and crime.

This place is much more chaotic than the flower garden.

But he came out this time just to see the darkness

On the street, Li Ye walked faster and faster. Feeling his improved physical fitness, he felt happier and happier.

[Steve's Panel] The bonus to his physical fitness is very obvious to him in his digitalized body.

A body that is not tired at all, and a faster speed,

He walked for a long time until he came to a deep alley. This kind of alley is the most common place for gangsters.

"Hey, yellow-skinned monkey, we want to borrow some money from you"

Li Ye looked ahead, and two Nicos appeared, blocking his way.

Although Li Ye is 1.8 meters tall, he looks very thin and gives people a weak feeling. He was often bullied because of this when he was in school.

"Hey, yellow-skinned monkey, I'm talking to you. Is there something wrong with your ears?"

One of the Nicos walked over directly and grabbed his shoulder.

Li Ye's eyes were downcast. As an office worker, he could barely understand English. He just lamented that the discrimination against yellow skinned people in the United States was so serious.

Is it exclusive to Marvel? Who knows, he never went abroad in his previous life

Li Ye looked at Nico in front of him with a slightly evil smile on his face.

"Hey! Yellow-skinned monkey! What are you laughing at!" Nico refused, his fist flashed under Li Ye's eye socket. It was obvious that Li Ye would be beaten if he didn't pay.

"You messed with the wrong person"

Li Ye grabbed the Nico's neck with one hand and lifted him up. He had just observed it specially. There were no surveillance cameras around. These Nicos were obviously habitual offenders and had chosen such a path.

The nigga in Li Ye's hand was pinched and made a loud sound. Li Ye looked at the nigga and became more and more excited. The feeling of having just gained strength made him so high!

"Hey! What are you doing!" The other Nico obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the problem and was still watching.


Li Ye's hand crushed Nico's neck. The scarlet and white bone stubble pierced the skin and oozed blood. This shows the great strength of Li Ye.

Everyone present was stunned for a moment.

Li Ye looked at Nico, whose hands were bleeding and his head was turned aside, and he actually showed a slight smile.

He is not murderous, this is his first time to kill, he just feels, is this killing? That's it?

There was no trace of nausea, no waves. Perhaps it was the life transition brought to him by [Steve's Panel]. Now his life level is different, and he no longer has empathy.

Maybe he himself is like this, but it doesn't matter anymore, no matter what the reason is, this is him now,

The other Nico was shocked. He came to his senses and ran away. He ran very fast and turned into the other alley in a blink of an eye.

It was obvious that he was a habitual offender. He did not yell out loud for fear of exposing his position. Coupled with his racial talent, outsiders might not be able to see him in the dark.

Li Ye looked at the escaping guy with an evil smile on his face again

"System! Fusion Rabbit Spell!"

"Ding, the use is successful and the host gains the ability 'Rabbit Spell'"

Li Ye suddenly felt that there was something more in his mind. As long as he thought about it, he could use the ability called "Rabbit"

Li Ye's eyes flashed and he appeared in front of Nico instantly.

Nico collapsed to the ground, hurriedly took out a pistol, pointed it at Li Ye, and shot without hesitation.

One look at the hands and it seems like there are no fewer lives left.

But the bullet hitting Li Ye was like hitting a wooden pillar, and it only made the guy retreat a little.


Li Ye looked at him, smiled slightly, narrowed his eyes and grinned: "Can I ask you to help me test something?"

But now, Nico was so frightened that he didn't know how to speak. The bullets in his pistol were empty. He could only sit down on the ground. He must have been frightened to pee when he smelled this smell.

Li Ye shrugged, with an indifferent look on his face: "If you don't speak, then I'll take it as your acquiescence."

"No...no!!!" Nico knelt down and licked Li Ye's shoes.

"Let me go, let me go"

But Li Ye didn't even look at it: "Sorry, it's too late."

Screams came out one after another, but because the two farm tools often attacked others here, it wouldn't be surprising even if someone heard them. But who would have thought that it was these two farm tools that screamed this time.

Ten minutes later, there was no Nico left, only some stumps left.

Li Ye leaned against the wall on one side, looking at his masterpiece, and couldn't help but smile a little.

He tested his system with this Nico, and it was obvious that the result was not good. He kept persecuting this guy, and finally poured him into the cement and used it as a steel bar, only giving him a little negative emotion value.

“It’s really hard to deal with this negative emotion value.”

He looked at the stumps on the ground and a corpse on the other side, showing a distressed look.

"Leaving these things here is troublesome."

He casually drew it in the air, and a flame-shaped sword burning with fire was drawn out of the void. The sword was one meter and a half long.

"Hell Rock Sword"

Li Ye can hold this heavy and hot sword with one hand. He can feel the handle of the sword a little hot when he holds it with 10 points of patience. Just by looking at it, he can feel the sharpness.

Obviously, this is a peerless weapon

"Cremate it! My baby!"

With a wave of the big sword, fire rolled out and wrapped around the stumps, and then. . . . then nothing happened

. . . . .

Li Ye stopped his secondary behavior and patted his forehead. It was obvious that this sword was not used in this way. It only has a burning effect when it comes into contact.

So he had no choice but to run up and cremate them one by one with a big sword.

When cremating the body, he carved a smiley face on Nani's face to commemorate his first crackdown on gangsters.

"I hope that when you are reincarnated into a farm tool, you will also have this smile and be able to smile all the time."

Without surveillance and pedestrians around, the disappearance of these two Nicos is destined to become an unsolved case.

The traces of the two Nicos dissipated with the wind, and the scene that had been cleaned without any traces was destined not to attract the attention of the Snake and Shield Bureau.

Back at the rental house, Li Ye checked himself. Just now, Nico let him know that the damage caused by pistol bullets at close range was half a heart, but his digitized body had no external exposure.

This also means that he is not immune to modern technology. As for the rabbit charm, he just found a deserted place to test it.

His current strength is about three or four tons, which is a little behind Spider-Man, let alone Steve, who can hold up sixty-four neutrons and singularities with one hand.

His current maximum speed is three times the speed of sound, which is Mach 3. Any faster will deduct blood because his physical fitness is not enough.

However, this has also reached the initial velocity of ordinary sniper rifle bullets.

But Li Ye discovered that his rabbit charm had a sonic boom. As long as it exceeded Mach 1, there would be a sound barrier. He had great respect for physics.

"But in the original book, Xiaoyu's speed traveled through time, and there was no sonic boom. Is the version different?"

And most importantly! His spell takes a lot of time to use!

It consumes mental energy when used. If you use it too much, you will get a headache. There is no way to use it for a long time.

Moreover, he also discovered that the ability of this rabbit talisman can only accelerate his own body, and is of no use to objects. He doesn't know whether it is incapable of it or not developed enough.

"This strength is not bad compared to Iron Man, but the follow-up plot of Iron Man involves the Hulk and Hammer God, ah, no, Thor, with this strength, I can't persecute him as he wants."

He took out a notebook and slowly recorded the methods that could help him gain strength quickly.

For example, why go to Kamateki, but now that Gu Yi is not dead, who knows what Gu Yi thinks about him, what if he treats him as garbage?

For another example, go out to do some good deeds every night, help build more human-shaped steel bars at nearby construction sites, and earn some negative emotions.

But for steel bars, an average of two bars would only give you a few points. If he wanted to win a prize, he would have to carry out a massacre.

And this is too easy to be discovered by Snake and Shield. Although his strength is not bad now and he is enough to match the current SHIELD, he is not long-lasting after all. It is too early to persecute them now.

There are also options on paper such as Extremis Virus and Steel Armor.

As he wrote, his eyes were fixed on one place

"Dragon World"

It's still almost time before the plot of Iron Man 1. Now Tony is still lying at home playing with his weekly girl and not going to Afghanistan.

He doesn't plan to get involved in the plot of Afghanistan in Iron Man 1. The main reason is that he is still a gangster. It is really difficult to go to Afghanistan. He can't just use the rabbit charm to get there.

He plans to intervene in the second half of Iron Man 1, the part where Iron Overlord seizes power. That part is more maneuverable.

And there is still a long gap period in between, and he doesn't intend to waste this time.

"Then! It's up to you! Let's travel through! The world of dragons!"

"Ding, host Li Huohua traveled through the dragon world"

"Zhuo! Shut up! I'll say it again! My name is Li Ye!"

I hope all readers can continue reading,

By the way, I would like to ask for further reading, free investment, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets. Thank you all, grandpas.

The protagonist is a guy who is a little crazy and a little bit arrogant. This book will have a female protagonist, but it is not a stud book.

In addition, I am asking for a free investment again, as well as reading, collecting, recommendation votes, monthly tickets, and a free investment.

Please, the child really needs it,

If you have any comments, feel free to ask, I will answer them seriously!

Group number: 566898424

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