Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 222 The Strongest Second Generation

Xia Mi frowned and stared at Odin, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"You really put your ambition on your face, Odin."

At this moment, Odin looked at Xia Mi greedily.

"Of course, I can't wait to eat you."

Of course, Odin's eating is real eating. This is a complete dragon king. Of course, the guy without the dragon bone cross will have less ability.

"Then you are really a disgusting old thing."

Xia Mi stood up slowly and held the spear across his chest.

"Then let's see if you have this ability."

Odin burst out laughing: "Well, let's take a good look, Percy."

In an instant, Patsy, who turned into a beast, rushed towards Xia Mi. The speed and power were even more powerful than before.

"Damn it!! Li Bapi!! Why don't you get over here quickly? What are you doing!!!"

Although Xia Mi looks very relaxed on the outside, in fact, this guy's back quilt is covered in cold sweat. After all, one Patsy is enough for her, and now there is another Odin, and it is really too much for her to bear.

Now she can only pray that Li Ye can notice the danger on her side.

Fortunately, the current situation is that Odin is just playing around, occasionally firing two thunderbolts to attack Xia Mi, distracting Xia Mi, and it is Pasi who is fighting more.

At this time, the transport ship was already so anxious that it was smoking.

Mance kept shouting: "Come here!! Come here!!!"

Because counting time, they don’t have much oxygen left.

So they prepared to salvage the long line, but what came up was only a pile of garbage. As for Shutoku Aki and Ye Sheng, they didn't even see a hair.

"Damn it!! Damn it!!!"

Mance gritted his teeth and looked at the bottom of the water, his brows furrowed tightly.

"Here... sizz..."

"What? There's a sound!"

"Mentor!! Mentor!! Can you hear me? Can you hear me?"

Mance immediately replied: "Ye Sheng! Is it you Ye Sheng!!"

Underwater, in the Bronze City, Ye Sheng didn't know why, but now he had a signal, but the signal was very weak and would disappear as long as he moved away.

"Mentor! It's me... Zizi... We've lost our way now... Teacher, can you think of a way! We don't have much oxygen."

Ten minutes later, an emergency gathering alarm sounded in Kassel College

Countless students quickly gathered in a multimedia hall

Angers figure appeared in the middle, frowning

"Our executive commissioner has a serious problem and is trapped in Bronze City. Now we need your help to restore the scene in Bronze City. Can you do it?"

Lu Mingfei in the audience was dumbfounded: "What the hell? We've never been there, how can we restore it?"

Li Ye on the other side smiled: "I have no choice but to fool around."

Yes, these two guys are here too. Li Ye originally planned to play games with Lu Mingfei to kill time in Lu Mingfei's dormitory. He had no intention of coming here, but after thinking about it in the end, he couldn't protect Lu Mingze. If you lose your mind, you will really come here.

It would be interesting then

Everyone in the multimedia room began to use the computers in front of them, and the sound of crackling keyboards could be heard all the time.

Lu Mingfei was somewhat speechless. In his opinion, this thing was simply impossible.

"No, Sir Li, can they really do it?"

Li Ye smiled: "Only you can't imagine it, they can't do it, just like they can't imagine how you can deduce the entire map through a small landmark in StarCraft."

Lu Mingfei smiled sheepishly: "Sir Li, you are joking. I played too much, and knowing how to play StarCraft is of no use here."

Li Ye shook his head: "Don't belittle yourself. Everyone has their own usefulness. Even if they are useless, they can still make cement, right?"

"That's true. I still have enough strength. I can wait until the time comes to move bricks and cement at the construction site."

Li Ye smiled. It was a smile, a toothless smile. Lu Mingfei thought that cementing was probably a kind of beating at a construction site. What Li Ye was talking about was putting people into cement as steel bars.

“It’s really interesting”

Lu Mingfei looked at Li Ye: "Then Sir Li, what should we do now?"

Li Ye was happy: "Now, let's play interstellar now."

Lu Mingfei looked at the people around him looking at the computers in front of him anxiously, as if they were fighting a war, and now Li Ye actually asked him to play a game? Somewhat ridiculous

"Not so good..."

"The two of us are of no use here, let's just play games."

"Sir Li, there's nothing you can do?"

"Skills have specializations. I am good at opening a hole in Bronze City to allow these two people to escape, rather than giving them the entire map."


"So let's get started"

Lu Mingfei anxiously downloaded an interstellar game on his computer and started to connect with Li Ye.

At this moment, the two people in Bronze City looked at the low oxygen content and hugged each other.

"Actually, Aki, I have liked you for a long time."

"I know, me too"

"We two are really fools. There is no hope now."

"Don't be discouraged, Ye Sheng, there is hope, we have hope."

Both of them knew that their hopes were slim, but they still cheered each other up.

At this moment, Xia Mi was beaten to the point where he was no longer human.

She has released her little dragon girl form, but it is still of no use. Now she is lying on the wreckage of a ship, relying on the iron sheet behind her, with the spear given by Li Ye lying flat between her legs.

She looked at the big hole in her chest and the multiple penetrating wounds in her abdomen. If it weren't for her high muscle density, she would probably have leaked out by now.

"Ahem...Odin! Kill me!! Someone will take revenge for me!!!"

Blood flowed from the corners of her mouth. It was obvious that this guy was dead.

Odin looked at her jokingly and picked up the spear in her hand: "Is it the guy who gave you the spear? I have to say, this spear is indeed very well made, it looks like that, but All weapons are inferior to my Kunguni."

Odin was stunned. He didn't understand the craftsmanship of this spear. The strength of this thing was definitely far beyond ordinary people's imagination. He dared to swear in the name of a master alchemist that this was definitely not something ordinary people could make. thing

"Ahahaha! Ahem! Haha, he is countless times stronger than you!!!"

Xia Mi's lungs have been punctured, and her voice is now like a leaky bellows, full of hoarseness.

Odin's eyes were fixed on Xia Mi, and the spear in his hand was pointed at Xia Mi's head: "Tell me! Who made this weapon!!"

"It's me"

A young figure stood up from behind Odin, grabbing the tail of the spear to prevent it from falling.

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