Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 226: Mandarin ducks in the raging fire and deep pit

Xia Mi's eyes gradually became deeper, and his sight gradually drifted into the distance.

"Now... I should be a first-generation seed without rights. It's great..."

Li Ye looked at Xia Mi: "In other words, you still have the ability to use stress, and you also have alchemy, but you just don't have the power?"

Xia Mi's eyes returned to Li Ye: "Yeah, just like this, I will be a little weakling from now on~ Li Ye, please protect others~"

Li Ye kicked him up: "Damn it! Shut up!"

Xia Mi covered her chest and kept panting: "Ahem! Can you please be gentle!! I haven't recovered yet!!"

Li Ye smiled: "Oh, you are so fragile. How did you become an abandoned clan in the first place?"

Li Ye's words were indeed disrespectful and quite offensive. They revealed the scars on the other side and made Xia Mi stunned for a moment, but she finally spoke.

"Their whole family is studying alchemy, and I'm the only one playing with souls. If these guys can respect me, they sent me away."

Li Ye's hand touched her head, and his words were full of joking: "It's really pitiful~my little shrimp."

But Xia Mi just smiled: "Fortunately, you have you, now you have taken away my status, so now you are the abandoned clan, and I am just the young and beautiful Miss Xia Mi~"

Li Ye's hands and robe covered her eyes. He could not see the loneliness in her eyes, but could only see the smile on her mouth.

"A young lady who is over 10,000 years old, right?"

Xia Mi was anxious this time. He grabbed Li Ye's hand and bit it.

"Ouch!!! You are a dog!!!"

Xia Mi refused to let go, and Li Ye had no choice but to flick her away, trying to get rid of her. But at this time, Xia Mi finally behaved like a dragon king, with an amazing bite force.

After using up Jiuxia Erti's strength, this guy finally managed to pull it off.

"Good guy, you almost bit off some meat from me!"

Xia Mi carefully tasted the taste in his mouth, hummed, and then said to Li Ye: "What kind of species are you? There is no taste at all."

Li Ye hit her on the head with his fist, causing a big bruise. But before Li Ye could speak, Xia Mi said: "I know, I know, don't ask if you shouldn't ask."

But this time, Li Ye smiled evilly: "I can tell you that I am actually a demon from another world, specially here to plunder the power of this world, and you are just one of my victims,"

As he spoke, he turned around and said, "I have witnessed the rays of thousands of suns..."

But before he finished speaking, Xia Mi nodded directly: "I believe it."

Li Ye was stunned: "What do you believe? I was just bragging."

Xia Mi smiled: "Now I believe everything you said! My good Ge Ge"

Li Ye sighed: "It's boring. No one believed me when I told the truth before, but now some people believe me when I brag."

Xia Mi looked at Li Ye, still smiling: "You still owe me a promise, you won't forget it, right?"

Li Ye pinched the back of Xia Mi's neck and carried her in front of him. The two people looked at each other.

"I said I promised you if you stopped those guys, but you didn't stop them."

Xia Mi stared at Li Ye closely: "Then I won't teach you how to use the power of the King of Earth and Mountain."

Li Ye's eyes narrowed tightly. The use of this ability was accumulated by these guys for thousands of years. Li Ye's White King status has been studied for so long and he has only developed a few speech spirits. Of course, The most important thing may be that Li Ye's alchemy level is really not that good.

Now there is a guy who can teach specifically, which is really useful. Li Ye can even study how to use his white king status by analogy.

"Are you threatening me?"

Xia Mi smiled: "It's just to get back my own rights!"

Li Ye's eyes were still narrowed tightly: "Say it again!!"

"I said! You owe me a promise!"

Li Ye let go of Xia Mi's neck and stood up: "Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you. Why don't you just rescue your brother? I know, I will do it."

Xia Mi laughed evilly: "No! I don't need you to save my brother."

Li Ye was stunned at this time: "You don't need me to save your brother?"

"Of course, I have researched and understood that if you want to obtain the status of the Dragon King, you must kill the opponent. In other words, if you want to complete the earth and the mountain, you need to kill my brother. But if you want to learn how to be the king of the earth and the mountain, But you still need your brother's help, so you still need to resurrect him. Once dead and alive, he will naturally get out of trouble."

Li Ye's brows jumped up: "You are playing with fire! You dare to plot against me."

Xia Mi hugged Li Ye's waist and said, "Young man, Gege, what's the point of this conspiracy? Can't we both follow you in the future?"

Li Ye sighed: "Yes, yes, I'm afraid of you. Just consider it a small compensation for teaching me stress."

Seeing Li Ye deflated, Xia Mi's face burst into laughter. That's called a beauty.

At this moment, the fighting in the distance is getting more and more intense, because the security in the ancient country is still good, and one of these bounty hunters has a top-notch rifle.

On the other hand, there is everything.

But Mans was not happy at the moment. There was blood on the corner of his mouth and he was shot in the waist. He was still holding the walkie-talkie tightly in his hand, still thinking about the two students underwater, even though they might be in danger.

And in the underwater bronze city at the moment, Jiude Aki and Ye Sheng still couldn't find a way out. The dragon was still swimming in the bronze city, trying to find their location.

Ye Sheng held Jiude Aki's hand tightly and sighed: "This place is full of water, and there is no way to smell the smell. How did this guy find our location?"

Jiude Aki also held Ye Sheng's hand and smiled: "Stupid, you must not have listened carefully to Professor Guderian's class. They searched according to the elements. Others'

"Haha, you really are..."

Through the diving goggles, Ye Sheng saw Jiude Aki's already embarrassed face. Sweat made her hair cover her head, which looked quite embarrassed

"Haha, you look so ugly now"

Jiude Aki also looked at Ye Sheng, her eyes were already full of bloodshot, which looked quite scary

"You are not much stronger! Bad guy Ye Sheng! Like an old man"

"Then you are an old woman"


The two people quarreled with each other. They were not stupid, but felt that there was no hope. They were like two guys who already knew their fate and had given up everything. Only each other was left in front of them.

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